
Shakespeare Chapter 5 Summary

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Chapter 5-When in Doubt, It’s from Shakespeare… Shakespeare is a universal figure, as his plays are historical treasures. As a result many authors allude or borrow from his masterpieces. Foster tells us that many writers borrow from other literary works to get ideas across in a familiar way, and Shakespeare is the most familiar author to anyone. The most popular allusion to Shakespeare in pop culture today, is to Romeo and Juliet. An example of this play being alluded to is The Outsiders as the Socs and Greasers hated each other as much as the Capulets and the Montagues. Due to tragic deaths in both stories, both sides must learn to overcome their differences before any others are killed. Chapter 6-…Or the Bible The Bible is the most read book in world. Due to this, many authors allude to the familiar stories and scriptures. In The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe there are many biblical allusions. A reoccurring implication is that Aslan represents Jesus Christ. Aslan sacrifices his life for Edmund just as Jesus did for the sins of mankind. This affects the novel by showing how Aslan is the leader of the creatures in this fantasy world and how he must take the fall for their wrongdoings just as Jesus would. …show more content…

Fairytales also are transferred to adult movies and novels. The musical The Phantom of the Opera connects to a well-known fairytale of The Beauty and the Beast. Christine is a beauty like Belle and is the only one of ‘village’ not completely frightened by the Phantom or the Beast. While the two stories do not have the same happy endings, Christine manages to teach the Phantom that he can be loved, even if she does not love him like Belle loves the

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