
Sex Lies And Conversation Deborah Tannen Summary

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Professor Deborah Tannen wrote an essay entitled Sex, Lies, and Conversation. In the essay, Tannen states that men and women have different ways of communicating in a relationship(422). For women, she claims communication is very intimate; they want to know what their spouse is thinking or how they're feeling (422). She argues that men don't seem to think communication is that important unless it's in a public setting (421). Tannen also claims that some women feel alienated when they think men aren't listening. She argues that men tend to not fully focus on the conversation, while women would rather have a more engaging conversation. I think these arguments are pretty one sided because she states that men are the only ones that have a problem …show more content…

You can go to any schoolyard or playground and you will most likely see boys and girls playing within their gender groups. Additionally, you can also observe that when girls are playing, they tend to be sitting in groups, engaged in conversation by telling secrets and feel it's the foundation of friendships, while boys are usually running around or participating in a more physical activity. Women want the men in their lives to be more like their childhood girlfriends and share their thought and feelings so they can feel a closeness to their partners. I remember when I was in elementary school, girls during recess would sit on the benches laughing and talking to each other, while the boys played tag, basketball, dodge ball, or kickball. However, I do believe we become more inclusive as we get older. We start to realize that we are the same. We can like same things, and want same the same things. When I was 15 years old, I hung out with a pretty diverse group of people. We came from all different backgrounds, ages, and genders. It didn't matter who you were, as long as your nice and respectful, you were able to hang with

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