
Sex Trafficking Research Paper

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Sex Trafficking Essay
A young girl from Nepal, filled with hopes and dreams, moves to America. She, like anyone who moves to the United States, wishes to get a job and start earning money. (Transition) A family friend provides her the transportation she needs to get to America and sets her up with a job in the new country. She arrives in America and meets her employer. Unknowingly, the young girl has been sold into slavery by her family friend in America. In that moment, her whole life turned upside down and her heart filled with fear. Everyday thousands of women, men, and children are sold into the sex industry and feel the same way as the young girl. (Transition)(explain the way she feels) The effects of sex trafficking are psychological …show more content…

Stockholm syndrome is “a term that refers to a hostage situation in Sweden in which the seized individuals bonded with their captors to such an extent that they even testified on their behalf in later court proceedings” (Wormer). When a person develops Stockholm syndrome, they are usually shown a glimpse of kindness from their captor. In sex trafficking, the trafficker either physically or sexually abuses the victim, threatens his or her life and isolates them from the rest of the world, but to cope with the pain the victim develops a bond with their captor ("Health Consequences of Trafficking"). An example of Stockholm Syndrome is the story of Maina. Maina was coerced at age nineteen into leaving her home in Rhode Island to move to New York by a trafficker. After years of traveling across the nation paid through her prostitution, she found herself in Las Vegas, one of the most extreme prostitution and sex trafficked cities. In Las Vegas, she met Loni, a pimp, who kept twelve women as prostitutes and considered Maina his lucky number thirteen. Loni used techniques by making her feel special even though she was worth nothing more than a transaction to him. Multiple times he raped Maina and made her work for thirteen hours, six days a week. One night, Loni became infuriated with Maina because she bought drugs, so he sold her to a random drug …show more content…

In some countries, it is illegal for women to get abortions making it difficult for women who are trafficked to get money for a safe abortion (FIND ARTICLE AND CITE). Often times, women have to find alternative ways to force abortions, which are tremendously painful for the victim and cause future health issues. (TRANSITION) “Trafficked women are particularly vulnerable to post-abortion risks, such as incomplete abortion, sepsis (infection of the bloodstream), hemorrhage, and intra-abdominal injury” (“Health Consequences of Trafficking in Persons”). The high rates of abortion in trafficked women can cause them to become sterile or unable to have children when the time is right, which can be devastating to find out (“Health Consequences of Trafficking). Overall, victims of sex trafficking face many health issues such as reproductive complications and the inability to have a safe

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