
Sexualized Trauma Case Study

Decent Essays

The proposed research is into the experience of women using nature therapy to heal trauma from sexualized assault or abuse. Research Purpose Research problem To understand the experience of women using nature therapy to heal sexualized trauma. Research questions How does nature therapy assist women with experience of sexual abuse or assault? How do you spend time in nature? What aspects of being in a natural environment facilitate the healing process for these women? What aspects of being in a natural environment inhibit the healing process? What advice would the women give to others about using nature for healing from sexualized trauma? Theoretical context Firstly, humans experience calming effects being in natural environments as found …show more content…

The researcher will attempt to develop a working hypothesis to generalize about the situation of using nature therapy to heal from sexualized trauma and how that is achieved. Sample size and type This study will include up to 10 women. Other details about participants include: women or people who identify as female (transsexual woman will be invited); women aged 18-75, with preference of mean age of under 45, assuming that mobility and time in nature will be reduced as women age. Sexual orientation will not be an issue however asexual women may not be included as the researcher is interested in improving sexual health including a preference to being sexually active at least at some time in the future. Women will be recruited within Calgary or within a 50 km radius in order to facilitate a face-to-face interview. Ethnic preference is for 6 European, 1 aboriginal, 3 visible minorities such as Asian, black, or Arab to reflect the population mix of Calgary. Their religious affiliation information will be collected but it will not be used as part of the selection criteria. Women who are already known to the researcher on a personal relationship level will be excluded to avoid a dual relationship, however acquaintances such as social media ‘friends’ may be

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