Isidore E. Sharpe
Professor Kenneth Yelverton
SSC – 101
April 13, 2016
Sexual Orientation and the
Struggle for Equality The world is full of all type of discrimination, Racial Discrimination, Equal Rights among minorities, yet, the society struggles with sexual orientation. Sexual orientation is the classification of individuals, such as heterosexual, bisexual, or homosexual based upon their emotional and sexual attractions, relationships, self-identity, and behavior (Mooney, page 400). This sexual orientation is a global problem. It is illegal for a males or females to be homosexual in the majority of the 86 countries in the United Nations (Ottosson 2008); these individuals can victim of criminal punishment or corporal punishment for being
In the last several years the United States of America has shown progression towards equality for LGBT. With whole states being the frontrunners of support for LGBT rights it has become apparent that change is happening. In 2012 gay marriage was legalized in all fifty states, allowing many couples the ability to wed. Close friends of my mom were able to wed because of the law. Not only has there been steps taken for sexuallitys but, also for those who are transgender. In the last couple years the Transgender Community has seen discussion after discussion about the use of bathrooms. It has shown that there’s many who support trans bathroom rights and that the country is willing to move forward. Also on the chopping block of the transgender
Conflict theories are frequently connected to disparities of sexual orientation, social class, training, race, and ethnicity. A contention hypothesis point of view of U.S. history would inspect the various past and current battles between the white decision class and racial and ethnic minorities, taking note of particular clashes that have emerged when the overwhelming gathering saw a danger from the minority
Tocqueville saw America’s problems and knew it would lead to our current state. Tocqueville stated that democracy would lead to individualism and materialism. Today, Americans are apathetic towards many things. Instead of attempting to understand a subject, they don’t want to deal with it. When issues emerge, Americans want the government to take charge and end the debate by passing a law. For example, sexual orientation has been a widely-debated issue. There are two main sides: pro-LGBTQIA+ and those against LGBTQIA+. Those who are against LGBTQIA want the government to step in and make it illegal. But think about how ridiculous it is to outlaw something that is so personal. Sexual orientation does not affect others. People do not bleed every time they meet someone who is gay. Still, they want to control other people’s lives and who they choose to love. Government has taken a bigger role that the founding fathers were against. Government was only supposed to protect and provide for the people. Today, it has a much bigger role in individual’s personal lives. It is taking on the issues of sexual orientation, gender, which bathroom a transgender must use, and much more. These issues are social issues that the government should not be involved in. There is so much more that needs the attention of government officials. For example, the education system, healthcare, tax reform, war, and more. The power we have given government can lead to a tyranny. The more power given to the
The more we talk about sexuality and public policy the more we can see change
The topic of sexual orientation is both sensitive and controversial. This is evident in events, such as the Pride Parade, and also in media, where authoritative figures preach against it and speak of its “sinful nature” (Emmanuele, Blanchard, Camperio-Ciani, & Bancroft, 2010). Sexual orientation exists in various forms, it differs in the way it is viewed by different cultures, and researchers propose different perspectives to explain the emergence of an individual 's sexual orientation. In the discourse of sexual orientation,
Sexual orientation can be considered as one of America’s most controversial topics. Although the rationale and choice differs from person to person, and is considered to be a private matter of personal preference, many people have experienced negative backlash and harsh criticism due to their individual likings. In general, sexual orientation is defined as: a person 's sexual identity in relation to the gender to which they are attracted; the fact of being heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual. While the definition seems to be straightforward and concise, the subject of sexual orientation encompasses much more than just the intensity of emotional and erotic attraction and response to members of the opposite sex, the same sex, or both
When I think about diversity in the world I too think about diversity when it comes to sexual orientation. Sometimes I think -- How is sexual identity developed? What influences who we become sexually? Why is there such diversity in sexual orientation? To be quite frank, there are no correct or incorrect answers to these questions. The idea of sexual orientation and behavior is a very complex one. What was true in the past is certainly different than the norm today. When I researched the various psychological theories and methodologies of measuring one’s sexuality, naturally I came across the work of Dr. Alfred Kinsey, the creator of the Kinsey scale.
The most common sexual orientation, regardless of culture, is heterosexuality. This is defined as a sexual orientation in which an individual is generally sexually attracted to members of the opposite sex. A Centers for Disease Control national survey “reported that the percentage of Americans who identify themselves as heterosexual was 90 percent for men and women” (King, 2011, p. 363). This orientation is also considered by many people, cultures and religion throughout history and into the present as being the “normal” and “natural” orientation, with the idea that any deviation from heterosexuality is unnatural, a choice, and a thing that needs to be corrected. This belief,
First and foremost, I do no believe there is a comparison between civil rights and gender/sexual orientation (gay individuals). To compare the two in any shape or form is to diminish, underestimate, depreciate and compromise the severity of the crimes committed against black people at the hands of their white slave masters. Civil rights were not just about granting freedom to black people, but it was about restoring the general dignity of humans regardless of their race. The humiliation black people suffer was catastrophic, it threatens the existence blacks in America. A whole generation of black people was stripped of their human dignity, ripped apart and mutilates like cursed animals. To disenfranchise an entire generation in such a way just because of the color of their skin meant that an entire generation of people was at the verge of extinction.
The word gay is a difficult word to define in our society and with so much controversy people must be careful on their ideas surrounding the subject. However out of the four categories discussed to depict sexual orientation is would have to be the fourth and final one which is claimed sexual orientation. For the first chose it was anything ever which is not correct because a majority of the times adolescents are confused or bored. They might want to experience something new so they give it a try. However they might decide that they do not like the same sex and from there on out be hetersexual. Therefore it is not correct to label them gay just because they've done something gay due to the fact they felt they needed to do that action in order
In this assignment I interviewed two homosexual Iranians that moved to Norway because of the persecution in their home country. To be attracted to the same sex in Iran is considered an illness, and many people find themselves helpless regarding to get information about it. If you go to your family or friends for support, they will say that your have a sickness, since they have never heard about this either. The only thing that the government does to help these people is providing them with the opportunity of a sex change. If they object they will be executed. In Norway homosexuality is open, and people are educated about different sexual orientation from the primary school, there is also a telephone support system for people that have
Throughout history, there have been many cases of injustice and discrimination both around the world and in the United States specifically. There has been oppression of and discrimination against differing ethnic groups, women, and now, individuals with a different sexual orientation than what can be seen as normal. While the rights of these groups have improved significantly, discrimination still occurs. However, discrimination against them is still less rampant than the discrimination against people who identify as homosexuals and other similar sexual orientations. Since we, as a society, have made extensive leaps and bounds regarding similar social issues, we can and must make similar strides regarding societal views of sexual orientation.
The LGBT community has made new laws each day to bring equality to all. “Throughout its, America has symbolized equality of opportunity for people of all races, origins, religions and creeds, serving as a beacon of hope for anyone seeking a better life. However, despite its founding principles of equality and acceptance, the United States also has a long history of denying basic rights to certain people” (LGBT Equality). When the US discriminates against a certain thing people retaliate and rise up and try to make new laws to help their cause. The LGBT community has been striving to bring equality in many ways. The LGBT community has made great strides in gaining equality of same-sex marriage, gay adoption, and transgender equality.
According to the American Psychological Association, sexual orientation is defined as "an enduring pattern of emotional, romantic, and/or sexual attractions to men, women, or both sexes" (APA, 2008). Moreover, the definition offered suggests that sexual orientation does not solely relate as a characteristic of an individual but is most reflective of a relationship with another individual (APA, 2008). In the United States, those with a sexual orientation described as lesbian, gay, transgender or bisexual have faced discrimination, violence and prejudice based on their sexual orientation. Throughout the 1970's, 80's and into the 1990's public opinion polls indicated a significant rate of violence and harassment targeted towards those individuals identified as or self identified as belonging to the gay, lesbian, or homosexual community. With HIV/AIDs becoming more prevalent and the national and international scare associated with the disease, the gay and lesbian community was the primary target. Public opinion was vocal and negative.
A social problem is normally a term used to describe problems with a particular area or group of people in the world. Social problems often involve problems that affect real life. It also affects how people react to certain situations. While differences in racial/ethnic prejudices have been explored extensively in past literature (e.g. Bobo and Zubrinksy’s 1996, study of differential prejudices directed toward Hispanic and Black individuals), little U.S. research has investigated how attitudes toward lesbians, gays, bisexual men, bisexual women, and male-to-female (MtF) and female-to-male (FtM) transgender (henceforth “LGBT”) may differ ( Marcus, 2015).