Service Learning Project When I began my Civics class, thinking it potentially difficult and boring, I did not initially look forward to this project. However, as I did each activity, I found myself enjoying each and every one. From sitting in a board meeting to collecting trash, I discovered something new in all of the ways I volunteered. Not only did the people I volunteered for gain something through my service, but I feel that I gained a lot as well.
The first activity I completed was observing a Davidson County School Board meeting on the topic of an information breach that occurred. I took notes throughout the meeting and supported every teacher that spoke about their concerns. Collecting trash around the Ledford High School campus, both the football and baseball stadiums on two different occasions, was the next activity I completed. I then helped to paint a set for the Ledford Production of The Music Man. When the Special Olympics was held at Ledford, I decided to use that opportunity to become a buddy. I took the athlete and his family that I was paired with around to the different games that were offered, and got him water and snacks when he needed it. I was also a buddy for multiple athletes at the Miracle League of High Point. I assisted and encouraged each child as they batted, ran the bases, and played in the outfield in every game. I chose to attend the School Board meeting because I was interested to see how the release of Davidson County employee information affected their lives. My mother is a teacher, and I was curious if other employees shared her concerns
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I truly hope that the services I did provided even the smallest amount of help to my community, because I enjoyed every minute of it. Although I was not looking forward to this project, I would definitely do it again and I will continue to volunteer in the
From day one my mom taught me that you will get more satisfaction giving to and helping others than you ever will by just doing things for yourself. I truly believe this. Volunteering to teach swimming lessons, organizing recycled items, and visiting the nursing home are all things I have been involved in and doing each of those I have learned more and more about how important service is. Just recently my classmates and I helped an elderly woman move all of her belongings out of her home and into the 4H building for an auction. The 4H building is on the fairgrounds where I have volunteered to clean up every spring for the last 3 years. Service is very important but also very rewarding. I look toward to doing more service projects in the
While volunteering at Discovery Challenger I have exclusively worked with a blind man named Geno. My service to the Discovery Challenger Program has positively affected the community in that the athletes that required a helper were able to have me as one despite the limited number of volunteers who helped the athletes. Another community service I committed myself to while in high school was the club Life is Delicious. Life is Delicious is a club that between two and three times Year members of the club cook a warm meal at the high school, and then some go to the St. Vincent DePaul Homeless Shelter in Waterbury. At the end of my sophomore year I was named Co-President of the club. As a member of the club I went to all of the cooking and serving activities and was able to help the homeless of Waterbury by giving them a warm meal. The most impactful service I performed in my opinion was during my junior year when I was the organizer for the Penguin Plunge. During my junior year I thought that it would be a good idea for the basketball team to do the Penguin Plunge in order to raise money for Special Olympics Connecticut as I had done so in the previous two years. So, I approached the athletic director
I decided to start volunteering at the local humane society because I’ve always been really passionate about animals and wanted to start benefiting them in the community. Prior to my service I was delighted because I’ve wanted to start volunteering for years and was glad the opportunity had presented itself. Throughout my experience I learned a great deal and met a lot of new people. Even though I’ve only just started serving my time at the Fox Valley Humane Association I can truly see the difference it has made in the community.
Participating in this service learning writing assignment, Dortha Bare, Jordan Felver, my partner, and I all seemed excited but also nervous of meeting each other. Jordan and I had prepared our questions and assignment thoroughly. Our motivations seemed confident and well prepared in retrieving answers and getting to know Dortha that day. Incentive approaches to motivation are theories suggesting that motivation stems from the desire to attain external rewards, known as incentives (Feldman, 289). For example, grades, money, affection, and food are incentives. I believe this is the method that we used to obtain a new friendship with Dortha and to receive a college grade. Intrinsic motivation causes us to participate in an activity for our own
A service-learning project would be amazing to have in Crawford County High School. New things are what make a great county. This county needs a service-learning project. The service-learning project that Crawford County High School needs is to tutor younger children.
I have had the opportunity to volunteer for the All Major Career Fair. I have volunteered many times before, but never had the opportunity to do a career fair. I have found through the experience that I need to volunteer more often. Before I volunteered for this career fair, I have not volunteered in a while. Whenever the Kennesaw State has another career fair I will definitely take the time out to volunteer on my own.
In her article entitled " Using service learning to teach classic learning theories ", Sheafer (2014) tells us about a research project of a psychology course at the LeTourneau University which required 19 enrolled students to participate in service learning assignment. Service learning is an educational approach that contributes to the learning of students through involving them in providing an organized voluntary services to the community. The project aims at letting students see empirically verified service learning concepts and related learning theories in actions and reflect on their experience with applying them to real life situations. The project included a three-hour community service followed by a survey of services provided as well
Ever since I began my service learning project I have learned more about myself and social work as a profession. I have also been challenged by being paired with a client that is completely different than me. Dr. Sue Atwood has lived a very different life than me and views the world differently than I do. The diversity between Dr. Sue Atwood and myself is something that I truly enjoy. After realizing how beautiful diversity is, the competency that would best be applied to my service learning project would be engaging diversity and difference in practice. This competency is something that I have had to master since I began my service learning project. Dr. Sue Atwood and her husband Dr. Wesley Atwood lived a wonderful life together. They traveled
Volunteering has further helped me to become the person I am today. It has allowed me to learn from people both older and younger than me widening my knowledge of the
This volunteer experience has changed my view on service learning. I now realized there different levels of service. Although in class we read about the different kinds of services, I did not quite understand the difference until I analyzed my own service learning. This experience was definitely more of a charity act, since I feel like I helped a bigger organization with their goal, and they essentially made the difference with a bit of my help. I feel like I am just a small part of the big plan to help those with intellectual disabilities. After this experience I was able to compare it with previous volunteer work and this experience felt a lot less personal. Previous to this I volunteered at Sunrise Hospital and there I was able to tend to patient’s needs. I was actually able to connect with them by speaking to them about what they were going through and sharing my thoughts with them.
My Service Learning Project is being done in a Title 1 high school that is terminal for major discipline issues. The students cut class, curse out teachers, smoke, do drugs, walk out of class, pull out electronic items such as cell phones etc. right in the middle of class, and at any time a group of students will run up in a teacher’s class and attack another student at the drop of a dime. As we walk about anywhere on the school grounds, at any time, a big gang brawl may break out. I mean they beat the blood out of one another. There is currently a PBIS program in place; however, discipline at this school is hard to work with because there are so many individuals that need help. I talked to the principal about some of the issues and was told
My heart started to beat rapidly while my eyes darted around the room, deliberately avoiding the context on the board. My 7th grade elective, Service Learning, stretched me way beyond my comfort zones! Whenever I was in this classroom, we were encouraged to participate in heated discussions, watch long slideshows and intense videos. My deep empathy towards others influenced me to not join in on the conversations; knowing if I were to start talking, my emotions would overcome my ability to stay calm. After a couple of classes, my eyes started to rise from the ground to the board; seeing pictures of men and women, old and young huddled together with tears streaming down their cheeks. Standing behind barb wire fences were separated family and friends, and in rickety boats where the Syrians’ in their vibrant orange life jackets stood out to me.
I chose to attend the touring session because I had a class from 11:00 am to 12:15 Pm. It was my first time leading a tour, and it was a good experience for me as a first-year college student because from that event I have learned how to lead a group and give a good information about the building/places we been together with the high school students as a group. That even also made me to consider the places I hadn’t been before, but I heard about them. Participating in that event was a very amazing because I was able to make a connection with the high school students. During the event, I felt like I am getting connected with the community I am living in because
Service-learning is a new phenomenon that many colleges, communities, and organizations are becoming deeply involved with. With this being so new there are many definitions and perceptions about service-learning. With multiple perspectives on this community-building program there is one outcome; students gain insightful experience into the workforce in building their communities up. Often this is also referred to as experiential learning. By coupling classroom instruction to the real world experiences the students gains a much better viewing point than ever before. This provides a pathway to success for the student in the community. Service-learning has helped and will continue to help students find the work that they like to build a future for themselves. This
The next service project I did was working at United Methodist Church soup kitchen over the summer with my friend, Raegan. This service included making food for the people, serving it to them, and cleaning up after. This project included different obstacles, like having to deny hungry people