
Sheep Heart Lab

Decent Essays

The purpose of dissecting the sheep heart was to understand how systems of the body work together, learn the anatomy of the heart and how blood flows and pumps through the heart to the circulatory system. This relates to what we have been study in class because we are learning about the circulatory system, particularly the anatomy of heart. My lab group included myself, Lily and Daniel, it took us about one and a half classroom periods to complete this lab.

In this lab, we dissected a sheep heart. We observed the external characters of the heart including the arteries, veins, and apex of the heart. We identified the apex of the heart and we concluded that it was at the bottom point of the heart. We then started dissection of the …show more content…

The Apex was located at the bottom point of the heart. The anatomy and parts of the heart was labeled as described throughout the dissection process detailed in Methods section. Through dissection of the heart, we were able to visualize the path blood takes as it is pumped through the heart to the rest of the body.

It was visualized how blood flows into the heart via the superior and inferior vena cava into the right atrium, passes through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle. Blood then travels out toward the lungs for oxygenation via the pulmonary artery and returns to the heart through the pulmonary veins entering the left atrium. It is pumped through the mitral valve into the left ventricle to exit the aortic valve to the circulation via the aorta. The questions asked in the lab packet directly related to the anatomy and physiology of the heart which allowed to understand how the heart works as a …show more content…

The natural “pacemaker” of the heart is the initiating electrical conductor to start each heartbeat which is identified as the sinoatrial node located in the right atrium of the heart and signals for atrial contraction (Levine & Miller, 2008). The electricity travels then to the atrioventricular node that signals for ventricular contraction. The Bundle of His receives this signal and the electrical impulse is split down the septum of the heart to each ventricle. The impulse then terminates in the purkinje fibers following contraction of the ventricles ( This process is repeated with every

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