
Sherwood V.walker 's Case Of Enormous Significance From American Contract Law

Satisfactory Essays

Written Assignment Unit Four BUS3305 Introduction Sherwood v.Walker is a case of enormous significance from American contract law that involved mistake made by both parties. This mistake was as a result of the barren nature of a cow that both parties could not make it out when their contract was being negotiated. This paper analysis and provide an outline of the facts in the case, discusses the legal issues involved, the approach took in addressing the legal issue, how the court applied its approach to the facts of the case and a detail example of how the court’s conclusion might be applied in a modern business setting. In 1887, a case was heard in the Michigan supreme court between parties who …show more content…

The price was negotiated following price for cows that are used only for beef. When the price was finalized, Walker sent a note to his employee to prepare Rose for pick up by Sherwood. Sherwood also sent a note to Walker’s employee notifying him on the date he was going to pick Rose ( the cow). Unfortunately when Sherwood arrived for pick up at the schedule date, the employee told him that Walker has instructed him not to release Rose. This was because Walker discovered that Rose was actually pregnant, therefore a breeder. Breeders are worth far more cows that are used purposely for beef. Sherwood pressed forward and successfully set up a court order of replevin and recovered Rose. When he took the weight of the cow, he found that it was 1,420 pounds. He argued that he became the owner of Rose at the moment when Walker wrote a letter agreeing to sell the cow for a specify amount per pound. On the other hand, Walker argued that the ownership did not pass because Sherwood failed to weigh the cow and a final price was not confirmed. At the point, the trial was in favor of Sherwood, but Walker appealed. The appeal that took place in Wayne County Circuit Court was again won by Sherwood, and in October of the same year, Rose delivered a calf, therefore confirming Walker’s point that the cow was a breeder. As Walker determined not to lose that case, he again appealed to the Supreme Court of Michigan. Finally, the Supreme Court overruled the decision of the

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