
Sexual Harassment Papers

Decent Essays

Sexual harassment is something that is happening daily. Trying to cope with the emotional damage can be a lot worse than the harassment itself. It can have an affect on your job, or personal life.
Employees who are harassed report lower levels of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and job performance. Employees experience higher levels of psychological distress and physical problems than those who are not harassed. Victims of workplace sexual harassment experience a range of ill effects, such as job dissatisfaction and absenteeism.
Victims also exhibit nervousness, anger and irritability, low self-esteem and elevated stress.
Ignoring sexual harassment is also relatively common.
Responses appear to vary depending on the severity …show more content…

A target of sexual harassment may not respond assertively to a harasser who is a superior for fear of losing her job or suffering other sanctions. On the basis of these fears, a target may also be less inclined to report a superior. Female victims in male dominated settings may be less assertive because women are outnumbered.
Both job and personal effects were significantly related to the status of the harasser and the type of sexual harassment. Women harassed by co-workers are the least likely to report suffering job-related or personal problems. Women harassed in a coercive manner reported more job and personal effects.
Women are most likely to respond to sexual harassment directly as they are to respond indirectly. Direct responses are reporting, speaking to someone, or confronting the harasser. Indirect responses include ignoring the problem, not responding, taking the sexual harassment as a joke, avoiding the situation or changing one's own behavior. Over one- third of women confront their harasser. An equal proportion of women report the incident, retaliated or spoke to someone about the sexual harassment. With respect to …show more content…

There are four types of support that are included in the interactive coping. One approach recommends both pity and determined behaviors that attend to the victim's needs, such as helping students deal with internal reactions, providing information, and assisting as students decide what to do. A second approach indicates the use of strategies, such as providing information or advice. A third approach supports the rights and concerns of accused perpetrators above all others, indicating the need to ask pointed questions to prove students who make false complaints. Women rarely use complaint procedures to help with coping of sexual harassment. They usually try to avoid the perpetrator or talk to a friend and react with rejection and anxiety.
Women who are sexually harassed seek help from a friend or family member. Even though women may have difficulty coping with sexual harassment, they might find themselves in a dangerous situation because of the lack of support they get and a sense of separation.
Responding efficiently to someone who has been sexually harassed might require practice

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