The documentary SharkWater follows underwater photographer, Rob Stewart, as he shares his passion for sharks and how they are not as dangerous as they seem. In the documentary, Stewart talks about how sharks are some of the world’s oldest species. Throughout history and in the media, sharks have been depicted as monsters whose only purpose to kill. Stewart shares that this is not the case. Sharks are more scared of humans than we are of them and it is unlikely that a shark would approach someone in the water. When a shark does approach someone in the water, the intention is not to kill, they are just curious as to what we are. If a shark does bite someone, the bite is only superficial and rarely serious. Sharks teeth are an ineffective cutting
Sharkwater (2006) is a documentary that was filmed by Robert Stewart, a man who spent his whole life in the ocean fascinated by sharks. Stewart's passion for sharks lead him to eventually become a marine biologist so he could spend his days scuba diving out in the ocean. His main goal shooting this movie is to inform viewers about how sharks are being killed so brutally and to persuade watchers to help do something to keep the shark population in tact. Stewart and his anti poaching crew try to evacuate the illegal fishermen out of the waters, help save the sharks, and raise awareness about the mass killings of the sharks and their rapid declining population. People in the countries that he traveled to then rallied together to protest, urging the government to create stricter laws. Stewarts’ message has impacted the countries he's visited; with his excellent use of logos, pathos, and mainly ethos he is able to impact even more people around the world.
Over the past 100 years sharks attack numbers, though rare, have been increasing. Ironically two of the most recent attacks have happened this month, which is the 40 year anniversary of the movie Jaws. these two attacks happened at Oak Island in North Carolina. The two attacks were at different times, only by hours, but on the same beach. It’s suspected that either a tiger or bull shark had attacked these two teen girls, but usually great white, lemon, spinner sharks are to blame for human attacks. Attacks this year had also been performed by a nurse and mako shark. Most attacks are categorized as “provoked attacks.” This is like a shark getting a shark bite during spearfishing, shark catching, or even releasing it from a line. Sharks accidentally
An encounter with a shark is not something that many people really want to experience. The movie Jaws definitely put the fear of the ocean into many people. Sharks have been all over the media lately; Shark Week on the Discovery Channel just ended, and several attacks have been reported over the last few months. However, on a happier note, a beached Great White was saved this weekend in Cape Cod by beachgoers who sympathized with the struggling animal.
what do you think when you here shark mabey killer, food, medsin. But what i am going to be talk about out of those 3 word is killer and not because that is what I think of shark it is what I think of humans when it comes to humans killing sharks or sharks killing humans, humans kill more sharks and I will tell the wrong in your waze. I think that sharks mistake people for pray. Sharks look for any meal they can get so when they see a surfer and they think seal or turtle. This evidences show that sometimes when you here of a fatal shark attack it can be an accident just an animal seeing some food like how us humans hunt for deer or turkey it is so you don’t starve same goes when sharks are hunting they are looking for food
The idea of the fear of sharks has been around for many years. but the real question is do we really need to be afraid. many of our fears come from the death of people because of sharks in the ocean. the real truth is that many sharks only kill because of their natural habitat and not because they are vicious. in the movie the shallows and the document tree of sharks it will explain and give evidence that sharks at some point of their killings only did so because of reasons that are not because they are bad.
The probability of being attacked by a shark is minimal; according to the Wildlife Museum, the chances are about 1 to 1.8 million chances. Their article “What Are The Odds of A Shark Attack” provides more statistics showing that a person is more likely to die from a heart disease than a shark attack. Of course, no common person knows this information, so it is assumed the number of
According to the author Peter Benchley, he thought that people thought sharks are blood-thirsty killers. People would kill sharks for the fun of it, but sharks would kill or injure humans mistakenly. Sharks would think that a human was different prey. Most shark bites are one bite.
Sharks, the scariest, biggest, baddest creatures! That's what we make them out to be, but are they really? The answer is no, we say that. We kill more of them than they kill of us, about 900,094 more. Sharks, being carnivores, are NOT natural predators of humans.
I think Rob Stewart decided to make a documentary because we need to preserve and protect sharks. They are very important for the ecosystem, especially in the oceans but also for humans. He also wanted to show us the shark finning that is being done in certain countries and to end this type of activity.
Sharks have been creatures that can date back to over 450 billion years, and have survived through all disaster and still live on Earth today. This is a great feat for anything to stay in existence for that amount of time, and hopefully sharks can continue to live on this Earth and not go extinct. There are hundreds if not thousands of species of shark from when they first swam Earth’s oceans to when they continue to swim the same oceans. The study of sharks is a very interesting and extraordinary topic, being able to put together images of what sharks used to look like compared to sharks now is just amazing. In this vast amount of time sharks have spent on this Earth there has been many things that has changed, through evolution and adaptation. Through research and personal opinion I plan to show how sharks have evolved, what has changed through evolution and the history of
Sharkwater is a documentary made by Rob Stewart, a young photographer who is fascinated by sharks. It unmasks the famous and historical stereotypes on sharks as bloodthirsty, man-eating monsters and it explains all the consequences of shark finning. This movie brings us to the Cocos Island, Costa Rica and the Galapagos Island, Ecuador. These islands are the world’s most shark rich waters where there are a lot of exploitation and corruption on those amazing creatures. Shark Week is an annual TV program on Discovery Channel that features all types of facts and discoveries on sharks.
The documentary film Sharkwater, which is directed and written by Rob Stewart, who is an award-winning biologist, photographer, conservationist and filmmaker. Stewart from childhood was always interested in the life of the seas, and as a teenager, he started to photograph the underwater life. Later on, at age 18 he became a scuba-diving trainer. Then from there he got a bachelor’s degree in biology, and studied marine biology. In the underwater seas, sharks really fascinated Stewart, but the first incident that leads him to start making this documentary film was the illegal long-lining in the Galapagos Marine Reserve. This was the start from which he spent four years filming and studying sharks undercover and facing the shark finning industry. Stewart has touched on a very serious topic that has caught a lot of attention, which is the extinction of sharks due to shark finning. In which Stewart is trying to help protect the sharks and trying to get shark finning to be banned, as well as to change the image society has of sharks. This documentary film was released in 2006, and at
Sharks are one of the most feared carnivores in the sea. There are 365 species of of sharks in the sea as we know today. All sharks are carnivores. Most of them eat live fish, including other sharks. A shark's most common natural enemy is an another shark. Most sharks eat their prey whole, or they tear off large chunks of the bodies. Some sharks crush their prey. Others take out small pieces off flesh from large fish. Sharks also feed on dead or dying animals. Sharks have the reputation of attacking human beings. But less than 100 shark attacks a year are reported throughout the world. Sharks are most common in warm seas and oceans. Whale sharks, are the largest shark known to man. Sharks are classified in the order
Shark attacks still happen to this day. There’s nothing more terrifying than hearing a story in the news of a mighty, great white shark killing an innocent person. He mentions the backlash of Hollywood blockbusters such as “Jaws” and “Sharknado 3” that intensifies one’s fear. Sharks have evolved in our
The Great White Shark is a highly efficient predator at the top of the food chain in the ocean. They roam the oceans of the world in search of their normal prey of Seals, Dolphins, large fish and other sharks, however they have been known to attack and kill humans and are then known as ‘rogue’ sharks. ‘Rogue sharks are sharks that have chosen to attack humans, perhaps because they have a taste for human flesh’ (Stacks, 2011). This essay discusses the question, should rogue sharks be killed or conserved?