
Essay on September Eleventh Forever Changed My World

Decent Essays

September Eleventh Forever Changed My World

It was an early autumn morning in early September in the year of 2001. The day started off like any other at that time of the year, getting up really early in the morning, cursing the gods because high school had to start so early. After eventually waking up enough to drive into school, I would fly down the road picking up all my friends and then all of us having to run into the building because we tried to milk those last minutes of sleep every morning. It certainly started out just like any other day at that time in my life.

Once school started, it again seemed like a normal day in the life of a high school student. This was all until third period. That year I had study hall third …show more content…

As the day wore on we pretty much just watched the news during every period, it was truly riveting television because everybody was glued to info spewing from the screen. Teachers, students, administrators, we were all in the dark, but we were in the dark together and there was a certain comfort in that. But that comfort soon turned to a vast array of different emotions. I can vividly remember sitting there watching the news and just feeling chills roll over my body, I was speechless, I didn’t know what to say or do or how to act. That comfort that we all felt before we knew what really went on soon turned to a sense of utter helplessness and confusion.

My parent’s generation’s first real powerful memory was that of Kennedy being assassinated, my grandparents before them recalled the United States diving into world war two. My generation has the unfortunate distinction of having our first truly earth changing event in our memory that of the crisis that was September Eleventh. It will forever be embedded in a sad corner of my memory. I can remember having the next day off of school. It wasn’t for the attacks, our school just was found to have ecolii in the water system so they had to shut down school for a day and clean out the system. It was probably the best thing that could have happened to our school community. The time off gave us all a chance to watch the news

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