In Daniel Luzer’s article “Is Alcohol Really to Blame for the Prevalence of Sexual Assault on College Campuses?” he suggesting that alcohol is not the reason for the continuous sexual assaults at the college level, published on November 18, 2013 by Pacific Standard. In this article Daniel along with other sources suggest that all of the sexual assaults in college, although may involve alcohol, should not be blamed on alcohol, but on the society we have become. They suggest how college students mingle today is different than how they did years ago, and college students are not assaulting females because they are drunk, but because they have not been taught that it is wrong to do so. Different studies have shown that alcohol in colleges has not
What is the Clery Act and Title IX? How are they related to campus sexual assault?
In Daniel Luzer’s article, “Is Alcohol Really to Blame for the Prevalence of Sexual Assault on College Campuses?” published on November 18, 2013 by Pacific Standard, the author argues that alcohol is not the only thing to blame for sexual assault on college campuses. He observed that alcohol has always been a risk factor when it comes to sexual assault, but drinking is not what has changed throughout the years. What has changed is the way men and women socialize with one another. Throughout the years, interaction between young men and women in college has become less instructed. Back then colleges were not coed and there were rules for when women were allowed in the male dorms including certain times they were allowed there. There are not as
In Daniel Luzer’s article “Is Alchohol Really to Blame for the Prevalence of Sexual Assault on College Campuses?” publish in Pacific Standard, on the 18th of November in 2013, the answer to the question is shared. In several cases of sexual assault drinking is present. Even though, drinking has continuously been done by numerous college students over the years the number of assaults are continuing to rise. Why is this happening so often? According to Luzer, things have changed from the past, but not the amount of drinking being done by students. Environments in which boys and girls have now has changed drastically compared to the past. Rules have changed, dorms, going to church, the way students dress, and other factors have all changed. Therefore,
Even though college campuses have taken steps to try and spread awareness about sexual assault on college campuses, many young people do not know what domestic violence looks—or feels like. A 2011 poll on domestic and dating abuse concluded that 1 in 3 surveyed women had been in an abusive relationship, while 1 in 5 had been abused at some point during their college career (Moscou, 2015). Those numbers, though taken from a small group, are very scary. About half of those students said they had not received any education on what domestic violence looks like, or what to do to help a friend in that kind of situation (Moscou, 2015). I want to help lower those numbers. I want to, and I can accomplish, a campaign to help raise awareness
Way too often are sexual assaults happening on colleges campuses. Because of these sexual assaults, females students have a hard time being safe on campus, or even staying on campuses. Statistics state, “1 in 4 college women will be the victim of sexual assault during her academic career… Every 21 hours there is a rape on an American college campus… College women are most vulnerable to rape during the first few weeks of their freshman and sophomore years”(Sexual Violence on College Campuses). Everyone says that your college days are the best days. Well they are, until a sexual assault or a murder has occurred on your campus. Now students are afraid to walk on their campus and feel safe and secure. They are afraid to enjoy their college experiences, thus not making their college experience the best years of their life. Do you think that Campus Security is doing enough to help prevent these crimes from happening? Do you think that the college crimes are only happening to certain students? Is college really as safe for students as it is made out to be? To understand the dangers of college campuses, it is important to analyze the statistics of college crimes, the people committing these crimes, the data from high profile cases, and the steps to make campuses safer. I feel like if the students on campus know that they have a safe environment then they will enjoy life more, maybe even become more
In addition to deaths, college drinking is linked to 500,000 injuries and 70,000 cases of sexual assault or rape. Furthermore,
College is a place for trying out, experiencing and learning new things and being sexually assaulted should not be one of them. Sexual assault in college campuses over the past decade has increased by over 50% as stated by Laura Stampler in her article “Report Sees Surge in Sex Crimes on College Campuses”: “The number of sex crimes reported on U.S. college campuses soared by 50% over the course of a decade, according to a new government report Tuesday, even as total campus crime decreased” (Laura Stampler). A national survey made by and released in April of 2014 by the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault states that at least one in five college students, including men and women, experience some form of sexual assault during their time in college. In another article published on, the author states that over 95% of college campus rapes go unreported, which implies that there might be more than one in five students that gets sexually assaulted by the end of their college career. Not only that but the article on also states that women are most likely to be sexually
Sexual assault is defined as any vaginal, oral, or anal penetration that is forced upon another, regardless of sex and sexual orientation, using any object or body part. The issue of sexual assault in America is primarily encouraged by rape culture. Women Against Violence Against Women is an organization that defines rape culture as a complex set of beliefs that encourage male sexual aggression and supports violence against women. The acceptance of rape culture, rape myths, and the disregard for sexual consent also allow for the perpetuation of sexual assault against women on college campuses. Recent examples of sexual assault on college campuses show how prominent this issue has become and how hostile campuses have become for female students. Some examples include the University of Southern California’s “Gullet Report,” Miami University of Ohio’s “Top Ten Ways to Get Away with Rape,” and a sexual assault on the campus of Kansas University. Sexual assault is perpetuated by the acceptance of rape myths and rape culture, lack of effective sexual education, and the disregard for consent. The solution to this issue lies with defeating rape culture, increasing awareness and funding for campus sexual assault crisis centers, and enacting more prevention programs on campus.
Assault in all forms is dangerous to both men and women. Sexual assault on college campuses is fairly common today, and occurs in a number of ways. Young women are most often the main victims of assault on college campuses. This is becoming a serious issue in American society today because either some of these cases go unreported or these young women are too scared to report them or are too embarrassed to report it because the men causing these might be their friends or someone they know. Many young women face this kind of problem, especially when in college. It is mostly at college parties where girls are at risk of having drinks that have been “roofied.” Roofied drinks are drinks that have been spiked with drugs and are most often used by men against women to make them sleepy or cause them to black out. These men are able to take advantage of these vulnerable women. It is difficult to tell if a drink is roofied as the color, taste and odor of the drink remains the same. These actions also put out a bad image of the “good” men and the men that actually care about a women’s safety and wellbeing. As a result, women will naturally form opinions based on experiences they have and will tend to be more cautious.
Sexual assault and rape are serious social and public health issues in the United States and throughout the rest of the world. In particular sexual assault on college campus are prevalent at an alarming rate and leaves serious effects on the victims. This essay will focus on statistics and the prevalence and effects amongst college students, through examining a number of reasons why women fail to report sexual assault and rape. This essay will also cover sexual assault prevention and things that can be done to mitigate the risk of becoming a victim to such matter.
Sexual assault has been a huge issue for many years on college campuses and universities nation wide. As society has evolved, thoughts on sexual assault have also evolved, becoming more focused on the details of victim treatment than ever before. The topic of sexual assault is debatable and sparks many opinions on weather sexual assault on college campuses is becoming more frequent, or if there is just heightened awareness. Sexual assault can happen to anybody no matter the gender, race, religion, or age. Recently there have been many studies conducted on sexual violence on college campuses and universities producing ample amounts of statistics. One may argue that sexual assault rates are the same, but there are simply more studies and attention on sexual assault in the past 20 years. Gender roles have played a huge part in sexual assault on college campuses. Women and men have different expectations when it comes to roles in the relationship, men are often expected to make the first move. One may ask what causes a perpetrator to sexually harass somebody and think it is acceptable. There are various reasons as to why perpetrators do what they do, and may vary from person to person. Although sexual violence is a large problem for many colleges and universities, there is a surprising shortage of federal laws/rules and regulations regarding sexual assault. Colleges are able to develop their own personal policies and procedures for how they will prevent and deal with sexual
Sexual assault on college campuses is a complex issue that may be explained by a variety of theories and concepts. Social learning theory explains this issue by using the concepts reinforcement, punishment, and modeling. Reinforcement is anything that can cause a behavior to occur again, which can include material items or positive feelings (Brannon, 2010). Reinforcement relates to sexual assault, because perpetuators may get pleasure from sexual acts from being in control. These positive feelings reinforce the behavior and make it more likely that assaults will be repeated. Punishment refers to something that causes an individual to avoid a behavior again (Brannon, 2010). Lack of punishment could be a factor that contributes to sexual assault on college campuses. Perpetrators may not be punished for
Alcohol related sexual assault incidents are escalating on college campus, the main cause of this violence is yet to be found and agreed on. Recently we have seen an increasing number of sexual assault cases that involve alcohol unresolved. This is due to lack of understanding the relationship between sexual assault and alcohol. Many professional individuals have shared their views and beliefs regarding this issue of alcohol related sexual assault and have provided effective solutions to this issue. Since most of them have different opinions and beliefs it has resulted in a controversy. A number of perpetrators have claim to be the victims in sexual assault cases that involve alcohol but we are not certain that some of these claims
According to the United States Supreme Court’s U.S Code 920 – Article 120, sexual assault and rape (a form of sexual assault) are legally identified as “sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual action perpetrated against a person without that person 's consent” (H.R. Title 10 - Armed Forces 466). Now, in regards to why these individuals inflict these actions are summed up within the same U.S code in that they may be carried out by “physical force, coercion, abuse of authority, or against a person who is incapable of valid consent” (H.R. Title 10 - Armed Forces 467). In today’s society, rape and sexual assault on college campuses have attracted massive media attention by climbing up to the #1 age bracket responsible for both allegations and carried out convictions. (Gordon) Among our generation, the question not addressed by the government is what is the common factor among this age bracket that is capable of contributing to this increasing number of sexual crimes across the country? “Music is an integral part of youth culture” (Kistler 2) and has been popularly discussed as the probable influence behind this staggering statistic. Through careful examination of music’s many sexually suggestive lyrics and videos released over the past decade, combined with the opinions of those heavily influenced by music, we can see that musicians with a demeaning, misconstrued message have been involuntarily responsible for measures of falsely interpreted sexual stereotypes which lead to
Rape is an age-old crime that society has just begun to understand the consequences of. In order to thoroughly understand rape, it has to be defined. However, this can be difficult to achieve because throughout history the definition and policies to prevent rape have constantly changed and varied across culture and generations. According to Dr. Mallicoat, professor at California State University, rape can be defined as “sexual intercourse under force, threat of force, or without the legal consent of the individual. (Mallicoat, 2015)” It’s unfortunate to note that most states consider an incident rape only if it includes penile-vaginal penetration. Rape is considered a more serious crime than sexual assault, which is an umbrella term for all other unwanted sexual activity besides rape (Mallicoat, 2015). Despite having these solid definitions, it’s still not clearly understood what actions and policies need to be put in place to prevent it. This problem is especially prevalent on college campuses.