
Sex vs Gender

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Exploring the Binaries: Sex vs. Gender “WHOA!!!!!!!!!” “NO WAY! THAT CAN’T BE!” The audience was in an uproar as they had guessed the wrong gender of a woman, Danielle, on a recently aired episode of Maury: MAN or WOMAN. Danielle held many features that the audience characterized as a woman: the long, curly red hair, the “coke bottle” body, the model walk, the perfectly formed busty boobs and the flawless skin; however, Danielle, biologically, was a male. This uproar was prompted by the defilement of societal expectations that an individual’s biological sex should determine a fixed gendered behavior. In essence, Danielle was to be a Dan with expected man behavior and male genitalia. This, however, is a common misconception …show more content…

Not only will the surgery “perfect” their body but it will keep the individuals around the child sane and help them “breathe easier” (Coventry 203). However, later in life, these individuals are prisoners and unable to truly express themselves in life because of society’s close-mindedness in accepting change from the norm. Some of the individuals who had their sex determined for them feel out of place in the world. If given the choice, they would have rather been made a woman/man than the man/woman that was chosen for them (Is It a Boy or Girl, 1/16/11). With gender (woman/man), one disregards the possibility of transgendered individuals. A transgendered individual is one whose gender identity is different from their assigned sex. There are two types of transgender: transmen and transwomen. Transwomen is a term for a female-bodied person who identifies with femininity or womanhood and may or may not have sex reassignment surgery (SRS). Transmen, on the other hand, is a term for a female-bodied person who identifies with masculinity or manhood and may or may not have SRS (keys, 1/13/11). Another disregarded gender identity is transsexuals and transvestites. All these given examples are gender identities that people miss when sticking to just the socially constructed cultural scripts of society. Most children are not worried about what is between their

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