This contract clearly states that all represented under the company “ Seven57sounds” will have an equal opportunity and equal treatment. There will be no bias or favoritism shown in this company. All tracks that are on the Seven57sounds SoundCloud are first come first serve. You will not have complete and total rights over any of the tracks on the SoundCloud or made for the employee of Seven57sounds. You will have rights to use the track and promote it, but I will still have ownership over the track, thus meaning that both our names will be on the song as you as the artist, a co-producer if one collaborated on the track, and me as the main producer ( a writer may be added if applicable ). The artists or producers of Seven57sounds may promote themself at …show more content…
Consult your superiors when requesting a track or to start a project, mixtape, or album. Songs with more than one artist are allowed and encouraged in Seven57sounds. There may be times when I or another superior suggest someone to feature on a song, words for a hook or chorus, or give tips to better your performance. Superiors may also give writers the topic to write on. Cursing in songs should not be excessive. In Seven57sounds we focus on the message of our songs and what people will get out of our songs, not just having something catchy. If you have any suggestions for the company or for any talent you know of that may be interested in the company you may contact your superiors and inform them. All suggestions shall be heard out. Anyone involved in a song or album that profit is received will get a certain percent of the profit. Percentages will vary due to the situation, how many people are involved, and the profit received to said project. The company is still growing and any ideas, promotions, and possible business deals will help you as well as the company. This business should be taken seriously and is not to be viewed as a
Florida’s construction defect statutes, F.S. 558.001 was created to set up procedures to reduce the caseload and resulting costs to the state for the Florida Courts. In 2003, a statutory procedure was put in place requiring residential construction owners to meet certain requirements before they could be entitled to file a lawsuit or a demand for arbitration due to construction defects. The requirements included a notice of defect and opportunity to cure procedure. Later, in 2006, the statute was amended again to include all construction and not just residential.
I received a claim that Mr. Pisterman has exclusive rights to distribute your records that you perform as an artist Dyablo. That would suggest that you have some kind an exclusive artist agreement with Aries. When you signed this agreement, did Mr. Pisterman gave $9000 in the first year, and $12,000 in the second year, and 15,000 in the third year of a contract? The California law requires the minimum compensation to make that kind of agreement valid. So, one more time. Did Mr. Pisterman give $9000 in the year that you signed this agreement? This not includes any payments that you received for the digital distribution of your albums.
The Mariners is a co-ed adult team in the Marin Co-ed Soccer league located in Marin County. The Marin Co-ed Soccer league was founded in 1986, and ten years later team Mariners was established. The mission of the organization is to create a positive atmosphere where soccer lovers of various adult ages are able to participate in games and engage with others alike. The Mariners has had over forty members throughout its active years. Team member ages range from twenty years of age to sixty. There are about twelve to fourteen active weekly members whom participate regularly in Saturday games. There is a team leader, Diane, who holds the responsibility with the Mariners, as well as the league, to send out game schedules and weekly email reminders.
The Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada (SOCAN) is a non-profit organization that represents the Canadian performing rights of millions of music creators and publishers all over the world. Its predecessors have been in Canada since 1925 but was officially founded in 1990. In this paper, you will learn about SOCAN and how it operates, their goal and purpose, and how to become a member and how it will benefit you and even the rest of Canada. Eric Baptiste (CEO of SOCAN) is one of the most influential leaders in the music industry. With all his experience in the music industry it is no wonder why the organization has grown its membership base and increased the number of organizations licensed to use music to record-high
This business plan will go through the process of producing an album through to the launch party. This will include rehearsals, recording, mixing and mastering, marketing and, as mentioned before, the launch party.
For all of music’s history, the industry has favored the interests of songwriters over those of the performers. It appears that the industry believes that songwriters, both composers and lyricists, have full exclusive rights to whatever they compose, while performers have none to the music they perform. In Rock: Music, Culture, and Business, Schloss, Starr, and Waterman hold this value to be true in all of music’s history as well as currently, today. In terms of music business, this still remains an uneasy question to answer; to say whether, performers and composers both have rights, I have to agree. Schloss, Starr, and Waterman would be correct in that fact because performers like composers place their own styles and twists on the music. Therefore,
In my career at Swatrecordz, I have never felt the level of team spirit that I felt this past few years. I have spent my professional career listening carefully to music providing each with the finest level of musical talent. Industry trend setting and innovative performances that are always produced with complete integrity and an unsurpassed level for each musical style. Entertainment buyers should have a reliable and uncomplicated relationship with their music services firm.
This aim for this project was to create a remix or mashup of different songs of our choice. We were to create the project on programs like Audacity or GarageBand. The intended audience for this remix was anyone that is interested in music. There is no specific age limit to this project considering it was made to be appropriate for everyone when making it. The purpose of this project was to gather an understanding on using programs like Audacity and enhance our skills.
The music industry is an oligopoly. Since the late 1800’s people like Thomas Edison have been buying up patents in communication technology, forming monopolies, leading to a non-competitive entertainment industry. With only a handful of corporations controlling all aspects of acquisition, distribution and marketing of music, harsh business principles create an exploitative industry that takes the best of what artists have to offer and leaves many of them unable to support themselves. Beginning in the 1950’s with payola and white cover music and ultimately evolving into iTunes and Spotify, the music industry has grown into a billion dollar industry with far-reaching influence and control. Contracts rarely serve the artists’ best interest and many are left out to dry when their usefulness has expired.
Michael R. Cohen, 25B WEST 'S LEGAL FORMS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY § 23:22 (2014) (“Since it would be virtually impossible for publishers or songwriters to monitor and control the large numbers of users of their songs, the enforcement and control of such performance rights usually falls to one of three performing rights organizations ....”).
The company researched was Universal Music Group because the music industry is ever growing and I wanted to know more about the company. As we all know, technology has been a major part of the music industry both good and bad. Technology has helped plenty of artists and hurt others. Since the introduction of the mp3 and the popularity of the IPOD device, compact disc sales have declined and more music is being released without the record company’s permission. Some may view this as a major problem to the other major record labels that distribute music globally. But some are using the mp3 to their advantage. A while ago an artist could not walk out
Right from the beginning I was opposed for HST to shoot a 5030 especially when we had an extra 5010 to make 43 RAMS total onboard. I had the feeling that something was wrong and that was when I specifically told LCDR Sandifer to re-verify with Chief Dooley since he sent her an email earlier telling her that after he spoke with CDR Murray (N7) that it was decided for HST to fire a 5030. The only thing I did it was to shake my head in disgust for wasting a newer asset but I was not at CNAL or placed in any of the email comms to understand all the internal communication that led up to the decision of expending a 5030. After I read the email from Chief Dooley to LCDR Sandifer, I told LCDR Sandifer "This decision by CNAL of firing this
The industry is constantly changing right now. It’s not like it used to be. Nowadays, you can do so on your own. I’m not against working with and independent or major label. However, I won’t give up control and what is rightfully mine. I’m completely free right now, owning everything, so it would have to be the right deal.
In regards to his documentary film about blues music, Artist has several potential legal issues that he should be aware of. In his business endeavors, Artist will encounter situations where copyrights, contracts, negligence, trademarks, defamation, and freedom of expression will come into question. To ensure that he protects himself and his ideas, Artists should approach these situations in the best legal manner.
The term “ghost production” has been coined as the “dirty little secret” of the electronic dance music scene. It is promoted as an opportunity for artists who want to break into the music business to receive help from someone who knows what "sells" and can ensure a popular hit. Ghost production also allows the "ghost producers" to use the same, “recycled” formula in order to pump out these soulless songs that will be commercial hits, while making money in the process. In brief, a sound engineer writes the track for the artist, charging several thousand dollars for the service. The engineer then gives the "artist" all of the final music files he or she needs to send to the labels, with the contractual guarantee that if the song is a hit, the ghost producer will not be paid any of the royalties. That 's right: the person who pays the ghost producer gets all of the royalty money if the track ends up getting signed. However, the artist has to pay the ghost producer to make the track for him or her, so it 's risky — especially since getting a single release on a major electronic dance music label is very difficult in this modern music industry. Since the majority of the creation process is done digitally in electronic dance music production, there has been a huge increase in demand for ghost production. Some of the popular artists in