
Septic System Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

There a number of myths surrounding things you can add to your septic system, additives that will supposedly allow you to go longer between pump outs, or inspections. While some of these may help slightly, none should take the place of a regular inspection by a certified septic service.

Fact of the matter is, most of these additives and quick fixes do little to help your septic system and some actually can make matters worse. Here are three of the most common myths and why you should avoid using them.

Extra Bacteria

Every time you flush your toilet you add enough good bacteria to keep your septic tank functioning properly. There is simply no need to spend your money to buy bacteria to add to your septic system. When there is an overabundance of …show more content…


Pouring yeast into your septic system is another myth that has little or no practical benefit. While some bacteria will feed on the yeast, it does nothing to promote good bacteria in your septic tank.

Think about how adding one cup of salt to the ocean would make the water saltier. This is about the same analogy as adding the recommended amount of yeast to your sewer system. So, Adding yeast to your septic tank is basically a waste of your time, effort and money.

Baking Soda

The usefulness of baking soda added to homemade cleaning solutions is another one of the septic tank myths that has ballooned out of proportion. True enough, mixing a little baking soda in chlorine based cleaners can help reduce the adverse affects these harsh chemicals have on the good bacteria in your septic tank, but simply adding baking soda all by itself, will do absolutely nothing.

Besides the three mythical cures just mentioned, septic professionals do not recommend adding anything to your septic system. Additives are not necessary for the proper operation of your septic

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