
Sexism And Prejudice Essay

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Sexism is a form of prejudice, and as most forms of prejudice, is a major concern within the developed world. Much of this concern is due to the fact that sexism seems to be so much embedded in human attitudes, beliefs and behavior that in order to eliminate it, it seems essential to understand if it has managed to survive intact through time. Although since the beginning of the 20th century there have been great developments towards gender equality, gender inequality and behavioral manifestations of sexism are far from being scarce. Gender discrimination, and more specifically sexism, is a type of prejudice that has been a part of most, if not all, cultures. The issues it causes to women range from minor, such as benevolent micro-aggressions, to major, such as hostile …show more content…

This investigation could provide an insight into whether people have been developing towards more discrimination-free, prejudice-free societies. The results of such an investigation would be of great value because they would provide feedback as to whether the practices that societies have applied these past decades to diminish sexism and gender discrimination have yielded any positive results or not. Although there has been extensive research on attitudes that have been changed through time (Twenge, Abebe & Campbell, 2010; Konrath, O’Brien & Hsing, 2011; Twenge, Campbell, Hoffman & Lance, 2010; Cohen & Janicki-Deverts, 2012), the research on how sexist attitudes have changed is minimal and inconclusive. The purpose of this study is to examine whether there are any generational differences on ambivalent sexism in order to understand whether there has been any significant change throughout the past

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