
Sexism And Its Effects On Women

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From the beginning of time, sexism has always been the prominent barrier between both sexes. Men always having the upper way while women were treated less equally. According to, sexism is discrimination or devaluation based on a person 's sex or gender, as in restricted job opportunities, especially such discrimination directed against women. People see this in movies, books, and even in school. Young and mature females have never been given the opportunities that men are given because they are taught this from a young age. It is so important that we teach all kids the importance of equality; that everyone should be given the same opportunity no matter their gender. Unfortunately, sexism has influenced the way girls are given their education. School is such a fragile place for girls; from the way they dress to the way they are taught. It is important that we recognize the way young females are being taught so that we can help them get the equal rights they deserve. From the time kids are placed into school, they are taught sexism without even knowing it is being taught. From the first day a child starts school, their minds are so fragile. Their teacher is one of the most influential people in their life, their job is to teach and mold the child into the person they will grow up to be. A lot of the worksheets that teachers give their students are focused around the idea that gender is socially and historically constructed; meaning that society has this idea

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