
Sheila Priestley's Play Sheila

Decent Essays

Advice to An Actor Playing Sheila

When creating the character Sheila Priestley’s aim was to show the audience that the younger generation of Birlings, and therefore the younger generation of society, were the ones who were the most forward thinking and were the most likely to agree with a policy of socialism. Sheila is also used as a means to highlight the stupidity and selfishness of Mr and Mrs Birling and Gerald. The play begins with the Birling family celebrating the engagement of Sheila and Gerald. Despite the fact that Sheila is an adult, her family are seen to treat her as a child. This should be reflected in the way that the actress presents Sheila, as this is likely to be a response to her immature personality. The actress must also be aware that during 1912 women were subordinate to men, therefore it must be clear that Sheila has a lower position of power than her finance Gerald. This opening scene has a celebratory mood, therefore …show more content…

The actress should try to show that deep down Sheila is upset about the fact that Gerald never came to see her. This line also plays a crucial role in highlighting to the audience that the relationship between Gerald and Sheila is not as happy as it had previously seemed. When Sheila first finds out the news of Eva Smith’s death she is visibly distressed and horrified. Despite the upsetting news, the actress needs to make it clear that Sheila is vein and is still ignorant to the lower classes. This is due to the fact that on of the first questions about Eva’s death is regarding her appearance ‘pretty?’. To Sheila the fact that Eva was pretty is what makes her death even more upsetting. Therefore Sheila believes that a woman’s value comes from how pretty they

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