Candace Primm
Dixon Edwards
October 26, 2010
Sex Tourism
Sex tourism is the act of tourists traveling to engage in sexual activity with prostitutes that are residents of the destination. A sex tourist is an adult that travels in order to have legal consensual sexual activities with another adult for gifts and most often money. By using existing tourism methods of travel these activities have become easily feasible for any individual looking to explore this sector of tourism. Creating a normal vacation with the intention of having sexual relations is a simple process. Sex tourism benefits every sector of the travel industry including: airlines, taxis, restaurants, and hotels. Some regions of the world, that have already developed a
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Prostitution occurs in three major forms and these forms are seen worldwide engaging the want for sex tourism.
Street prostitution is where the sex worker solicits customers from a public place, most commonly a street, but also it is often seen at a beach or park. The sex acts may be preformed in the customers’ car, on a vacant street side, or in a rented room nearby (possibly the prostitute’s apartment). This kind of prostitution is mostly illegal; even in places that allow other forms of prostitution. Canada and the UK allow prostitution but not street prostitution and Australia, in some places, allow sex workers to solicit on the streets except in areas near schools. As sex workers these people are often vulnerable to assaults or mugging by pimps and clients. Ninety-five percent of women had been physically assaulted, seventy-five percent had been raped, and eighty-nine percent of the women interviewed stating that they wanted to leave prostitution, according to a study done in 2006 by Melissa Farley. A Chicago study held in 2008 found that women working alone without the help of pimps made an average hourly rate of twenty five dollars and hour and those working with pimps make fifty percent more. In the street prostitution business, condoms are rarely used and risks of disease are high. This endangers significant others of prostitutes by putting them at high risk of the many diseases that the sex worker is exposed to. In places such as Cambodia, where prostitution
Prostitution in its legal sense is defined as sexual intercourse of some kind in exchange for some kind of payment, usually money (Adriaenssens and Hendrickx 665; Perer 826).As of 2013, there are an estimated 1 million to 2 million prostitutes active in the world wide sex work industry today (Adriaenssens and Hendrickx 666). Prostitution is illegal in the United States; however, many experts think that should change. Most European and Asian countries have legalized prostitution (Agustín 74). Some believe that the legalization of prostitution could increase economic stature, decrease sexual violence, and decrease the amount of sexually transmitted diseases spread (Agustin 76; Bruckert and Hannem 43). Others believe that illicit acts such as
For the purpose of this study, male prostitutes and sexual acts such as pornography, stripping and erotic massages are excluded from the definition of prostitution. The terms ‘sex worker’ and ‘prostitute’ will be used interchangeably throughout the paper. The term ‘sex work’ was coined to circumvent the stigma that accompanies prostitution and to acknowledge that it generates income, like any other profession in our society (Sondhi, 2011).
People may not believe that there is a positive outcome of prostitution when first thought of. In fact, there are multiple ways that prostitution can benefit the sex workers, society, and even the economy. A quantitative and qualitative study was made by Lutnik and Cohan in San Francisco on prostitutes in the area. Although the sex workers that were interviewed are not part of the Canadian society, the United States is also part of the Western Civilization and the results reflect those of Canada as well. In the study, women spoke about the beneficial factors of having “police protection, the ability to build community with other sex worker, and obtaining rights as workers” upon the legalization of prostitution (Lutnik and Cohan, 2009: 41). Overall, the prostitutes that were surveyed preferred the “removal of statutes that criminalize sex work in order to facilitate a social and political environment where they had legal rights and could seek help when they are victims of violence.” (Lutnik and Cohan, 2009: 39). This research provides evidence that majority of people in the sex worker industry would like to feel safer as they are working as every person is entitles to feel safe when they go to work. Considering the health of the sex workers, a study was presented at the International AIDS Conference in Australia which showed results of the transmittal of HIV/AIDS among sex workers would decrease by 33-46% if prostitution is either legalized, or at least decriminalized (Listland, 2014). Another factor that is considered regarding sex workers and the legalization is the diminishing of violence and sex crimes. In the same research study conducted by Lutnik and Cohan, it was found that 91% of prostitutes desired laws that protected their rights in specific, and they also wanted more police protection, create safe houses, and would be safest under a regulated system (Lutnik and Cohan, 2009: 41, 43). Lastly, a
If Prostitution became a legal profession the rate of STD’S throughout the business would decrease significantly. “Researchers at the 20th International AIDS Conference in Melbourne, Australia, presented a new paper in which they studied HIV among female sex workers in Canada, India and Kenya. They found that infections could be reduced by 33 to 46 percent in those countries if prostitution were made legal… Because prostitutes fear getting caught by law enforcement, they rush the process along with clients and often don’t take the time to discuss protecting against STDs (Goldberg)”. If prostitution remains illegal then, prostitutes and/or sex workers will be less likely to contact the police in an emergency. However, if legal sex workers will
However, after watching Trade and Born into Brothels it is apparent that these issues occur still.Geographical locations play an important role in understanding why sex trafficking occurs in these regions of the world because it opens up multiple questions about the treatment of women and how well these individuals are educated on protecting themselves during sexual
To start off, although many people are aware that Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Sexually Transmitted Infections are real most of them forget about the protection needed against any. The women and men involved in prostitution do not get to worry about that kind of protection. The health risks involved are brutal and dangerous. “Sex-work communities around the world are in dire need of HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment services” (Doyle 1). It is not unheard of that, the current prostitution rings do not care about these diseases, in fact “a meeting of sex workers held at the International AIDS Conference heard that the criminalization of the profession was fueling secretive transactions and unsafe sex practices, putting people at risk of HIV and
There are many inquires that arise with the subject matter of sex work. Prostitution or sex work is dramatically different internationally than in the United States. One of the primary motives is due to poor economic conditions or undesirable social circumstances in life. Also, in some instances children may be involuntarily introduced into sex work by their relatives in exchange for currency for their personal survival. This practice is used as a revenue of survival, the money obtained from their clienteles is what nourishes their bodies and gives shelter to their household. However, this behavior and business is quite dangerous due to the gamble of contracting a sexual transmitted disease such as Human Immunodeficiency Virus also commonly
Prostitution, as stated by Flemming, is known as a form of sexual activity, a kind of sexual style or category, and a form of economic activity, a way of making a living through the provisions of certain services, by behaving in accordance with, or falling into such a category (39). This definition, though, is controversial. While conducting research for this project, we found that most topics regarding prostitution and its affiliates were controversial. Each author gave a differing interpretation for the same data. Due to this, our project centered on the female prostitutes, even though there is evidence of male prostitutes.
In the book Sex for Sale Prostitution, Pornography, and the Sex Industry, Table 1.1 shows characteristics of types of prostitution. There are six categories; Business location, prices charged, exploitation by third parties, risk of violent victimization, public visibility, and impact on community. There are also six types of jobs in the sex industry; Call girl, escort, brothel worker, massage parlor worker, bar or casino worker, and street walker. For every job besides the street walker the prices charged are high or moderate, exploitation by third parties were low to moderate, the risk of violent victimization was either very low or low, public visibility is either none or very low, and the impact on the community is either none or little (Weitzer 8). This shows that prostitution, unless one is a streetwalker, is relatively safe, profitable,
It is clearly evident that the dominant state response to prostitution has been to seek its regulation and control rather than its elimination. A study of the international sex industry today, however, reveals that the ways of achieving such regulation differ markedly, both
The modern world today is proud to recognize the equality that has been acknowledged between age, gender, and race. Women are beginning to be treated as equals with men, in new customs, lifestyle, society, and economy. Today, women are freer and are liberated from their traditional roles as housewives, and are pursuing their hopes and dreams. However, this is not the case in many regions of the world. In the developing countries, thousands of females are dehumanized by prostitution and the trafficking of women and children is dehumanizing which serves only to benefit men. It exploits and violates the rights of women in the developing world. Sexual exploitation, which includes sex tourism,
In order to have a clear understanding of what events may occur with the interrelated topics such as prostitution, and sex trafficking prostitution has to be clearly defined. Also, given the broad term of prostitution there are different distinctions for prostitution, and they will be explained further within this proposal. Next, the substantial information that will be imperative for this proposal is as follows in chronological order.
"Unicef recently reported that an estimated 1.8 million children enter the sex trade each year. Some are in the United States, but the worst abuses take place in countries like Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Cambodia" (Kristoff), but while saving some life outside is very diverse, some girls go on to be very successful while others return to the life of prostitution.
Prostitution is defined as the act of “providing or receiving sexual acts, between a prostitute and a client, in exchange for money or some other form of remuneration” (Hock 557). The idea of exchanging sex for valuables has been around since the beginning of human society. The first reported data about prostitution was reported around 3000 B.C.E in one of the first known civilizations, Mesopotamia (Caraboi and Fierbinteanu 362). It is often referred to as “the world’s oldest profession.” Today, even though prostitution is illegal in most parts of the world, it is still prevalent worldwide with different ways to exchange sexual services for payment and many different types of prostitutes. One of these types of prostitutes are brothel workers; brothel workers work in “a house of prostitution,” a brothel, which are normally in areas where prostitution is not criminalized or is legalized (Hock 560). Like prostitution, human trafficking has been around for thousands of years and is still present today.
Prostitution is defined as “business of exchanging sexual services for martial compensation or financial befits” (Weitzer, R. J, p8). The practice usually happens legally in modern cites like Vegas, Berlin and