
Septuagint: The New Testament

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The word bible comes from the Greek word Biblia meaning books. Ta Biblia, meaning, the books, was, used by Hellenistic Jews to refer to their sacred book, the Septuagint, in particular. Septuagint was the Greek version of the Hebrew Scriptures. The word bible itself was, not found in any book of the bible. Bible is, divided into Old and New Testament. The Old Testament comprises stories about an ancient covenant between Yahweh and the Hebrews as revealed to Moses. The New Testament includes stories and teachings about a new covenant between God and humanity based on the life of Jesus Christ, the son of God. Different human authors, mostly Hebrews, many of them unknown, wrote the bible. These sacred writers write under the inspiration and guidance …show more content…

Then will have spiritual understanding and God can use us to bless others. I think the Word of God is important to us as Christians for several reasons; it provides light and comfort, it is a sanctifying agent and, it is a weapon to be used to advance the Kingdom of God, fight off temptation and cast down everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.
The Word of God is our comfort and affliction (Psalm 19: 49-50). Jesus told his disciples “in this world you will have tribulation” (John 16:33). Tribulation is a time for exercising patience. (Romans 12:12) Patience produces character and character produces hope. (Romans 5:3-5) Exercising patience in tribulation demonstrates our love for God. It is also a means of avoiding further disaster. (James 1:4). The Word of God teaches us the righteous have many afflictions. However, God delivers us from all of those afflictions.
The word of God sanctifies us. The Word of God sanctifies individual, when they are born again. This is because they become born again by believing the word that was, preached to them. (Mark 16:16) Becoming born again separates individuals from the world because they are now new creations in Christ

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