Paul is a true 5 start SharePoint consultant! This project involved very complicated Powershell and SharePoint skills and Paul nailed. I am very demanding and detail oriented, yet Paul was able to explain complicated aspects and work with me until figuring it out the best technical solutions. I trust and respect
The group project, Macmillan and Grunski Consulting, consists of two sections. The first part explains the case about discounted cash flow analysis, by answering the given nine questions. The second part discusses the retirement planning.
Main Building – will require 7 computer stations with the most recent version of Operating System to ensure compatibility and networking capabilities between each stations and the ability to communicate between the two locations. They will require three servers, one for web hosting, one for database management and one for emergency failure of any one server. These stations should be networked to communicate with one another for proper data connection especially in the event of any one computer station crashing. Each work station will need to be linked to each server for web hosting and data backup. The cabling used for inside the main building should be 100Base TX cat 5 UTP, for Wi-Fi and WLAN with guest access that is highly secure and reliable, we recommend a device that is capable of supporting up to 15 different users with 450 Mbps. There needs to be 4 printer services in this building. Printer 1 should have
In 2014 I had the opportunity to be a Health Policy Fellow for TD & P Consulting, a health policy firm that focuses on health reform and its impact on private and public health insurance markets. As a Fellow I gained a wealth of hands-on healthcare consulting experience while honing my research, writing and project management skills. As a Fellow, I constantly monitored the healthcare policy environment and marketplace, while analyzing new developments to identify the impacts to their clients.
• In this case Deloitte & Touche Consulting Group was tasked to come in and consult with SKS Manufacturing, an auto supplier, in order to fix their inventory problems along with other issues the company was facing. Maria Chen would lead part of the team for her first time on this 12-week engagement, but would in occur some difficulties throughout the first 6 weeks of the project. The Deloitte team has a lot of work to do before the end of the engagement in order stabilize the company and prepare them for a more radical long term project that plans to “reengineer” their business process. Most of the responsibility for the slow start on the project is resting on Chen’s shoulders due to the choices she has made during the first half
The group project, Macmillan and Grunski Consulting, consists of two sections. The first part explains the case about discounted cash flow analysis, by answering the given nine questions. The second part discusses the retirement planning.
1. How is the effective of team selling demonstrated by the Reynolds team, and what are some of the disadvantages to this method in this particular case?
a facility large enough to include more space and additional rooms for providing counseling and educational services.
The un-official coffee break every day at 10 AM has significant effects in building the relationships between team members at the workshop. Therefore, the fact that Miller was unable to join most of the coffee breaks prevents him from getting to know and forming friendship with other people at the workplace.
Outline the proposed staffing plan you will use to manage this account. Include both onsite and offsite staff. John Barry & Associates plans to apply the appropriate mix of principal, senior, and junior consultant’s hours relative to each requirement. Throughout the project you will have Bob Barry as the lead. He will coordinate the efforts of other JBA consultants (outlined within a separate document) to support both the onsite and offsite requirements. In general, Bob Barry will assist in the master migration and move planning design with heavy communication with you and your team. Bob Barry will then work with 1 or more senior team members in developing the schedule to meet your exact planning, disconnect, relocation, and connection of the items being relocated from building “X” and preparing for the demo and construction phases. We will then have a separate plan for reestablishing each department within each building.
1: What recommendations would you make to John Wolf with respect to structuring the supplier relationship process for the Wolf Motors dealership network?
Bill Gates Believed Microsoft’s core source of competitive advantage was the ability to attract, motivate and retain superior people. In attracting employees Microsoft mainly targeted the stars. Stars are the core employees that can add value to the organization through their knowledge, skills and abilities (Boselie, 2010). At Microsoft there has been a hands on mentality made for ambitious people.
It’s very important to a business to have good customer relationships; CRM Software’s main objectives are to attract new customers while maintaining and satisfying their current customers and trying to win back the trust of former customers. Customers are one of the most important variables for a business owner to pay attention to, when trying to create a profit. Customer Relationship Management software keeps track of customer information to help the company maintain a strong relation with the customers. Good CRM Software brings together information from all databases within a company and gives
Some would say that internal and external consultants have a lot of the same characteristics when it comes to helping clients with problems and overall improving business and organizational results. There is a significant difference between internal and external consultants and the way they perform their duties. Internal consultants traditionally are members of an organization that primarily assist others working throughout the organization. Typically they work for larger organization in the human resource departments. According to McNamara (2013), “The typical small business usually does not have the extensive range of resources that warrants having internal consultants”. External consultants are not considered official members of a firm. The firm’s relationship with an external consultant is usually determined with a project’s contract or with a Letter of Agreement.
One company that appears to have a gap between its mission and its capabilities is Microsoft. The software giant has long had a problem with respect to innovation, and continues to rely on aging franchises for the bulk of its revenue. It was left out of the mobile operating systems boom and has failed to be a leader in either software or consumer electronics as a result (Clarke, 2010).
Some would say that internal and external consultants have a lot of the same characteristics when it comes to helping clients with problems and overall improving business and organizational results. There is a significant difference between internal and external consultants and the way they perform their duties. Internal consultants traditionally are members of an organization that primarily assist others working throughout the organization. Typically they work for larger organization in the human resource departments. According to McNamara (2013), “The typical small business usually does not have the extensive range of resources that warrants having internal consultants.” External consultants are not considered official members of a firm. The firm’s relationship with an external consultant is usually determined with a project’s contract or with a Letter of Agreement.