
Severity And Anxiety Disorders: A Case Study

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There are 3 subscales within the items. Intrusion contains 5 items, Avoidance/Numbing contains 7 items and Hyperarousal contains 5 items. These are then scored on 3 things, the Total Frequency, Total Severity and the DTS total (Davidson, 1996). The DTS is scored using a 0-5 rating and the examinee is told to use the past week as a reference time. The typical time from for taking the DTS is normally no greater than 10 minutes (Davidson, 1996). It is made clear that the intent of this for is to assess the severity of PTSD symptoms in those already diagnosed, not to be a means of assessing for the presence of PTSD itself. Thus, the scores that are obtained are intended for use in helping treatment plans (Carlson, 1999). The scale validity of

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