
Sensation Seeking Stereotypes

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Sensation seeking is known as the seeking varied, novel, complex, and intense sensations and experiences, and the willing to take risks in physical or social, or legal and financial for the experiences (Kruschwitz& Lueken & Walter & Paulus, 2013). Researchers wanted to see if there were correlation between body state and cognitive/affective processes that affect behavioral outcomes. Researchers use exteroceptive stimulus that show the responses from outside of the world. Both genders were measured from heart rate or skin conductance to see the differences between high-sensation and low-sensation. Both genders were measured on three levels of breathing resistance. The purpose of the study was to find whether interoceptive sensations had a strong influence on risk-taking behaviors in sensational seeking. In the journal, previous studies have reported the results of questionnaire measures of sensation-seeking showed the sex differences. For instance, men tend to have higher average scores than women (Cross & De-Laine & Brown, 2013). However, the researchers’ definition of sensation-seeking is that it is a personality that desires to experience intense experiences even if there are risks involved. ¬ Researchers want to examine to see if sex differences in sensation-seeking would vary if using meta-analytic techniques. This measure …show more content…

Excessively, most males show traits of higher impulsive sensation seeking compared to females. Researchers wanted to measure the differences between gender and sensation seeking in performance on Iowa Gambling Task when they make decisions. The hypothesis is that individuals who are not sensitive to losing dues to impulsive sensation seeking can lead to financial gain. Women showed variety response patterns on the Iowa Gambling Task that give the impression to be moderated by occurrence of

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