I feel that I should receive a Sherwin-Williams Scholarship because I have challenged myself and pushed myself throughout my high school career. I have taken all of the hardest classes offered at my school in order to be well-prepared for college. By taking honors and Advanced Placement classes at my school, I have gotten the best possible education. I have also learned great leadership skills through my work on the executive boards of National Honor Society, Irish American Club, and Spanish Club. Additionally. throughout my high school years I have discovered my passion for math. While I was in grade school, math was always one of my strengths. However, once I came to high school I realized that I really enjoy learning the subject of math. Therefore, I decided that engineering would be a good field for me to pursue. Engineering is a unique field because it manages to combine math with art. Over the past four years, …show more content…
One of my long-time goals has been to run a marathon. I have run cross country and track throughout my high school career, and not long ago, I decided that I am going to run a marathon this spring. I had always thought running a marathon would be something that I would do after I graduated college and was quite a bit older. However, a few weeks ago I decided now would be a better time than ever; I was coming off my last cross country season and wanted to continue running. Therefore, I talked to two of my cross country teammates, and we recently started training for a marathon together. After putting in a great amount of effort to run countless miles, it makes other tasks seem much more doable. Training for a marathon helps me manage my time better and strive to do my best in school. In college, I also want to keep running and run even more marathons. I know that running will help keep me disciplined and definitely correlates to how well I will do in school and in my future
I deserve this scholarship because I am hard working and it wouldn’t be a waste of money on some dumb teenager and because my parents don’t have a lot of money, but I also deserve it because I want to go to college to be a police officer and protect the american people, change how police officers are looked at and so I can serve justice to people who deserve
My goal is to become an engineer, therefore, take my scholarship very seriously. I have always been on the honor roll in elementary and I have straight A’s for both quarter one and two. I never procrastinate and I complete most of my assignments on the same day they were given to me. I always participate in the activities in class and I never take extra credit for granted.
I was born to run. I adore the feeling of aching legs, winded breath, and the absolute joy of knowing I have accomplished something so utterly momentous: winning a race. When I run, I feel strong and vivacious both on the inside and on the outside. Last year, I decided to join the high school cross-country team. I was extremely excited and could not wait for practice to begin, but I was also somewhat nervous. What if I was not talented enough? What if my skills were not competent enough? What if the coaches thought I was just… mediocre? I was so nervous, I began to doubt and feel dubious about my running potentiality.
My name is Sean Spring, UH ID 1426348. On September 2, I delivered a check of $3,500 from my Schlumberger Founders Scholarship, but I still don't see it in my UH account balance. I was wondering if this is going take much longer or whether I made a mistake because I was looking forward to receiving a refund.
Now that I’ve covered why I financially need this scholarship, let me explain why I have earned it. This past year has been a whirlwind. I ended my junior year with 34 credit hours, 20 of which were earned second
I should receive this scholarship because I'm willing to work hard to get anything in life. My whole life I have worked hard
I think I would be a good recipient for this scholarship. Due to my academic achievements and because my parents moved to the United States to give their children a better life and education. With this, my parents have instilled in me a dream to graduate college and become successful. My mother is always telling me how she wants me to do something great with my life, and she keeps on encouraging me to get through college even if money is tight. She reminds me and my siblings that we can never give up and that we have to push forward because she has sacrificed so much so we can be where we are now. I am extremely grateful to Rich Mountain Community College for providing concurrent college classes at Wickes/Cossatot River High School because it gave me a great opportunity to get ahead in college. I currently, have 53 hours, and I currently hold a 3.2 GPA this semester. This has not been easy, since I work part time, but it does show me I am capable of doing it. With personal commitment and determination, I know I have the power to excel in my all classes.
I turned in my form for Running Club by the end of the week and was ready to start running. When training began, we ran a few laps around the school and I noticed as the runs came to be longer, I would become tired sooner. Miss. Ames noticed and ran alongside me. During the runs, we would discuss other topics which would distract me from thinking about my performance in the run. Later on, the coaches would time the runners to see our performance. Being timed increased my irritation with my performance; however, Miss. Ames reminded me that I was making progress regardless of what my
I work hard for what I want and what that is now is to get a college degree from Marshall University. I believe I should be selected to receive this scholarship because not only am La dedicated student academically, I am also devoted to helping my community through community service. I hope that I will be able to use my education to give back to my community in someway. Education is a major key to success not only in the workforce but in life in general, because it is the one thing that no one can take away from me. To receive this scholarship would give be a greater chance to be successful in my
1850 Compromise: Henry Clay began a series of resolutions on January 29th, 1850 to try to find a good compromise in order to avoid problems between Northern and Southern Americans. The slave trade in Washington D.C. was abolished and the fugitive slave act was amended.
Many activities I participate in require serious commitment. Most notably, I am the captain of the Cross Country team and on the varsity Track team here at Brookfield East. To be at peak performance, I must train every day. Although running is difficult, it is how I “seize the day.” To get to where I am now, it took countless hours and substantial dedication. Now I am at the end of the road, all the time I put into acheiving my goal was not in vain. I have become faster than I ever was before and have lead my teamates to do the same as we pushed each other and met with success. The demands of race also require a straightforward mindset focused on competing. The difficulties that were tolerated during the training and race are turned
I was a late-comer to athletics. So when the distance coach recruited me in tenth grade, it was a pleasant surprise to be half decent. I was deemed the most improved cross country runner in the nation, dropping six minutes for a 4K, landing me in my first state race. I have since been a contributing part of my varsity team. I have been All-Conference and All-Section for the past three years. This past year, my cross country team won state and nationals. I, myself, was runner-up in the team division at nationals. In Track and Field, I also competed at state. Running has become a huge part of my life, teaching me many lessons, especially that there is always room for
We quickly received a summer training schedule and I started training. I soon came to the realization that this sport was just what I needed. Cross-country was the key that unlocked my jail cell, and I started dropping times – fast. As my freshman season came to a close, I ran a personal record (PR) of 19:49, somewhat rare among brand new runners. At around the same time, my dad received orders to move back to Pace, Florida, where I had spent part of my elementary school days. I joined my new team but unfortunately could not perform well. I didn’t run very much after my freshman season, so I basically had to start from scratch with a 25:05 time trial. As a result of hard work, I PR’d in my last race with a 19:36, but that wasn’t the highlight of the season. I had people helping me through this struggle the whole
Buddhism was founded by Siddhartha Gautama in the late 6th century. It is a popular worldview in most of Asia and has an estimated total of 535 million people as of 2010, which is around 9 to 10% of the world’s population. Buddhism has three main factions, Theravada-the most ancient form of Buddhism, Mahayana-developed approximately 500 years after Buddha attained enlightenment and Vajrayana-last of the three forms but offers a quicker way to enlightenment.
A moody teenage boy named Jacob who thinks his imaginative grandfather is always telling stories. When Jacobs grandfater is murdered, Jacob's interest in uncovering the ysterious mysteries his grandfather always told has become his perogative. Jacob is on a mission to find out whether or not the weird powers his grandfather spoke about are actually true.