
Servant Leadership Theory Essay

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Emerging Leaders, Doctoral Learners and the like may face many obstacles on the way to completion of their course work in pursuit of obtaining a post graduate degree. Moreover, learners will strive towards achieving a modicum of success while advancing both the theory and practice of leadership principles. Doctoral students have a zeal and a zest for researching the truth about the knowledge of an unknown topic as there is also a noticeable increase in the interest of Greenleaf’s (1977) servant leadership theory. Leadership is usually developed out of uncertain realities and issues that burst forward causing the individual to be stretched in areas he or she normally would not be exposed too and evidence of the leader emerges out of the need to be productive as opposed to being destructive. Essentially, the student argues for spiritual leadership theory, servant leadership, and being-centered leadership by discovering the concepts of positive well-being (psychological, spiritual, and physical) ascribed through scientific research; ethical well- being then arises out of the values, positive attitudes, and behaviors. …show more content…

The purpose of the paper is to help the student investigate the analytical aspects of servant leadership, spiritual leadership, and being-centered leadership while addressing the differences and common attributes in each of the primary components in the leadership

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