After she heard the noise and walked to see there was nothing there. She went back to check on the girls and seen there was only 3 of them when she seen that there were 3. She put on a bunch of heavy clothes and she went outside to look. When she found her,
She said” where were you.” The daughter started saying” I knocked on the door as hard as I could but when u opened the door I got buried in the snow.” When the mom found out that she got buried in the snow she was upset with herself.
“ I am sorry about that I should have pick all of you kids up to get you all inside,” Betsy said. But then all of a sudden she heard a knock on the door and went to answer it. It was Neil.
He said that “ he seen that the weather changed so he didn’t know
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The boys were walking around and asking people for food but they wouldn't give them any James had almost froze to death. One day the day and son were walking. Then james fell and had passed away the next night. When people seen that he was carrying his son they let him in but then he said that He said “That his son was dead and he has nowhere to go, oh and my name is Shamus.
“Howdy, I’m Heather and this is my husband Mike” Said Heather.
Mike said “you can stay with us till the storm is gone.”
“Well thank you you don’t have to but I am thankful that you are letting me stay here.”
Heather started to say “it’s no probably.”
The next three months later the storm was gone and Shamus got to go home. He thanked Mike and Heather for letting him stay. He walked home with neil in his arms. When he got home he knock as hard as he could on the door. When Betsy found out she bald her eyes out. The next day her, Shamus, and the kids all went and had a funeral for James. They were all depressed about it. But months after always remembered James and was a happy family again. 2 months after james passed away they had another little boy which they named James jr. He was just like
Later in the story she heard her father and mother in the other room and her father was crying about being
He then took her to her mom. She is brought to a beautiful graveyard. She goes up to her mother’s grave and starts to look at the area around
The reporter states that Heather was a runaway. Heather states while in the home of Marty, there were a number of people living in the home, other that Ms. Johnson. Drugs were also being used at the home. Heather saw more than one person in the home with track marks on their arm. Heather saw Ms. Johnson son shoot up in the shed, along with his girlfriend. She also saw person talking about the drug Opano. She told Marty about the drugs use, but Marty knew about it. Marty’s two granddaughters were in the home, and they would be transferred back and forth to school. Heather did not have a bed, and had to sleep with Ms. Johnson. One morning Bobbi (a friend to Marty) was in the bed with them. Amy went to the home on last week to speak with Rigo.
What was going through his head, obviously, was not what she expected. He started to walk out the door without her help and before she knew it, he was gone out of sight. She sat down thinking he was going to come back, but as time went on, she started to feel anxious and scared and called the police after going out looking for him. The police brought him back, not knowing that in the back of the police car, he had passed away.
The woman told Jonathan that the boy come in the store and picked out either a keychain or small item, she would just tell him to take it. The day before the fire, the boy came in with a dollar bill, asking the woman if she can change the dollar bill to a 5 dollar bill. The woman told the boy that she couldn’t do that because the two bills are different and asked him what does he need it for. He answered that he wanted to buy a baseball from a store across the street. The woman became busy and couldn’t talk anymore and the boy went out the door and went into other stores and asked the same thing the other store clerks.
was still laying on the floor dead. When she noticed that he was dead she messed up the
The boy kept refusing to go back to the store, so what his mom did was locked him out until he had the groceries. He was really frightened and puzzled that his mom did that to him. But he left
“Well sir, it clearly is up to you. It’s your decision on either you want to leave and return back to your habitat, or not.
Rachel wanted to relocate out of Queens, because she couldn't keep her house any longer. The kids started fighting with one another whether or not they should stay. A few months in Delaware and a group of police officers stopped them after making an illegal u-turn. After the situation the mother despised Delaware. However, she stayed because she could not afford any other house. James started getting more serious with his studies. Furthermore, he joined the school band and was positive that he aspire to become a musician. As time passed, he was accepted to a university. The day he was departing to university, his mother dropped him off at the bus station. Looking out the window, he remembers seeing his mother break down into
Towards the middle of the story it talk about how the children locked her in a closet. Also that they did not believe what she was trying to say. She
“Look i found a gate so we can get out of here” said, Lilly. Sadly it was looked the girls started to cry. But then they seen a man. The girls went up to him asked him if he could help them. The strange man agreed to help them. So he showed them the way to get home.
Sulpica told me that James finds out about where Sara was hiding and he kidnapped her. James took his sister Sara back to Crystal City. Does he know that Anastasia and Andrew are his children? I ask Sulpica. No, he does. Anastasia, and Andrew, and Elizabeth are staying with the Rose and William Anderson. They are the parents of Victor Sara Johnson's husband. Sulpica says. I feel bad for the children they must be scared. I say. They are doing ok. The kids know their mother is alive but they think Steve is dead. Rose and William believe Steve dead too. We did not want to tell them because it was too
As she looked for them, a few minutes later she found them and caught them and put them in a cage with the girl. And left and never came
That morning she woke up that,that morning to go to college but before she could go,she would go to the phone and call her friends Brad,Megan,Fetty Wapp. After finishing talking to her friend she goes to the train station . After getting from the train station She meet up with her friends and went to college after her first two classes she went to Chic-Fil-a and bot a Fila Sandwhich. Her friends and her decided to skip the rest of the day. Her friends decided to go the old train track to go smoke weed as they were smoking they walked down the railroad as every body went home she tryed to cross over to go home and she got ran over.
The next morning she asked her mom where she should go and she said that she can go to her friend’s house anytime and told her she should go with her aunt to Washington D.C. That night she packed her clothes so she could go to Washington D.C.