
She Was Waiting To Be Talking Summary

Decent Essays

The characters in the poem “She Was Waiting to Be Told” by Deborah Garrison are husband and wife. In the poem the speaker states that she’s “Your wife”. The speaker of the poem is a Third person omniscient narrator telling the poem in past tense. The speaker knows what everyone was thinking. The speaker claimed to know your feeling in the line “So your confidence grows.” The speaker claimed to know your wife's feeling in the line “because she knows.” The speaker could be a close friend who knows about your relationship and can see how you and your wife feel.
In the funsheet you ask “What sorts of things is “she” being asked to learn, and why?” In the poem she isn't being asked to learn anything. According to the speaker “she learned”. She has learned to act like a lady for her husband. She has learned to: put on makeup,wear a dress, engage in conversation, properly order wine. The speaker told us what she has learned with the entire first stanza “For you she …show more content…

I think he remembers the physical things in his life because that place meant a lot to him. Alzheimer’s works in way we do not understand he may remember physical things better than he can remember the wife he loved. The speaker says he “Remembers the walkway he built”. He build the walkway with his hand and can remember the physical walkway and working on it.The corporeal act of building it has a strong memory in his mind. Remembering the house tells us he has a lifetime of memories associated with his home. The imagery of when the speak explains “the brick wall beside him Roses and columbine slug it out for space” is like the old man's memories. The roses are like his memory of the love for his wife and the columbine is like his memory for the house. They are competing for the same space, the columbine has won. Perhaps he cared for the house more than his wife or the disease has robbed him without his will in the

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