Last Friday, Serene State University celebrated it commencement ceremony. The event attendance broke university records with 832 graduates, with about 350 of them being first-generation college graduates. The total number of assistance reach 6,873 people. SSU president, Dr. Lott, introduced the speaker, “This man is a great Texan, and a great friend of Serene State University. We would not be able to operate as we do without his support in the Texas Legislature.” The spring commencement speaker was P. N. Barrell, representative of Serendipity County and a small section of the adjoining county in the Texas House of Representatives. Barrell’s speech intended to challenge the graduates to leave their comfort zones and create change. He said,
On Sunday, May 23, 1999, Anna Quindlen made the Commencement Speech at Mount Holyoke College. During this speech, Quindlen spoke out to graduates, offering encouragement and advice as they prepared to join the workforce. Her intension was to inform them of perfection, people’s standards, and being you. Quindlen uses examples from her life to fulfill her purpose.
Ken Paxton, a Republican, who has served in the house since 2002, and in 2012 he was elected into the Senate. He is a well-known for his dedication and devotion to the values that founded America. He has shown great courage in his political agenda for the state of Texas. His father was an Air Force veteran, and a great leader with respect in high regard of the Constitution. In the beginning of his first term, Paxton was doing a phenomenal job. He won eight different lawsuits against the federal government to preserve the sovereignty of Texas. He covered the environment, healthcare, religious freedom, and immigration.
On October 28th, 2015, Lone Star College of Kingwood hosted an event called the human library. It was held on campus for students who were interested to participate. The human library was created for students to gain knowledge of obstacles individuals experienced in life, such as living in the south as a black woman in the 1950’s, being homeless, and being a religion that is frowned upon in society. The purpose of the event is to teach students about other cultures, social classes, and hardship. The speakers inform our generation their own personal experience rather than information in a text book.
The document that I selected to analyze is document 25-1. Document 25-1 was a speech made by Former President Franklin D. Roosevelt that addressed Congress in 1941. The reason as to why the document was written, was because Former President Franklin D. Roosevelt was explaining to Congress how the feelings felt by the Americans the day after Pearl Harbor. A historical theme that relates to this is the United States involvement in the Second World War. Before the attack, many Americans made it clear that they did not want to be involved in another foreign war. Former President Franklin D. Roosevelt did his best to not involve Americans in another foreign war, however, after the Japanese surprise attack l on Pearl Harbor, eased the American hesitations
On April 21st, Dr. Saxe held a panel discussion that lasted an hour and 30 minutes. All type of people that work at the local and state level went there, from people running for different districts to the state representative, Chris Turner. During this panel of discussion, 8 persons had the time to introduce themselves, what they’re running for, and what they would do if they get elected. This was a great day for this class because we had the opportunity to interact with people who holds positions in the state of Texas, giving us another view of how things work in Texas.
In 2010, Dr. Marc Lamont Hill was the commencement speaker for California State University, Stanislaus. This speech was addressed to the graduating class of 2010, their friends and family who were attending the ceremony, the California State University, Stanislaus faculty and staff, and people who may have not been able to attend the ceremony, but were able to watch it on a DVD recording. This speech was intended to congratulate the graduates and offer them advice as they enter into the “real world” post-graduation. However, the speech also had to address the family and friends of the graduates and the university’s faculty and staff, since they presumably made a difference in the lives of the graduates.
David Foster Wallace talks about how the commencement speakers should speak about why they were chosen to give the speech. And why they are where they are basically how the college has made them accomplish. Every graduation anyone has ever been too everyone always belittles the commencement speeches
Wangari Muta Maathai was awarded the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Norway, delivering her acceptance speech to not only those in Oslo City Hall, but it was also televised for the world to witness. Her speech mentions several problems the world faces, especially in her home country of Kenya and all of Africa. She was an environmentalist and an activist who wanted to do more than offer a speech, but to provide a solution which she believed anyone would be able to contribute in. The speech, if the audience was not nearly as formal and Maathai’s approach was less memorized, could have made a far better impact than what it did. However, with the use of emotional appeal and taking advantage of her credibility, Wangari Muta Maathai delivered a speech well done for her needs to at the least mention what she believes is truly a situation which must be handled.
In the recording of Emily's practice speech, she states that learning English is important because this will allow her to go to a university. Considering that both of her parents are attending graduate school and Emily is thinking about higher education at such a young age suggests that her motivation level is exceptionally high. Her home country, Korea, supports educational success through the idea that education defines one's socioeconomic status, health, and level of independence ( Considering that her parents are both attending graduate school, they may have limited time to help Emily develop strong English skills in reading and writing. In addition to this, they are not learning the same English vocabulary that Emily needs
Bernard Harris was asked to deliver a commencement speech at WPI Graduation in 2015 for the graduates of Wocrester Poolytechnic Univeristy. From start to finish, Benards speech was well organized, backed by strong and exciting message to the graduates on how continue their way into the world after graduation. Humor is what carried the center stage in speech delivery, and the audience enjoyed the funny comments within the speech that were made by Bernard. He also tells the graduates of how respected they are and that everyone is proud of the graduates of 2015, and that he soley, was simply pleased with them: “To the graduates of 2015, I will just simply say that I’m very proud of you. I know that your parents are proud of you. The family
When I arrived on campus, just 22 months ago, I was astounded by the genuine Kent State University community that welcomed me with open arms and kind hearts. There was no better evidence of this than the unconditional and overwhelming support I have received over the last month. I continue to be deeply moved by the outpouring of thoughtful well wishes from so many students, parents, faculty, staff, alumni and community members. Your empathy and caring messages of encouragement remind me of just how grateful I am, and how fortunate we all are, to be part of this truly special
Jesse Jackson Sr. indeed came to Montevallo High on March 3, 2017, to unite us as a whole by teaching the student body about the rough times he had with the Civil Rights Movement.
As you may already know, or will learn as I continue to post here, I am immensely proud to be a member of the Pace University community. I recently wrote about how honored I was to speak at the commencement for the class of 2015. Since earning both of my degrees in the ‘80s at Pace, I’ve always felt compelled to give back to the institution that gave me so much. Be it serving as an Adjunct Professor, Executive in Residence and/or a Lecturer in Residence, it is important to educate the young members of the Pace community just like I received at their age.
As UNLV Graduates its 2016 Spring class, its commencements speakers offer words of community and impact
Anwesh Man Baisyat Professor Sharifian Texas Government 13 November 2017 The Victory After all the campaigns and struggles, I am at the final stage of preparation. If I get nominated as Texas Senate of District 9, I will work for the better of my district, state and my nation.