
Servant Leadership Scholarship Essay

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I define myself most essentially by my compassion for servant leadership. To me, servant leadership is the act of leading a group with the intent of putting others first in pursuit of development and idea-sharing. I may not be the most knowledgeable in a certain subject, but I always strive to be the most passionate about learning that subject and finding how the my new insight can be used to make an impact in others’ lives, be it through simply relaying the message or by changing how I interact with the people in my life. By combining volunteerism and leadership, I have witnessed the impact that personally helping others has, and I do my best every single day to help others in need of assistance and inspire others to do the same.

Since sophomore year, I have been involved in Mu Alpha Theta, a mathematics honors society for high school students, in which members tutor others struggling in math courses. Helping others succeed in something they had such difficulty with with was so personally gratifying to me that when I moved high schools, I founded a Mu Alpha Theta chapter at my new school. Additionally, in my school’s Chemistry Club, members collectively put together a demonstration show for elementary school students; few things inspired me more than seeing …show more content…

Since then, I have been heavily involved with my local Rotary Interact club, doing a variety of service work for the Frisco community and schools. Being a part of the world’s longest-lasting service organization has further changed the way I see servant leadership. With a strong background in mathematics and science, I wish to use those strengths to help make the world a better place and inspire others to do the same; the expansive STEM field means I have ample opportunities to make a lasting impact

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