
Sex Trafficking Anthropology

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Is slavery over? Did the Civil War finally resolve the everlasting problem of slavery in the United States? The answer is resolutely and unwaveringly ‘no’. Slavery is not over and continues to thrive in an underground organized business with many cultural factors allowing it to flourish. Some of the underlying roots of the development of sex trafficking is misogyny and exploitation of the weak. Society as a whole considers the issue of sex-work a no-talk zone, and slavery sex work as something that can’t be talked about at all. Turner (2013) says “We all share responsibility for the rabid consumerism, misogyny, racism, homophobia, and indifference to the plight of the impoverished that drive human trafficking”.
Your Issue Sex trafficking can be connected with culture through a variety of ways. The stigmas embedded in our cultures that surround sex trafficking blame the victim and give the oppressor more power. Culture is something that comes with society, but some parts of it can help fuel conflict and contribute …show more content…

230). Help is not given because of the victim blaming that is done throughout the recovery process, and the representation of apathy. The general distaste of the subject of selling one’s body for money is a controversial subject that makes some steer away. “Women are manipulated by consumerism and perversion of family values to fulfil family needs and consumption in the name of cultural tradition – duty, care, gratitude - even if it means being sold into prostitution”(Turner, 2002, pg.17). Culture pushes women to fulfill roles of traditional values while also maintaining money for family, causing some women to be more prone as victims of sex trafficking. This is another example of our society pushing women (and men) towards the

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