
Sexuality In Narcissus And Aesop's Fables

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Both Metamorphoses and Aesop’s Fables depict and explore sexuality in several stories, and similarities can be seen in them. In the story of Narcissus and in “The Children and the Mirror,” mirrors and reflections play an important role in discussing sexuality. In these stories, a person’s reflection is important when discussing sexuality, which often has homosexual undertones. In one, a beautiful man falls in love with his own reflection, and in the other a beautiful boy is encouraged to look at his reflection to remind himself of his good looks, while the ugly girl is told to look in the mirror to remind her that she must compensate for her ugly looks. The reflection featured in the story of Narcissus represents an excess of sexuality, …show more content…

After the father hears his daughter’s accusations, he tells his children, “I want you to use the mirror each and every day: you, my son, so that you will remember not to spoil your good looks by behaving badly, and you, my daughter, so that you will remember to compensate for your appearance by the good quality of your character” (Aesop 228-229). Being forced to look in the mirror would remind them of what they need to work on or what they don’t want to lose. It also seems more of a punishment for the daughter, who would then have to be reminded daily of her inadequacy, and be forced to find ways to improve herself in the eyes of society. In Aesop, women’s sexuality is almost always directly connected to men, and it is discussed and evaluated based on that connection. The daughter’s lack of beauty is contrasted from the very beginning with her brother’s good looks. The first line of the story sets up this contrast: “there was a man who had an extremely ugly daughter ad a son who was remarkable for his good looks” (Aesop 228). The lack of beauty in the daughter seems to suggest a lack of sexuality. She must look upon herself because no one else, at least no man will love her, thus she must have a homosexual

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