One of my primary leadership responsibilities as the Principal of West Shore Middle School is to developed a shared leadership model whereby professional development and major building based decisions are created and vetted through different members of the leadership team before it is introduced to the staff as a whole. For example, administration, curriculum leaders, and the reading coach meet to create professional development experience to support our School Continuous Improvement Plan. We then meet with the team leaders to present what is created. Finally, the presentation is announced to the staff. Utilizing this process fosters a sense of collaboration to provide meaningful professional learning and building based instructional decisions.
After taking the values balancing test my score is higher for collaboration then personal. Which means my leadership values are capacity for collaboration. These values are feminine and personal initiative are masculine values. Because I have capacity for collaboration it means that I underestimate my personal initiative and if I had personal initiative it means that I underestimate my capacity for collaboration. My score between personal and collaboration were only 2 or 3 points away from each other. If I had to work with someone who had different values then me. I would have to use both leadership values styles like being or risk taker but also adaptable when working on a project. After taking the unconscious bias I scored a 3 which means
Leadership needs to concentrate on the advancement of powerful communitarian connections through backing and errand designation, and this could be the premise for across the board execution of the common authority model inside the healthcare setting, as it supports shared governance, nonstop work environment learning and improvement of successful working connections. Shared leadership is an arrangement of group level administration/authority that enables staff inside the basic leadership forms. It offers the open door for people to both oversee and create inside a group and is powerful at enhancing the workplace and employment fulfillment. Powerful collaboration is vital to the common authority approach, with an emphasis on distinguishing group
Marzano, McNulty and Waters propose five steps for a plan of effective school leadership. The first step is developing a leadership team with purpose. The definition used for a purposeful community is one with the collective efficacy and capability to develop and use assets to accomplish goals that mater to all community members through agreed-upon process (Marzano, et. al, 2005). The second step is distributing some responsibilities throughout the leadership team. The third step is to select the right work. The fourth step is to identify the order of magnitude implied by the selected work. The last step is to match the management style to the order of magnitude of the change initiative. The last step incorporates whether this is first or second order change.
20). Without a clear understanding of expectations, followers will have a difficult time making sense of goals, anticipated outcomes, and success criteria. As evidenced in observation data, Mr. Smith, Director of Elementary Education, provided direction for school administration, teachers, and instructional leaders at central office. He outlined professional development plans for elementary leadership for the 2016-2017 school year, developed a roll-out plan for standards-based reporting K-5, coordinated next steps for observation data related to school improvement planning, and established expectations for reporting student growth in literacy on a quarterly basis. Evident in his dialogue with teachers, administrators, and central office staff was his ability to listen to those in the trenches at the school level. While outlining expectations, goals, and success criteria, Mr. Smith understood that building a sense of community was critical; this leads to the next task of leadership – creating
Over the last twelve years, the Durango County Library (DCL) has had 6 directors, with 3 directors leading the library to excellence of service awards from the American Library Association (ALA) and the Public Library Association (PLA). These directors were so successful that they were able to move into director positions at larger library systems. However, 3 of the directors were eventually terminated for both poor and inappropriate behaviors. Therefore, what is needed is a way to increase the positive hires while decreasing the negative hires. Currently, the need for leadership is high within the DCL, since a director was just forced to resign. Previous hire processes have used unstructured interviews of one or two members of the library
As the Situational Leadership Model suggests, different leadership strategies are appropriate for different situations and depending on those who are being led. To be a successful leader, Wooden understood how his players handle instruction, criticism, and praise; as well as how the team learns best, what level of independence will harbor the most success, and the dynamics of the team with regard to chemistry, diversity, etc. As a famous situational leader, the ability to adapt his coaching style to changing players and circumstances attributed to much of his success. The result of his situational analysis became the foundation in planning the course of action. He believed that it was necessary to change plans to fit the unexpected “call”
Over the course of this semester, I have become more self-aware of how leadership plays a crucial role in my life. I learned this through a variety of class activities, discussions, assignments, and our group project. Because of all of this, I have learned more about how I conceptualize leadership, and what employers might look for in new employees. Through this class I have grown intellectually and as a person. In the future, these skills I acquired will effortlessly transfer into the workplace after I graduate.
stressed the feeling of being uncomfortable with ordering the students about. This would suggest it is something they are not used to (Field notes, 4th June, 2014).
researcher has the potential to encounter in the process of researching; and while attempting to use collaborative leadership.
A second recommendation to improve my leadership practices is to delegate work more frequently to my staff. While I am highly comfortable with collaborating, I do tend to ultimately take on the planning and structuring of processes. It could be greatly beneficial to myself and my employees to allow them to take the lead more frequently on creating processes. Rather than strategizing as a unit, it would be refreshing and a valuable teaching tool to allow the employees to take turns in the initial conception of processes. Collaboration is an essential tool for the success of a unit, but advanced independent thinking is essential for an individual employee. It is imperative that individual performance is as greatly assessed, cultivated, and refined as group performance. A servant leader must empower one’s employees and assist them in thriving. Empowerment is “essentially about encouraging autonomous decision making, sharing information, and the coaching and mentoring of individuals for increased innovative performance” (Sousa, 2017, p.15). By more frequently delegating tasks to employees, I
As a Success Coach I focus on birthing personal and/or professional success. This is so extremely rewarding and exciting but challenging. The challenge lies in the fact that every person is a unique and intriguing blend of experiences, genetics and beliefs. This combination drives one's perception of reality, emotions and daily choices. These countless variables make it pretty difficult to neatly apply a packaged model for success. Even though I know that "models" or "systems" do sell well and attract clients, I cannot with a straight face and a pure heart promote a surefire model or system that fits all.
Autocratic leadership is a directive style of leadership that has one leader in charge making the business decisions. The main difference between particpative leadership is that the leader is more authority driven. The leader of the business decides and makes all the decisions with no imput from any of the employees, then the leader will tell the employee of the changes and the employees have to follow the new policys having no say in the matter. Participative leadership asks employees to voice there opinions making the transition of new policies into the business easier. Directive leaders let their followers know what is to be expected of them, schedules work they need to do and gives them very specific guidelines on how they are to accomplish
A large amount of credit is given to Bass 's transformational leadership theory identifies four aspects of
Furthermore, Kaufman (2013) argued that the efficiency of the decision also gets affected in certain cases. A decision taken by an individual can be more efficient as compared to the decision taken by a group (Kaufman, 2013). As per the viewpoint of Gavan (2014), maintaining cultural diversity is considered as one of the benefits of collective leadership, but it can also turn into a disadvantage if not implemented properly. It is believed that people of different cultures and religions participate in a discussion so if employees do not have knowledge of cultural diversity, they did not understand each other, their opinions; then it can turn into conflict. Therefore, before implementing collective leadership, the leaders must provide training
Chapter sixteen discusses various leadership theories which can implemented by leaders to achieve success. The choice of leadership theory differs from leader to leader as they possess different vision and way of managing. A theory isn 't always perfect in itself, it is the endless effort of the leaders which makes the theory a perfect one. Two approaches of leadership that I prefer are Situational Leadership Theory and Servant Leadership Theory. Among many theories I prefer these two because I tend to practice those principles most of the time and I assume these are theories that I truly tend to continue in a long run.