
Share Market Game Report

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Ned Minter Share market game report Contents The role of the Australian organisation that is responsible for monitoring share trade in Australia ………………………………………………………………... page 3 The outline of the research a person should undertake before investing in the shares of a particular company ………………………………………….…… page 4 Evaluation of the effectiveness of share investment against property investment in improving a person’s wealth …………………………………. page 5 Analysis of the performance of selected shares in our group’s share portfolio and the performance of our group in terms of the purchasing process undertaken ………………………………………………….………………………………………………… page 6 The role of the Australian organisation, which is responsible for …show more content…

There are so many things a person or a company should consider before purchasing a share in a company. First of all they should do a background check on the company, have a look at the company’s growth rate over the past five years. You should then compare this growth to another company who’s selling very simular shares (in the same industry) at a simular price. You should compare the products with their prices to work out which would be the best outcome for purchase, because the other companies you find could out to be a better investment then the first option. Also look at much larger companies, like world renown companies. As they would offer a greater return than a local shop. The investor would also have to look at the risk factor attached to the investment, for example you might put in 100 shares worth $300 but you could only get $200 as a return from that investment. But you could also get a much larger return from the investment. You have to analyse the risk and make a decision from that. You would have to understand the behaviours of the competing companies, as their success could be the determining factor towards your invested companies failure. Finally you have to be sensible when it comes to investing. You need to know what you are getting yourself into when you enter the share market. You shouldn’t invest in a small

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