
Separation Of The Constitution And The Bill Of Rights

Decent Essays

The United States Constitution was established in 1787. This was needed to help establish America’s government. “The national government was comprised of a single legislature, the Congress of the Confederation; there was no president or judicial branch.” (History. com Staff) The Articles of Confederation gave Congress power to do many things such as control war and money. This was created during the American Revolution and served as America’s first Constitution. This was needed because this was a time where citizens were leaving Britain and we were trying to get our freedom. Back in 1765, many Americans were getting frustrated with Britain since they had just placed the Stamp Act which put a tax on any paper item. Then, in 1773, the …show more content…

Rhode Island didn’t even attend the Convention because it didn’t want a major government system. Two years later, in 1789, the Bill of Rights was proposed but not actually put into effect until 1791. The Bill of Rights are the first ten amendments that help protect the rights of each individual person. The reason for the Bill of Rights not being added into the Constitution right away is because Federalists disagreed with the idea of a Bill of Rights, while Anti-Federalists agreed with the idea to put in the Bill of Rights. Today, the Constitution serves many purposes, and because of the decisions made in history, there is a chance that it could not be as easy to work and fix government affairs if it did not exist. Overall, the Constitution is something that helps to keep our governmental systems running in order, giving a list of the laws and rules for people to follow. With people following the Constitution, it can be easier to have things such as fair trials. In a trial, a judge can determine a punishment on whether or not the person was following the Constitution. Over the years, the Constitution has helped us grow our country into what it is

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