
Sharon Old Sex Without Love

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Jason Chen ENG101 Thomas Reber 3/4/2015 Interpretation of a Poem Usually, it is very frustrating when you read something and you cannot grasp what exactly the author is trying to put across. Some authors, like Sharon Olds, use examples of real life experiences to try and explain something that is also happening in real life. After reading the preceding ten lines of the poem, I thought to myself that I had understood clearly what Sharon was saying. However, after getting to the tenth line, I got very confused. This prompted me to sit down, read the poem again keenly while putting down some important notes to fully understand Sharon’s message in this poem, Sex without Love. Interpretation of the Poem “Sex without Love” Sex without Love is a very …show more content…

This phrase is trying to show the disgust that Sharon feels about people who engage in loveless sex. Sharon does not understand how people are able to share this define gift without being connected spiritually and emotionally with a connection that would also connect to God. This is common thing in today’s world; people having sex before marriage, one night stands and friend with benefits. People who just want to enjoy the sexual pleasures; to just get physical without any commitments or emotional closeness. The media has contributed in a great way to sending this kind of messages to the youth and it is not the right thing to do. Sex is divine and it was ordained by God to be enjoyed in marriage when God makes a woman and a man one. Sex was also ordained by god for procreation by people who love each other and are married. This fact is well represented in the simile, “wet as the children at birth whose mothers are going to give them away.” Those who engage in loveless sex cry during and after it, tears of pain (Baker …show more content…

This particular part of the poem is very confusing. In today’s worlds, people who engage in sex without love cannot for whatever reason be compared to religious people. These kinds of people are known to be “sinners”. They engage in loveless sex for money, as a way of compensating a favor or trying to get something in return. On the other hand, religious people are divine and presumed to be godly. However, after reading the phrase several times, I think Sharon is trying to say that people who engage in love without sex and the religious people have the same characteristics (Hollis

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