In April of 2014, The White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault released a terrifying statistic; one in every five college students experiences sexual assault during their college career. My idea for the Innovation Challenge is to bring awareness to domestic abuse and sexual assault to the students at ASU. We could host a workshop to teach students how to stay safe on campus. In the workshop, we would hold a few different seminars such as hearing from actual victims, forming an on-campus support group, and learning about campus resources. The organization NO MORE allows for anyone to use their logo to raise awareness on domestic abuse and sexual assault, so we could use it to make shirts, bracelets, and other items to sell
It is the mission of Sexual Assault Service Center to offer victims of sexual assault support, to help them regain a sense of control over their lives and heal from a violent crime. The center addresses the systemic and structural issues that underlie violence, by using institutional/community advocacy and prevention education.
Mulla uses a variety of victims’ narratives, forensic nurses’ statements, and detectives and attorneys, along with research studies to strength her study on the different topics of forensic sexual assault intervention. Each chapter of this book contains a different topic that contextualizes the overall topic of medico-legal intervention in sexual assault. These topics include DNA, time, emotions, reproduction and production, technology, documentation, home and healing, and patient compliance. Each one of the topic alludes to how this medico-legal intervention contributes to a victim undergoing more “violence” that is in the form of “care”. Using the narratives of victims, research about sexual violence, and personal observations in each of
A potential topic for project 2 is sexual assaults on college campuses. I would want to know whether or not the victims are afraid to report sexual assault to authorities on college campuses and how often the victims drop out or transfer colleges. Additionally, I would also want to know if student athletes commit the most sexual assaults and the reason they go unreported. Also, it would be interesting to find out how different universities tries to pay off the victims. Sexual assaults probably happens on all college campuses but some are ignored because if a star athlete commits it then the university would probably loose money.
described as any sexual act that is unwanted by somebody else. These acts incompass penetration with genitals and/or objects without consent, rape, unwanted sexual acts such as oral sex and touching of somebody’s body without their permission and is all about “power and control” (Sexual Assault). It is important to note the misconception regarding rape. Rape falls under the category of sexual assault not every case is rape (Sexual Assault). Sexual assault on college campuses is a reoccurring problem and it seems as if colleges aren't doing much about it. These abusive incidents happen on a day to day basis and it is not getting the attention and awareness that
According to the National Defense Research Institute, policies and programs should be improved to increase reporting of the full range of sexual assaults, including those not perceived as sexual acts. They should expand sexual harassment and gender discrimination monitoring, prevention, and accountability practices and equip commanders with data and guidance to take effective actions. Prevention and enforcement efforts should target bullying, hazing, and other demeaning behaviors. The factors contributing to risk and prevention of sexual assault and sexual harassment should be identified. Lastly, current sexual assault training that service members receive should be assessed (Morral, Gore & Schell, 2014). There needs
As sexual assault incidents have an increasing presence in media, the importance of properly processing these cases has also grown. This guide will provide a brief overview of Sexual Assault Response Teams and how the various disciplines independently function for those with an interest in advocacy training.
Officer arrived at her residence and she related Marshall BURPA was touching her 9 year old daughter.
Sexual assault has been huge problem on college campus. College female students have been targets of sexual assault acts, According to Robin Gray “Between 20% and 25% of women will experience a completed and/or attempted rape during their college career.” Sexual assault is when is a crime to knowingly cause another person to engage in an unwanted sexual act by force or threat. There are laws that protect women in all types of setting from being victims of sexual assault. The government had made some changes to the laws of sexual assault over the past decade to protect the girls and women so justice can be served. The president Obama has been enforcing a law for the young women in colleges.
The sample student that I read was "Helping Decrease Sexual Assault on College Campuses". The author’s thesis is to help prevent sexual assault in colleges. The main solution that this author provided was to make every college student take a class called “yes means yes”. The author mentions that sex classes that we take in school do not include sexual assault. To support this statement, the author mentioning a research done in 53 schools in New York.
As a young female university student, the topic of safety and sexual assault is at the forefront of my thoughts anytime I enter a bar. For this reason, I think it is particularly important to study incidents of sexual assault on young females in social drinking situations. The article that I am examining in this paper is, “When women do not want it: Young female bargoers’ experiences with and responses to sexual harassment in social drinking contexts.” I will be exploring what the authors’ research question is, as well as what kind of research approach was taken by the researchers. I will also be investigating the methods used by the authors to compile and analyze their data by discussing the sample of the study and how the sample was collected, how the data was collected, as well as investigating the measures of the study and how they were operationalized and analyzed. Finally, I will evaluate the strengths and limitations of these methods, what conclusions were reached, and if they were accurately supported by the data.
Women, girls, men, and boys are vulnerable victims of sexual assaults every day in our country. While females experience much higher rates of sexual assaults than males. The problem that this country faces is the lack of being able to track rapist, in addition to the victims that chose not to report their assault of being raped to the police. Issues of under reporting comes from the victims with multiple reasons that hinders them from reporting these heinous criminal acts. Thus, the sad realization is that the perpetrator is usually some one that you know, that you would of never of thought that they could and would, and do sexually assault you.
As reported by, feminist criminologists, their perspective of rape and sexual assault differ between liberal and radical feminists. Liberal feminists’ viewpoint in regards of rape as a gender-neutral assault on a persons’ autonomy and mainly focusing on the harm that rape can do to an individual. In contrast, radical feminists describe rape as a subject to be recognised and understood as a major pillar of patriarchy; a social system in which men claim the positions of dominance and control of the central norms and values that are linked with masculinity (Johnson, 2005: p. 4-15). The radical feminists believe that rape is a patriarchal structure within male power, thus displaying the harms that rape can do to an individual and as a group of women. Furthermore, the radical feminists approach view rape as male have the control and authority over the use of women’s bodies, which involves the sexual and reproductive. Hence, this is the core element of patriarchy, Radical feminist believe that rape is one of many forms that connects men’s sexual exploitation and violence, as well as, reinforcing women’s oppression (Whisnant, 2013).
My partner and I have not been as diligent with the project as I would like us to be. In the past weeks we have gained signatures on a poster with people pledging to stop sexual assault and acknowledging that it's a problem. We have also received $50 donations which is way below our initial goal but we are glad to have raised money for the cause. In the upcoming weeks we plan to conduct interviews of volunteers addressing their stance on the issue to contribute into our end project. This project is a necessity, in my opinion to everyone safe for this inhumane crime man and woman black or white Americans must reverse the stigma set on this type of assault. My goal isn't to change the minds of millions that is a trying task but I am proud
This literature review provides a brief overview of six scholarly articles and other facts about sexual assault .This review will first define sexual assault as it is defined in these articles. It will analyze the strengths and limitations of the definition used and will discuss the occurrence of sexual assault in the general population.This review will also illustrate the protective factors, barriers to recovery , impact of development and the specific sexual assault population that are absent in these articles. Sexual assault is a societal issue that impacts men and women at every age in their life, it’s much more highly reported among college aged women. The majority of women who are victims of rape are
This quarter I had the opportunity to work in Dr. Greeson’s lab as one of her research assistants. Dr. Greeson studies community and social psychology primarily and her main focus of sexual assault is reflected in her studies and research. There are currently two directions of Dr.Greeson’s current research and both are at different places in the process of the research completion. One is that she works to evaluate the success of DePaul’s sexual assault prevention programs. This is evaluated through assessment surveys that are given to participants at the end of the workshops. Second is the research on the collaborative systems that are used to support survivors of sexual assaults (police officers, prosecutors, health care workers, and the rape victim advocates). These systems are called Sexual Assault Response Teams (SARTS). This study is a small part of the long-term study to investigate the effectiveness of each relation amongst the SARTS. Initially, she is studying the opinions and experiences that the rape victim advocates have had when cooperating with police officers which is what the current tasks are preparing for.