
Shair And Mullinathan's Scarcity Summary

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Marisol Romano
College writing l
Maryann Gilligan
Scarcity Final Draft
High School students are more likely to become a subject to plagiarism when their time and resources are scarce and an important assignment is due. Students tend to make decisions based on an instant want without caring about any long term effects. When an assignment is due and they only have a short amount of time to finish; their “mental capacity or, as we call it bandwidth” (17) starts getting taxed and they lose focus on their thought process. In Shair’s and Mullainathan’s Scarcity: Why Having Too Little Means So Much these two concepts are discussed. The author explains how “slack” is not appreciated and how Vigilance is important because if you don’t keep track of your resources, you are bound to run out of them. Scarcity is all about keeping balance of your many resources to avoid running out …show more content…

In my case resources included time and the material given to me. “Vigilance” is a great way for students who don’t have enough support to exceed in high school. Students who don’t have the right support tend to do the easier thing because no one told them they can’t. Plagiarism is that easier thing because all they have to do is copy and paste something onto their paper; they don’t even have to think of their own ideas. Once they plagiarize and see how easy it is, it gets harder for them to not want to do it. “You have just dug yourself a hole for the extended future, a hole that will require vigilance to climb out of” (212). Vigilance is watching carefully for any possible danger. Students who are vigilant will watch carefully for deadlines. They will also be vigilant too when they are plagiarizing or not. So any student who is vigilant will never have the need for plagiarism. But the one thing about vigilance is you cant just do it once or twice, “Vigilance choices require we continuously repeat the choice”

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