
Shayla Wiesel's All The Night

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All the mornings. Shayla go to the bus stops. The manager said to her that she needed to change her bus because somebody break the window during the early morning. She said that it was okay. Shayla was very tired because she wake up all the mornings before going to the bus stops. She always has sleepy during the half day.She likes to do exercise all the early mornings because she feel more comfortable. Every body said to her that she looks same that his aunt’s. When Shayla finish her hours she go to her house. Many people was scared she said What happen? What I can help? nobody respond it to her. She remember that a police lived in there, but she never think that something was going on for him she see that her car was on his house. She hear that the police have something disease and he doesn't think clearly. Shayla started to think that maybe he died or something happen with him because the people of the city was scared. …show more content…

We hear that he attacked somebody for the other city because he was afraid that they would attack his daughter again because people that lived in the street killed his wife. He started to attacking people because he had courage in his heart. Shayla “We think that he do that because his is trying to find the people who kill her wife”. The police left three hours after from his house. Oriel left his house he had 10 years old. He also lives in the same city where the policeman who suffered from a disease lives. Oriel said that the police had wanted to attack one day while going to the park. Then Oriel said the policeman gave him a bad headache and he could leave. Oriel told his parents what had happened on the road and his father got angry and went to tell the police headquarters where the police worked but the police ignored what the pope said.Two days later the people of the city went to the headquarters to declare that they had heard bullets in the house of the

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