Emerging Leaders, Doctoral Learners and the like may face many obstacles on the way to completion of their course work in pursuit of obtaining a post graduate degree. Moreover, learners will strive towards achieving a modicum of success while advancing both the theory and practice of leadership principles. Doctoral students have a zeal and a zest for researching the truth about the knowledge of an unknown topic as there is also a noticeable increase in the interest of Greenleaf’s (1977) servant leadership theory. Leadership is usually developed out of uncertain realities and issues that burst forward causing the individual to be stretched in areas he or she normally would not be exposed too and evidence of the leader emerges out of the need to be productive as opposed to being destructive. Essentially, the student argues for spiritual leadership theory, servant leadership, and being-centered leadership by discovering the concepts of positive well-being (psychological, spiritual, and physical) ascribed through scientific research; ethical well- being then arises out of the values, positive attitudes, and behaviors. …show more content…
The purpose of the paper is to help the student investigate the analytical aspects of servant leadership, spiritual leadership, and being-centered leadership while addressing the differences and common attributes in each of the primary components in the leadership
The two theories that I chose to do my self-assessment by are the authentic leadership theory and the servant leadership theory. The authentic leadership theory was chosen due to my desire to stay true to who I am and what I stand for. However, the servant leadership theory was chosen because of my desire to meet the needs of others while doing what I can to help others succeed as well as meet their set goals. Being a servant while being authentic are the traits I want in my style of leadership and are assessed throughout this paper along with my strengths and weaknesses in the area of leadership.
Traditional theories of leadership include the great man, power bases, skills approach, style approach, contingency, and path-goal theories. Those are all very objectively based, not looking at the individual’s experiences, wants, needs, and idiosyncrasies. Then the emerging leadership theories came along, viewing leaders as unique individuals, instead of positions within an organization. These theories are relationship-heavy, focusing on the interactions between the leaders and the followers as something fragile, instead of surface-level. There has been a movement within management and leadership theories over the past century that focuses on the intangibles – trust, loyalty, respect, etc. of leadership. One that is gaining
Michelle’s life embodies the idea of a person who has the x-factor, she shows that leadership is something that is developed over time and learned through experiences. The x-factor is when individuals in a society spark creativity, it is a multi-discipline that borrows and synthesis existing intellectual resources to generate new ones and approach causation. (Burns, 2003). Michelle is a prime example of the ideals of the x-factor that crates a leader.
Servant leadership is the management philosophy at Pervasive Solutions. From the perspective of a middle manager, this is a description of how the leadership team at Pervasive Solutions uses the servant leadership philosophy to lead, make decisions, lead change, and to motivate the employees to succeed. According to Hellriegel, Jackson and Slocum (2008), “the relationship between leaders and subordinates is reinforced by the concept of servant leadership” (p. 56). Nayab, N. (n.d.) stated, “The servant leader always looks at the good in others and remains patient and forgiving. Servant leadership creates strong loyalty and inspiration that helps organizations develop and retain human capital. They see things from others perspective,
Transformational and servant leadership are rooted in the study of charismatic leadership. An early conceptual model of "charismatic leadership" has been closely linked with the work of Max Weber, who described the leader as a charismatic person who exercised power through followers' identification with and belief in the leader's personality. Both transformational and servant leadership are both inspirational and moral.
The foundation of my personal leadership philosophy can be found in the principles of servant leadership as spelled out by Greenleaf (1970, 1977). Leadership is granted to individuals who are by nature servants. An individual emerges as a leader by first becoming a servant. Servant leaders attend to the needs of those they serve and help them become more informed, free, self-sufficient, and like servants themselves. Leaders and those they serve improve, enhance, and develop each other through their connection. A leader must also be conscious of inequalities and social injustices in the organizations they serve and work actively to resolve those issues. Servant leaders rely less on the use of official power and control, but focus on empowering those they
A leader can be appointed because of their charisma, position, and influence. They are able to complete the assigned task based on their innate abilities. Quiet leaders however, focus on virtues and values instead of innate abilities. The quiet leader has influence regardless of their formal position. Servant leadership and steward leadership are two Biblical images of leadership. These two leadership styles can make an impact in the how an educational institution achieves its vision and people develop. The virtues of quiet leadership: modesty, restraint, tenacity, interdependence and other centeredness are embraced through servant and steward leadership.
You pose a great question; how does one go about sharing the our knowledge regarding servant leadership without detracting from respect, responsibility, accountability, and if needed authority? I believe that the answer lyes in ones personal values and demeanor. For example, as a nurse I serve people every day, putting their needs above my own while showing them respect and empathy among other principles of servant leadership; yet I am still able to retain respect from my peers and patients. I believe that the principles of servant leadership when applied at the right time and place is imperative to retaining respect, responsibility, accountability, and authority. To help others understand servant leadership principles, I would be
In the approach on general leadership characteristics, the fundamental difference is authentic leaderships strive to be “real”, whereas servant leaders strive to be “right.” Servant leadership is a style that lays down a set of characteristics that all leaders are supposed to emulate to attain success, and tries to shape the character and personality of the leader. On the other hand, authentic leaders tend to rely on their own unique set of experiences and style that has been learned and developed throughout their career. The main difference between servant and authentic styles, when applying into practice, is the serving of others. One of the primary applications is to give priority to the interest of others. Servant leaders exercise their duty
The Colangelo College of Business focuses our graduate formation in three principal concepts that are: ethics, entrepreneurship and servant leadership. Ethics is a system of moral principles that each individual has. According to James Pasztor ethics is something that we need to constantly keep working on and it is something very personal. Ethics is not a set of rules and it cannot be governed by our fillings. As ethical human beings we are fiduciary meaning that we should always look for the client’s well-being instead of our own well-being.
The relationship between EI and leadership is not new one, studies attribute it to more than 100 hundred year ago (McCleskey, 2014). Therefore, the following review focuses on the new trend only (from 2008) to craft the modern wave of the relationship between EI and leadership.
Servant Leadership is a specific leadership style that focuses on the servant, rather than the leader. In this paper, I will discuss how Servant Leadership can be applied to the nursing practice. This will be explored through definitions, history, and major concepts. I will also integrate Servant Leadership’s function into the nursing practice. Lastly, I will examine my own personal growth on the application of leadership in nursing.
As written in the lines above, employee engagement has a significant impact on an employee and their engagement. Although there has been many articles and research written about leadership and servant leadership, in this study, it will provide and overview, key traits and influences that servant leaders use in collaboration to address significant problems with strategy and other individuals. Therefore, how do managers and leaders facilitate the engagement of their employees? Leaders do this through their leadership style. In 1970, Robert K. Greenleaf identified servant-leadership, which was different from the traditional views of leadership. According to Greenleaf, “The servant-leader is a servant first. Servant
Servant leadership from a Christian perspective is a replica of what Jesus Christ symbolizes. Jesus was a servant because he showed truth, vision, humility, commitment, teacher to his followers, and brought about change; he was a suffering servant, yet was merciful, he was a teacher, yet willing to be taught by the Holy Spirit. “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.”
Management should focus on building a workplace and culture of employment certainty and employee self worthiness to best felicitate a low stress, highly productive environment. Being a servant manager, others takes precedence over self. A servant manager wishes to create a good working relationship with customers, employees and upper management to create a positive and edifying corporate experience for all involved. It is a managers responsibility to ensure profitability for the company and owners by producing a product quickly and inexpensively. Producing is not a managers only concern. The human element is the greatest asset to any company and maybe the greatest overlooked resource a company has at their disposal. The practice of-- just