Human trafficking is being discussed more heavily this day and age due to its increasing prevalence in the U.S. It is a modern-day slavery that involves someone monitoring and directing business that spawns millions of dollars a year. Human trafficking is illegal in all states. In the article (Un)Popular Strangers and Crises (Un)Bounded: Discourse of Sex-Trafficking, the European Political Community and the Panicked state of the Modern State written by Jacqueline Berman (2003), trafficking in women is described as a worldwide problem that often involves many difficult, global criminal elements. This article fits into criminal justice because sex trafficking is a heinous crime that strips women and children of their innocence and right to self-determination. Victims are innocent because they have been kidnapped and forced into prostitution. …show more content…
As I read over Coyle’s article, the theme this author is trying to display is that race plays a very important part in criminal justice and that some people could see people of color as potentially dangerous. People of color are more likely to get criminalized than any other race. In Berman’s article the author points out that human trafficking and sex trafficking are not solely a race issue (2003). Human and sex trafficking are based on gender and class status. In this case, human trafficking does not discriminate against any age, race, gender, and religion. Human trafficking includes forcing children to work against their will and often those children are taken away from their families unwillingly. In this capacity, human trafficking also infringes on child labor laws. The article is about sex trafficking being a “language spoken” just like Coyle explained in his article
Every year thousands of people of all genders, race, and age become victimized in sex trafficking. These people who become victims are usually vulnerable and are living in poverty structured areas. Many countries around the world are dealing with this serious issue, even in the United States. The United States federal law has defined sex trafficking as an act, “in which the commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such an act has not attained 18 years of age” (Polaris Project). Sex trafficking is not only seen as a crime but is also seen as a business of supply and demand to many people. This business makes a profit of about 9.8 billion dollars a year. In recent events it has been shown that sex trafficking increases during big sporting events. As a result, some actions have been taken to combat the issue, but not enough. Therefore, due to the fact that sex trafficking is a worldwide issue and it is increasing over time; I will argue how there needs to be changes to the approach we have on the issue of sex trafficking.
Sex trafficking is essentially systemic rape for profit. Force, fraud and coercion are used to control the victim’s behavior which may secure the appearance of consent to please the buyer (or john). Behind every transaction is violence or the threat of violence (Axtell par. 4). Just a decade ago, only a third of the countries studied by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime had legislation against human trafficking. (Darker Side, par.1) Women, children, and even men are taken from their homes, and off of the streets and are brought into a life that is almost impossible to get out of. This life is not one of choice, it is in most times by force. UNODC estimates that the total international human trafficking is a
Human trafficking is viewed as modern day slave exchange. It is a genuine crime under both global and national legal systems. It opens casualties to economic exploitation with a significant number of them being women and children less than 18 years old years. It is essential to know the way that human trafficking has raised critical human rights issues, particularly concerning women and children as stakeholders are beginning to reexamine their way to deal with this societal issue. Human trafficking has emerged as the third greatest criminal industry by drug trafficking and illicit arms. The human trafficking industry has helped in the expansion of different crimes, such as child abuse, prostitution and violence against women. With the assistance of existing research, this paper seeks to explain the different measurements of human trafficking and how it has influenced the general public at the individual, national and global level. The paper offers a few proposals with regards to the most ideal route concerning managing the issue of the current slave trade.
Trafficking in human beings is a serious crime and an unrefined violation of human rights. It is often linked to organized crime and is one of the most profitable criminal activities worldwide (Access to European Union Law, 2014). There are many different forms of human trafficking, and they progress with changing socioeconomic circumstances. It targets women and men, girls and boys in vulnerable positions (Trafficking in Human Beings, 2013). The International Labor Organization in June of 2012 covering the period 2002-2011 estimated the number of victims of forced labor globally (NPR, 2013). The estimate also included forced sexual exploitation which was, 20.9 million at a global level, with an estimated 5.5 million children being trafficked (NPR, 2013). Europe had a human trafficking matter for decades, where it began with the trading of slaves. The 1400’s marked the start of the European slave trade in Africa when the Portuguese transported people from Africa to Portugal to use them as slaves (Timeline of Human Trafficking, 2011). Later on throughout the 1600s, other countries became more involved in the European slave trade (Timeline of Human Trafficking, 2011). Recent studies have stated, more than 23,600 people were victims of human trafficking in Europe during a recent three-year period (NPR, 2013). It is important to understand what human trafficking is considered in Europe, why stricter laws need to be created, and how human trafficking can be prevented. By
The illicit trafficking of humans for purposes of slavery continues to be a global issue and clear violation of fundamental Human Rights. Article 4 of The UDHR states; “No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms”. Human trafficking is defined as the commercial trade of human beings for the purpose of some form of slavery or exploitation, a clear violation of individual human rights. It is hard to quantify the extent of the issue, however the UN has estimated that there are over 2.5 million victims of human trafficking across state boarders. As an international issue, human trafficking requires international attention - however for international laws to be most effective they
“Trafficking in human beings is all around us, closer than we think” as stated by EU Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom (Chappel 1). Sex trafficking is a form of modern- day slavery, in which women and children are forced into an industry that degrades and dehumanizes these victims, reducing them into objects used for sexual exploitation. Sex trafficking is a term than encpompasses many froms of sexual abuse; such as commercial sex work, forced sexual favors, prostitution, exotic dancing, mail order brides, military prostitution, and sexual tourism (Deshpande e22). This is an overwhelmingly large injustice that the world 's global community is confronting and attempting to combat today because sex trafficking is an international issue that connects many regions around the world. The Balkans region of Eastern Europe, because of its ever increasing rates of sex trafficking, it is a logical area of the world to begin implementing solutions that may eliminate this corrupted industry and, in doing so, bring justice to victims of sex trafficking. This situation is extremely relevant to all citizens of the world because it involves a vast range of different countries, made up of an interconnected network of sex traffickers who commit injustices across international borders. Historical conflicts directly affect the present, likewise, sex trafficking in the Balkans region of Eastern Europe has direct historical roots and relationships to
A serious crime that virtually affects every country in the world is human trafficking. Human trafficking is a multi-national criminal business that’s roots are tied into “trans-criminal organizations, small criminal networks and local gangs, violations of labor and immigration codes, and government corruption” (Richard, 1999; U.S. Government Accountability Office, 2006.). Typically human trafficking has been defined as trading women and children for prostitution. As of late, trafficking has grown to include other types of force, fraud, or coercion, beyond sexual exploitation (USDHHS, pg. 3). The United States Congress has defined human trafficking into
Images of foreign lands usually conjure up when the thoughts of human sex trafficking come to one 's mind. The United States of America is not immune to this type of horrific behavior. America is the land of the free and yet something as awful as human sex trafficking occurs in our very own backyard each and everyday. According to the Department of Homeland Security the definition of human trafficking is “modern day slavery that involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act” (“What Is Human Trafficking?”). In this research paper the reader will experience the savagery that comes with human sex trafficking and how it has expanded in the United States over recent years. Within this research
Sex -trafficking has not dissipated over time; it is a growing, adaptive market that is prevalent across the world. We are not talking about an industry that sells depleting commodities. Sex trafficking is a giant market that profits on human slavery. It is paramount that this issue be moved nearer to the forefront of global consciousness, in light of violations of basic human rights and losses of autonomy.
Sex trafficking is a global problem that involves the exploitation and abuse of girls as well as women. This paper will discuss the problem, with an emphasis on the views expressed by Paola Monzini in her book Sex Traffic: Prostitution, Crime and Exploitation. The paper will look at the causes, consequences and prevalence rates of sex trafficking and will consider the impact of such factors as globalization and women’s poverty in perpetuating the problem or making it worse. The paper will conclude with a discussion of the ways in which a human rights perspective might translate into positive action to eliminate the trafficking of girls and women.
Human trafficking has received increasing global attention over the past decade. Trafficking of women and girls for forced sex work and, to a lesser extent, domestic servitude, were the sole focus of advocacy and assistance. There is recognition in today’s society that women, children, and men are trafficked into many different forms of labour, and for sexual exploitation. In her article, “Understanding and Addressing Violence Against Women”, Cathy Zimmerman and Heidi Stockl focus on the commonality of human trafficking and how evident it is in everyday life. They bring in the health effects and possible solutions to human trafficking to help validate their opinion and argument. In the solutions they offer, Zimmerman and Stockl shine a light on policy-makers/decision-makers, health-care providers, and researchers/funders and what each of these groups of people can do to help combat the issue of human trafficking. In a quote from their article, Stockl and Zimmerman say: “Health care providers and organizations involved with trafficked persons should increase their capacity to identify and refer people in trafficking situations and provide sensitive and safe services to people post-trafficking”. This quote shows how Zimmerman and Stockl believe human trafficking should be combated by caring and talking to those affected by the issue but how they also believe awareness should be made about human trafficking so as to allow people surrounding the issue to identify and help victims of this issue. Zimmerman and Stockl’s view on the ways human trafficking should be combatted relate to those of Soroptimist due to the fact that the two groups of people are focused mainly on helping women and girls who have been trafficked and trying to get them to a better life after getting out of the trafficking situation. Both groups focus on helping men as well, providing options to help them such as raising money and awareness, and getting educated on being able to identify victims of human trafficking.
Human trafficking is the trade of humans by force, mainly women and female children, for the purposes of sexual slavery, sexual exploitation, and domestic labor. Global human trafficking has often been labeled as modern- day slavery; however the history and causes have been identifiable just as the causes of traditional slavery have been. What causes human trafficking? In this present paper, the hypotheses on the primary causes of global human trafficking will be identified. There are three major themes that cause human trafficking: a nation’s economy, political and legal factors, and social factors that enable the continuance of human trafficking. According to previous research indications of historical influence and social hierarchy have the greatest impact on the causes of human trafficking; these topics will further be elaborated upon during the discussions of political influences and social factors that impact human trafficking.
Ronald Weitzer, Professor of Sociology at George Washington University, in his article “Sex Trafficking And The Sex Industry: The Need For Evidence Based Theory And Legislation,” states that sex trafficking is defined as “recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act.” Adults who sell sex with the help of someone, are not considered trafficking victims (1337). First, the important goal is to not eliminate trafficking but rather to eliminate prostitution (1344). Second, prostitution is said to “create the demand for trafficking”, but there is no reason why prostitution would “demand” trafficked participants if it is defined as involving deception or force with willing migrants, and why it could not extract from a local pool of workers instead (1344). For example, a few of Eastern European women who sell sex recruit their girlfriends in the home country to work with them. According to many writers and the government officials, sex trafficking has reached epidemic levels worldwide, victimizing “hundreds of thousands” or “millions” of people every year (1347). Third, claims regarding a growing worldwide epidemic are contradicted by the U.S. government’s own figures. For example,
Human trafficking is a serious global issue that needs the awareness and attention of the world. The United Nations Office for Drugs and Crimes identifies human trafficking as “an act of recruiting, transporting, transferring, harboring, or receiving a person through a use of force, coercion, or other means, for the purpose of exploiting them” (UNODC). According to the book Trafficking in People by the policy analysts Clare Ribando Seelke and Alison Siskin, this exploitation can include forced prostitution, ”forced labor and services, slavery, servitude, or the removal of organs” (Ribando Seelke and Siskin 4). Human Trafficking is a violation against fundamental human rights. But even 63 years after the United Nations Universal Declaration
Human Trafficking is a form of organized crime, in which people of all ages are taken from their homes to be exploited for sexual or labor purposes. The traffickers use fear and violence to get these people to come with them, and all they really want out of it is money. I will be using four main sources to gather my information. First I will give a general overview of two websites giving great depth into the topic of human trafficking. I will then summarize three case studies on human trafficking. Finally, I will give my views on the issue, and tell why it is such any important topic for the public to hear about.