It is apparent that the client is experiencing symptoms of PTSD due to her behaviors of becoming withdrawn, not motivated, experiencing nightmares to where her sleeping patterns are off balance, and her response to an individual waking her from her sleep. This shows the trauma due to her sexual assault in the past as a young child and adult. The issue also stems from the fact that counseling or therapeutic services were not provided after the first occurrence due to the client’s religion and culture background. Although discussing the sexual assault can be difficult for the client, as the clinician your goal is to ensure the client that she is safe to disclose in the office as well as allowing her to feel confident in receiving the services
Ms. Glazier is a thirty-year-old Caucasian female who referred herself for Mental Health Skills Build services by due to her current struggle with mental health symptomology, domestic abuse and substance abuse. Ms. Glazier reported a history of being diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Ms. Glazier was unable to recall when onset of her Bipolar and Schizophrenia diagnoses however, shared she has been raped over fifteen times since the age of fourteen years old and her most recent rape was in 2016. As a result of the sexual trauma Ms. Glazier reported she believes she has suppressed a lot of the memories however, verbalized the following symptoms avoidance of distressing memories (daily); avoidance of external reminders (daily); inability to remember important aspects of traumatic events (daily); markedly diminished interest in significant activities (daily); anger
It is the mission of Sexual Assault Service Center to offer victims of sexual assault support, to help them regain a sense of control over their lives and heal from a violent crime. The center addresses the systemic and structural issues that underlie violence, by using institutional/community advocacy and prevention education.
PROGNOSIS: Jonathan’s prognosis is good based on overcoming major life obstacles, having some social support from family and friends, the ability to access treatment on campus, has no major medical or substance addiction, and non-suicidal ideations regarding PTSD symptoms. Part 3 - Goal Setting and Treatment Planning: Given your assessment of the individual, your knowledge of the disorder, and evidence-based practice guidelines, formulate an initial treatment plan. Use the following format. Problem 1: The client reports flashbacks of the assault, avoids the environment where the assault took place, often feels overcome with fear, anxiety, and distress throughout the day and appears to be on edge all the time, and believes the assault
Even though college campuses have taken steps to try and spread awareness about sexual assault on college campuses, many young people do not know what domestic violence looks—or feels like. A 2011 poll on domestic and dating abuse concluded that 1 in 3 surveyed women had been in an abusive relationship, while 1 in 5 had been abused at some point during their college career (Moscou, 2015). Those numbers, though taken from a small group, are very scary. About half of those students said they had not received any education on what domestic violence looks like, or what to do to help a friend in that kind of situation (Moscou, 2015). I want to help lower those numbers. I want to, and I can accomplish, a campaign to help raise awareness
After analysing the information I have from the email, the first process would be to establish a rapport with the client to engage her. She is reluctant to reveal her trauma history which may be affecting her mental wellbeing, therefore it is important to develop rapport to build trust, and reduce the threat level so that she would feel more comfortable (Hepworth, D.H. 2013. pg.37-40). Additionally, I am able to hear her story from her perspective as the email may be biased. There is an assumption
The long term psychological effects associated with sexual assault includes, depression, substance use, anxiety, PTSD, and decreased self esteem (Foa & Riggs, 1993; Resick, 1993). The authors of this article supports current literature which proposes that African American children receives inadequate or inappropriate sexuality socialization and sexual abuse prevention in their cultures and families which may affect their disclosure of sexual assault in adulthood (Washington, 2001;Wyatt, 1992).
These articles could be applied to gender issues in the context of clinical practice because it elaborates on the awareness of men being victims of military sexual assault, not just women. Civilian health care providers should be trained in providing resources and assessments to both genders of sexual assault. In addition, depending on the gender of the victim, sexual assault psychologically affects everyone differently. There are those who are resilient and some who cannot live with the burden. The articles also talks about myths that exist regarding sexual assault only happening to service women and not service men. This is obviously not true, however the insight the articles gave regarding eradicating myths of sexual assault that are based
On 07/16/15 at approximately 0438 hours, Kirkland Officers were dispatched to an Assault near Anthony’s Homeport in the 100 block of Lake Street South, Kirkland Washington. Dispatch related the female victim, KMW, DOB 08/25/74, called 911 and reported that a Hispanic male approximately 18 years of age had kicked her in the head. Officer DeAguiar arrived on scene and informed radio that the victim had been sexually assaulted by an unknown male that fled on foot. K9 Officer Hopkins responded to the scene to assist with a K9 track.
The client presents to the facility appearing to have symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder including night mares, flash backs, and having a difficulty sleeping at night; she reports many nights that she does not want to go to sleep because the nightmares will wake her up. According to the American Psychiatric Association “posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric disorder that can occur in people who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event such as a natural disaster, a serious accident, a terrorist act, war/combat, rape or other violet personal assault” (American Psychiatric Association, 2018, para.
As sexual assault incidents have an increasing presence in media, the importance of properly processing these cases has also grown. This guide will provide a brief overview of Sexual Assault Response Teams and how the various disciplines independently function for those with an interest in advocacy training.
The human services organization in this proposal is Sudbury Male Sexual Assault/Sexual Abuse Counselling and Crisis Centre. The mandate of the organization is to provide services to men of eighteen years of age or more that have experienced or are suffering from mental, physical or sexual abuse. Because males have a tendency of feeling, the abuse was their fault, that they have no support system and people will not believe their story, they are less likely to report their incidents (McDonald & Tijerino, 2013). With that being said this organization will also act as a safe haven, in the form of a shelter for men that are worried about their safety. It will give them support to strive for personal growth, it will teach them necessary skills to overcome their current situation and will promote community health by educating the community about male abuse and the services available for victims. Throughout the proposal, there will be four main topics discussed; these include principles for practice, organization behavior and administration, program accountability as well as intra/inter-organizational relations.
Sexual assault has plagued the military since its inception. The chain of command (COC) is responsible for maintaining the good order and conduct of our service members (SMs). Unfortunately, the U.S. military has not been able to effectively combat the occurrences of sexual assault. Billions of taxpayer dollars have been thrown at the problem, programs have been implemented and task forces have been mobilized. To combat this epidemic, the Sexual Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention program (SHARP) is the U.S. military’s main effort. SHARP is designed to promote advocacy and provide support for victims of sexual assault, in order to decrease or eliminate the instances of sexual assault among SMs. However, the problem of
The client is showing symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD. Under the DSM-V the diagnostic code follows 309.81 (F43.10) and finds the criteria by clinically significant distress or impairment in social and/or occupational dysfunction for a period of at least one month and symptoms are not due to medical condition, medication or drugs and alcohol. PTSD symptoms include nightmares, flashbacks, sleep disturbance, mood disorders, suicidal ideation, avoidance, and hyper-arousal in response to trauma-related stimuli. Common symptoms related to PTSD may include insomnia, attention deficit problems, and anhedonia. Common comorbid disorders are depression, anxiety, and substance addiction. Under the symptoms hyper-arousal individual may
Some of the factors that come with this diagnosis are fearfulness around loud noises or hyper-vigilance to ordinary situations. Since the patient has these tendencies, spiritualism could help alleviate some of these reactions. Going to a church and speaking with a priest or minister could be of value to the patient because talking about the events that caused the PTSD could help in the recovery process. Culturally speaking, the special population in this particular case is minimal. While the patient does require some special assistance, such as counseling and cultural guidance from within her community, she has not displayed signs of needing items such as a wheel chair or special transportation. Emotionally speaking the patient has stated that a family member sexually assaulted her when she was young, which in turn most likely lead to her PTSD diagnosis. The traumatic events in her life up to this point and the lack of empathy from her family have lead to a devastating and lasting emotional state. The patient would greatly benefit emotionally from counseling and church/community involvement. She also could benefit by joining a support group for sexually assaulted victims and talking to others that this may have happened too. The After Silence organization offers support groups, message boards, and chat rooms where many individuals like my patient gathered together
This literature review provides a brief overview of six scholarly articles and other facts about sexual assault .This review will first define sexual assault as it is defined in these articles. It will analyze the strengths and limitations of the definition used and will discuss the occurrence of sexual assault in the general population.This review will also illustrate the protective factors, barriers to recovery , impact of development and the specific sexual assault population that are absent in these articles. Sexual assault is a societal issue that impacts men and women at every age in their life, it’s much more highly reported among college aged women. The majority of women who are victims of rape are