The Shawshank Redemption
The 1994 film ‘The Shawshank Redemption’, directed by Frank Darabont is a film about a man named Andy Dufresne, an innocent man who is accused for the murder of his wife and her other lover and is sent to prison. The film is about his life in prison and the hope he has for freedom. The film shows how Andy forms friendships within the prison whilst also facing many hardships. It is about how Andy and his newly found friend ‘Red’ find redemption through acts of common decency. The film ends with Red being let out of prison and being reunited with his friend Andy in Mexico after Andy escaped from the prison through a tunnel he dug with a tiny hammer. The overall message that I took away from this film was that we must
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One message about hope that I took from the film was that hope is something that is needed in our lives every day. Hope is seen at the beginning of the film when Andy first carves his name into the side of his cell with a rock hammer. Whilst doing this Andy realises that the rock can be easily broken. At this point in the film Andy didn't have much hope, however when he sees the rock break the director uses an extreme close up on Andy’s face to show his newfound hope and excitement. Without this newly gained hope Andy probably wouldn't have been able to cope in prison and would most likely have ended up committing suicide. In the film Red says “It would take a man six hundred years to tunnel through the wall with it. Old Andy did it in less than twenty.” This shows us the determination that Andy got from his hope. This taught me that we need hope in our lives every day in order to accomplish new challenges that we may face. In order to benefit ourselves and those around us we must have hope. It is imperative. Having hope can inspire and motivate us to pursue the sometimes harder roads that have better outcomes. When hope is present in our lives it gives us strength to push through challenges and make something of ourselves that other people can look to as …show more content…
In Conclusion, one of the main themes that, director, Frank Darabont teaches us is hope. Throughout the film we are taught that we must always have hope no matter how tough the situation is that we are in. Without hope there is nothing but despair.
In New Zealand we have a suicide rate of 580 suicides per year. Depression is a growing problem. Depression comes from not being able to find hope. People must help each other to look for the hope. No situation is truly ever hopeless. Hope is something that we all need in our lives in order to move on and get better, as Andy said “hope is a good thing, maybe even the best of things”.
Anton van der
The Shawshank Redemption by Stephen King is both a wonderful film and a brilliantly written short story. There are many themes represented in each form of The Shawshank Redemption. The one major theme that interests me in both the film and the story is freedom. Freedom serves a large purpose for both the story's writer and the filmmaker. Both use similar examples to signify freedom, not only in the jail, but also in a larger context about life. There are many events and examples in both the film and the short story that signifies the theme of freedom. The one main difference is when the film uses the director’s technique to portray a feel of freedom for the inmates. The overall three issues used in this essay are all linked to the
The movie the Shawshank Redemption, based on the book by Steven King, I believe is one of the best movies ever made. The portrayal of prison life in the movie is the best I have seen and a star-studded cast including Morgan Freeman supports the characters and brings to life the everyday struggles of life behind bars. In this paper I will relate topics from class to the movie and discuss information we have learned through out the semester.
Andy’s hope of escaping Shawshank prison to Mexico is used by King to show the reader how hope can be a positive quality to have, such as Andy who uses hope as motivation to not become institutionalized. Andy is persistent writing letters to the state, asking for more money for building a better library. This shows that Andy is hopeful for additional funds for his library, which not only gets him on better ground with the
The theme of hope is both displayed in the book and film when Red talks about Andy’s demeanor while in prison. Red states how prison has not changed Andy and how he wears his freedom “like an invisible coat”......“He never developed the walk that men get when their day is over and they are going back to their cells for another endless night,” (King 72). This “invisible coat” is hope. It has helped Andy live on as a free man in his spirit. During his time spent at Shawshank, Andy voluntarily completed many tasks. He took over
Red is very reluctant to accept hope, even stating in the film ‘Hope is a dangerous thing; hope can drive a man insane’ and this is expressed through shadows cast on him whilst Andy is shown in the light. This idea of hopelessness exaggerates the redemption of hope expressed later on in the film, an example of this is right at the very start of the film when the man is beaten so badly by the prison guards that he dies, Andy’s asks a key question that nobody can answer; ‘What was his name?’. This hopelessness is then contrasted when the friendships are formed later on in the film, when everybody becomes close, which is confirmed when Andy bargains with the guards and consequently wins three bottles of beer for each of his work mates. Andy’s friends and he are regularly shown laughing together or helping one another to cope, Darabont successfully reflects hope into the eyes of the viewer through these friendships. Gestures such as the harmonica illuminate this point when Red begins to create music.
An important theme in Frank Darabont’s film The Shawshank Redemption is hope. The film demonstrates that hope is a good thing and shows the consequences in having and lacking hope. It is important that Darabont’s film showed the theme of hope as it us also important in our lives today because having or lacking in hope affects people personally, nationally and worldwide. In our everyday lives we are presented with cases of people having hope through our own or someone we knows personal experiences and on the news. In most cases, hope is portrayed in a positive light as it helps people get through tough situations. The film makes its viewers think about how having or lacking hope can effect out lives in reality and makes them conclude
Adversity is an inevitable component of human’s lives. Without it, individuals would glide through their existences without any mishappenings along the way and life would be nearly perfect. While this situation seems ideal, it is unrealistic and actually detrimental to personal development. The obstacles people face play a key role in shaping who they become. Without difficulties, individuals will not be exposed to real, purposeful problem solving skills. They will not receive the opportunity to face adversity head on and potentially come out victorious, all while learning a lesson and improving themselves along the way. If people become apathetic to their troubles, they are actually admitting a defeat. They will not get the chance to experience the satisfaction that is a result of besting misfortunes. In order to do this, individuals must use the pressure that these troubling times cause to their advantage by holding onto hope and the value of life. In The Shawshank Redemption, the text creator develops the idea that anyone can overcome the most terrible of situations if they remain patient, optimistic and logical. When Andy Dufresne is imprisoned as a result of false accusations, he uses his fortitude to inspire hope within other prisoners and eventually escape the harsh confinement. On the other hand, Red is transformed from a spiteful convict to an optimistic man upon meeting Andy. When individuals are placed under immense pressure over a long period of time, then they
“The Shawshank redemption” is a film in which Andy Dufresne is wrongfully given two life sentences for the murder of his wife and her lover and is sent to the Shawshank prison where Andy is subjected to a variety of different beatings by the guards and other inmates, even being raped by other inmates. After getting involved with doing the guards taxes the crooked warden forces him to hide his many untaxed revenues. After Andy escapes he leaves the jail in scandal by giving evidence to the press surrounding the warden’s dodgy dealings. This paper will be analysing how the director, Frank Darabont uses stylistic features to present the idea of hope in the film. The primary features used in this film was symbolism but there is the use of lighting
Shawshank Redemption is the story of a friendship unfolding over thirty years. It is the story of the value and potential of a person, and how anyone can find the courage to keep fighting during hard times. One of the main characters, Andy Dufresne faces insurmountable odds, while still holding onto hope. Red is the narrator of the story and Andy’s closest friend. By following their stories, we can examine their lives inside the criminal justice system. To see how society and its elite players treat the people labeled as criminals, and how those elite men become criminals themselves.
A language feature used in The Shawshank Redemption to show hope is dialogue. In particular there is Reds voice-over narration, which shows how Reds opinion of hope changes throughout the movie. Andy is a symbol of hope in Shawshank, and it is not only Andy’s hope that grows but he also affects the inmate around him. When Andy first tells Red of his dream to go to Mexico, Red says; “Hope is a dangerous thing. It will drive a man insane, it has no place here. This shows how Red thought that hope was pointless and futile. This also shows how the prison could take away a man’s hope; even turn him bitterly against the idea of it. It is only when Andy eventually makes his escape that the inmates realise how truly powerful hope is. When Red is released from prison and make his way to Mexico, he says; “I hope the Pacific is as blue as it is in my dreams. I hope.” This use of repetition shows the attitude
The Shawshank Redemption movie is about a man named Andy Dufresne who was falsely accused of murder and was sentenced to life in prison for the murders of his wife and her lover. Being in jail, Andy faced many problems of being abused, but he also gained a strong friendship with a man named Red. Many of the things that the prisoners had to face showed a sociological perspective on how life was in jail and how it affected the prisoners. In Shawshank prison, the functionalism theory, the conflict perspective, and the control theory shows the life and adjustments a prisoner has to make in order to survive going into a new world.
Shawshank Redemption is directed by Frank Darabot, published in 1995 Australia. The film focusses on the theme of forgiveness and escape. It follows an unusual friendship between Andy and Red set in a 1930’s American prison. The main focal scenes explored include: Brooks suicide and Tommy’s death. The film is to be narrated by Morgen Freeman (Red), it shows the 20 year period of Andy’s imprisonment. As a part of the analysis emphases on the scenes as it introduces the audience to the Shawshank prison and Andy’s first moments when attends to the prison to the very moment when he escapes to Mexico.
The movie, The Shawshank Redemption (1994), is based on a character Andy Dufresne. Andy is a young and successful banker who is sent to Shawshank Prison for murdering his wife and her secret lover. His life is changed drastically upon being convicted and being sent to prison. He is sent to prison to serve a life term. Over the 20-years in prison, Andy retains optimism and eventually earns the respect of his fellow inmates. He becomes friends with Red, and they both comfort and empathize with each other while in prison. The story has a strong message of hope, spirit, determination, courage, and desire.
A man by the name of Andy Dufresne was convicted of murdering his wife and her lover and was sentenced to two consecutive life terms in Shawshank prison. He was an obvious black sheep among the prisoners, but as time went on he grew relationships with the crooks and realized the injustice in the justice system. In the creation of friendship between Red and Andy, hope was spread throughout the prison. While many themes are present in the film The Shawshank Redemption, hope, friendship, and injustice are also relevant in the world today.
knowing that Andy is vulnerable, gets him on the tar duty and seems to take him