It has a place in all of our hearts. Shakespeare is well and alive in modern society. In fact, there are many famous quotes from Shakespeare that are being used on an everyday basis. Shakespeare quotes are used often in our regular conversations. According to Christopher Gaze, we often say phrases such as “green-eyed jealousy”, “It’s Greek to me!”, and “Laughing Stock” without realizing we are quoting Shakespeare’s works and plays. Many of the words we use in our everyday conversations have been contributed by Shakespeare. According to Mental Floss, words such as addiction, fashionable, and manager have been created by William Shakespeare. Furthermore, Shakespeare is ever present. Shakespeare exists everywhere in our world. This is mainly because
Shakespeare is important, because of his essential contributions to the modern English language. This is recognized by scholars,“First of all, there was a volcano of words, an eruption of words that shakespeare had never used before, that had never been used in the english language before” (Stephen Greenblatt). His language evolved the English language, by introducing new words (think hip hop). Few modern writers have established new words into our language and have them stick. “The language is so dense, so rich, the first couple plays they read are difficult. Not
In the grand scheme of things, it seems quite odd that the vast majority of people have decided it is important to perform, study, and read plays written by a man who has been dead for over four hundred years. This of course, refers to William Shakespeare. For many people, the mention of his name brings up a faded memorized line or two from high school, but his impact on the world stretches farther than the perimeters of a classroom. Shakespeare revolutionized the English language to the point where half the time people are blissfully unaware of the fact they are quoting him. Whenever someone says, “What a sorry sight,” or, “I’m tongue tied”, they are not only empirically unoriginal, they are spouting Shakespeare.
William Shakespeare is known to be the “greatest English-speaking writer in history” and an England’s national poet, actor, and an extremely successful playwright. During Shakespeare’s acting career in London, he started writing all about “European geography, culture, and diverse personalities (” Willm Shakspere or William Shakspeare, as written by him, then went on to write plays. His first three plays were all created around or a little before 1592 and captured the core studied categories; tragedy (Titus Andronicus), comedy (The Two Gentlemen of Verona, The Comedy of Errors and The Taming of the Shrew), and history (Henry VI trilogy and Richard III). He wrote plays and sonnets for many theater companies, was one of the main playwrights for the Lord Chamberlain’s Men, which was renamed the King’s Men when James I was in charge, and formed the Globe theater in 1599 with other partners. Shakespeare’s unique language, themes, verses, format, characters, and plots makes his writing universal to every culture and time period. Shakespeare is still taught in school nowadays due to its’ educational and transitional purposes. Shakespeare continues to influence modern-day life and I believe will for a long time to come.
We in the 21st century enjoy Shakespeare’s plays for a variety of reasons. His plays have different themes like love, ambition, pride, friendship, supernatural, etc. His language is rich and full of imagery. Many of his famous quotes are used even till today such as "To be, or not to be" and "O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?"-Romeo and Juliet, form some of literature's most
Is Shakespeare still relevant today. His relevance today is questioned by many people today. Just because he wrote over 400 years ago and his use of the english language is outdated. With his use of language or grammar it makes it confusing to read and understand. But that’s what makes Shakespeare interesting to read. People are still learning lessons from his plays. They are also reimaging and reworking his plays to put their own twist on the common Shakespeare play. In closing though Shakespeare's relevance is questioned, he will stay as a popular author for a very long
Shakespeare is important to modern day writing because his plays include timeless themes such as friendship, love, and vengeance. Characters of Shakespeare are recognized by the second their names are invoked. Shakespeare also influenced how the roles of men and women are established and the equality between each other through his plays and many works. William Shakespeare is one of the most influential writers during the sixteenth century, and his works continue to have an impact on American culture today.
When looking at the today, Shakespeare’s memory has lasted for less than 500 years, and is still likely to last because of his great works, and the movies and books depicting his work. The movies of his plays, and the book full of all of his plays. “Shakespeare’s work was performed throughout the next hundred years as his fame and reputation grew throughout the country.” Although we may not know how long his influence and memory will last exactly, it’ll get really hard to forget someone who introduced so many words to the English language and so many good works to enjoy in many different forms. In fact, the reason his memory is alive is because of old colleagues and friends that put all of his plays into a single book, called a folio, and because some people passed down many memories of him.
Shakespeare once wrote, “To be, or not to be, that is the question.” (Hamlet, 3. 1. 64). This is to be considered one of Shakespeare’s most famous and used quotes. Though Shakespeare was alive and wrote many decades before our time, students are still subjected to using his works. This leaves people with the question, why? William Shakespeare’s works are still used today due to his universal themes, uncanny ability to take ideas and turn them into new and captivating wonders, and amazingly rich language.
In schools all over the country Shakespeare is being taught not only in high schools but also at the college level. My first thought of what to think of this is that Shakespeare shouldn’t be taught nearly as much as it is. There are various different sources severely less painful to teach and learn. But the more I researched and learned the importance of Shakespeare, the more I realized its benefits being taught in today’s society. Shakespeare's plays challenges students with difficult language and style, show a great connection to the knowledge of human behavior and offer a deep understanding into our society.
Many have heard of William Shakespeare, and many have seen or known his work without even knowing it was his. The playwright, poet, and actor was born April 23,1564. There has been a debate whether him and/or his plays and work are still relevant till this day. Shakespeare has a worldwide impact and his plays and their concept continue to illustrate the problems we are affected by today. Significantly, after first experiencing Shakespeare, many can already notice that he has the potential to speak out various emotions some cannot find words to express and experiences we encounter time to time.
Some people might say that Shakespeare makes great plays that people enjoy. Finally,Shakespeare is very difficult to understand and it's very hard to comprehend when it's being taught by a teacher. The teachers can teach about more modern writers that we might be able to understand. Shakespeare is 400 years old and i think we should be learning more about writers from the twenty first century. That's why Shakespeare should not be taught in high schools around the
Even after all this time, Shakespeare can still intrigue and excite people and students alike. Everyone says that Shakespeare was the greatest playwright of his time, but most don’t even know why. Those people just take the experts opinion, but even non-experts can think his plays are great. Shakespeare didn’t write these plays just for well-educated people but to be performed for everyone. Shakespeare wrote about topics that were of issues in his days, and through his plays one can see the message he is trying to convey while capturing the complexity of the character’s mind (Tumiel). He wanted his audience think what it would be like if they were that character and to feel the emotions of their hearts, to understand the psychological existence of that person. It is this those captured feelings in his words that makes him one of the greatest
Is Shakespeare not one of the greatest authors to ever exist? Should new generations have the honour to learn about him and his plays? Yes, Shakespeare should be taught in schools as it broadens students’ point of view, gives them a depth intro to older times and the words, metaphors and etc. help them understand the English language better. Some may argue that Shakespeare is simply too boring to be taught to students; students that are very hard to keep interested and entertained at the same time.
His work touched an extensive amount of different topics and themes, all of which are still relevant today. His writing is the foundation of some of the most classic literature, and a great amount of modern pieces can be traced back to his style and ideas in some way. His language deepens the analytical, reading and writing skills of young readers, and develops an appreciation for the progression of the English language through time. If Shakespeare were to be terminated from school curriculums, students would lose important, education enhancing aspects of English and would be unable to create a far more in-depth understanding of the literary work of the past and
Simply stated, students should study Shakespeare's works in school because of the incredible value within them. In addition to exposing students to a multitude of literary techniques, Shakespeare's plays challenge the student with difficult language and style, express a profound knowledge of human behavior and offer insight into the world around us.William Shakespeare is recognized by much of the world as the greatest of all dramatists. The intricate meanings, extensive vocabulary, and powerful imagery contained within his works demonstrate the phenomenal story telling ability of the English playwright. "Shakespeare's use of poetry within his plays to express the deepest levels of human motivation in individual, social and universal