Ned Minter Share market game report Contents The role of the Australian organisation that is responsible for monitoring share trade in Australia ………………………………………………………………... page 3 The outline of the research a person should undertake before investing in the shares of a particular company ………………………………………….…… page 4 Evaluation of the effectiveness of share investment against property investment in improving a person’s wealth …………………………………. page 5 Analysis of the performance of selected shares in our group’s share portfolio and the performance of our group in terms of the purchasing process undertaken ………………………………………………….………………………………………………… page 6 The role of the Australian organisation, which is responsible for …show more content…
There are so many things a person or a company should consider before purchasing a share in a company. First of all they should do a background check on the company, have a look at the company’s growth rate over the past five years. You should then compare this growth to another company who’s selling very simular shares (in the same industry) at a simular price. You should compare the products with their prices to work out which would be the best outcome for purchase, because the other companies you find could out to be a better investment then the first option. Also look at much larger companies, like world renown companies. As they would offer a greater return than a local shop. The investor would also have to look at the risk factor attached to the investment, for example you might put in 100 shares worth $300 but you could only get $200 as a return from that investment. But you could also get a much larger return from the investment. You have to analyse the risk and make a decision from that. You would have to understand the behaviours of the competing companies, as their success could be the determining factor towards your invested companies failure. Finally you have to be sensible when it comes to investing. You need to know what you are getting yourself into when you enter the share market. You shouldn’t invest in a small
The Australian department store sector has undergone significant change over the past decade. The discount department store is increasingly competitive. Financial crisis has resulted in higher unemployment rate and lower consumer sentiment, effecting retailing sales. However, these negative events have been partially offset by the Federal Government’s economic stimulus package and reduction of official interest rates. In non-food industry of Australia, there are restrictive property and zoning laws, causing barriers for entrants. The leading retailers such as Myer and David Jones have great brand identification and customer loyalty. Their large scale and mature supply chains ensure their cost
The company I chose to invest in is the Universal Healthcare Services. UHS inc operates many different types of businesses including, acute care hospitals, behavioral health centers, ambulance services, surgical hospitals and oncology centers ( It is important to investors that the company is within the top leadership of their market. United health services is well known and respected within their market, making them market leaders. Market leadership means that the company will have more pricing power and a bigger presence within the market. Market leadership also means that the company will have a large fan base and brand recognition. Universal health Services is one of largest Hospital management facilities in the world, they have build an extensive record and impressive
The main question of the study is how financially well the company is at the moment and what investment expectation it generates on the market nowdays.
Assignment #1 - Leon’s versus The Brick etc.) have a vested interest in understanding inherent risks of engaging in economic activities with such companies. In addition to periodic and timely filing requirements for publically traded companies, market based share price data is readily available through most online news networks or major stock exchange websites. Yet another touch point for the financial analyst to access relevant and valuable business intelligence on a timely basis.
Review of Financial Research Report: This assignment is an analysis of a US publicly-traded company; its common stock could be a prospective investment. The report is due in Week 10, in needs to be at least 5 pages, and it needs to cover the following topics:
7. A valuation of the stock or a range of values that would provide a basis for an investment decision. Include the assumptions you make and your calculation steps. You may calculate the stock's required return from an SML or APT
In oligopoly market, each firm has substantial market power with high degree of interdependence. The key for success in a oligopoly market is to gain more market share than the competitors. Increasing the price can lead to loss of market share to the competitors, so in the oligopoly market, if a firm decreases the price, the other firms will always follow, but if a firm increase the price, the other firms will not follow. The demand curve is kinked.
The stock market game assignment was a new learning experience. The simulation gave us $100,000.00 to buy and sell domestic equities. The guidelines made the game a bit more straightforward by not allowing students to trade certain items. This assignment gave students the opportunity to see how the trading market works. Overall the stock market game assignment was a great way for any student to learn how the market works by having hands on experience with buying and trading their own stocks.
The report will serve as a guide to a potential investor who wants to make an investment in the said company. Therefore, the report also gives a recommendation about whether or not to invest in the company.
The purpose of the response is advise the investor about the companies he is considering to invest in. The investor wishes to learn more about the profitability, liquidity and asset efficiency of the said companies along with a recommendation of which company would be most beneficial to invest in.
The analysis was conducted by deriving additional information from available financial data and proceeding with an interpretation of the results in light of qualitative information. The group developed decision lists for a BUY or DON’T BUY recommendation and these were compared against relevant factors that
Gittman (2004, pp. 312) divided stock into two types, such as common stock and preferred stock. He also showed that dividends are the outcome of investment. So, common stocks are an ownership claim against primarily real or productive asset (Higgins, 1995), but he also said that if the company prospers, stockholders are the chief beneficiaries, if it falters, they are the chief losers. Smith (1988) presented that stocks are one of the most popular forms of investment. People buy stocks for various reasons: some are interested in the long-term growth of their investment by buying low priced stock of a new company in the hope of substantially growth of share price over the next few years. Another reason he suggested that in a well established firm stockholders expect the stock growth will be stable over the long run. (Smith,1988).
The analysis was conducted by deriving additional information from available financial data and proceeding with an interpretation of the results in light of qualitative information. The group developed decision lists for a BUY or DON’T BUY recommendation and these were compared against relevant factors that
The purpose of participating in the stock market game is to explore the fundamentals of the stock market. It does this by providing a tangible, real-time simulation of the stock market, and how current events affect the DOW. The stock market game also teaches students to make smart decisions and most importantly to be patient.
Another aspect to be considered before making an investment is the length of the time you own the company’s stock . The duration of the time that the