
Separation Of Church And State

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Separation of Church and State
The United States of America has its history written in religion. Religion and government are important topics in almost every citizen’s daily life. The act of extrication religion and politics has been a complicated topic for many years. Because the United States of America has so many roots in religion, many political figures prey on the religious beliefs in their civil duties as a public servant. According to the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, “Throughout the nation’s history, political and social movements- from abortion to women’s suffrage to civil rights- have drawn upon religious institutions for moral authority, inspirational leadership and organizational muscle.” The United States has a long standing tradition of separating church and state but almost all politicians run on a campaign that encompasses many religious ideals. According to Pew recent elections more than ever have had religion deeply woven into the fabrics of politics. Religion has found its way into almost all of the fabrics of our lives and has been leaking its way into one thing that was originally supposed to be kept separate. This controversy even dates back to twenty- three B.C and can be found deep in the roots of the Roman Empire, can be found in the constitution, but for America to be a “Land of the Free”, the practice of church and state intermingling must stop.

The idea of Church and State has roots dating thousands of years ago. The first

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