
Sharecropping In The 1800's

Satisfactory Essays

America throughout the late 1800’s was extremely separated. A large majority of the United States was segregated due to the vast majority of different races, especially the African American race. During this time, African Americans were newly freed from slavery. A large amount of the white men was extremely unhappy with the changes taking place and a large amount took it upon themselves to treat the African Americans as unequal as possible. The blacks were left with nearly nothing. Eventually, an idea called sharecropping was developed. Sharecropping was to benefit both of those who could not afford land and the landowner himself. The freed African Americans were very uneducated and illiterate. Most “colored” men and women were valuable farmers. Contracts for sharecropping were …show more content…

Women continued to battle for equal rights, one being Miss Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Throughout the document Elizabeth makes herself very clear about how women are treated. She continuously compares women to slaves. Indicating that the men in a household hold authority over the women he has married. Men knew that giving equality to a woman would change many things within the home. The men were alarmed that it would perhaps ruin the family relations, and concerned it will destroy their family as a whole. She made sure to indicate that a marriage should be equal in all aspects. It should benefit both the man and woman in arrangement. While speaking of separation, she mentions that if men and women would be in love within their marriage they will be happy. They will grow and prosper together, life will be shared with happiness and content. She implies that is how marriage should be. It must not be controlling, a woman should not feel owned, she should feel loved. Stanton believed individual freedom will be better obtained with women having the capability and opportunity to choose, even in a

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