Elements of comedy such as people in drunken states, love triangles, trickery, and also making fun of social convictions originated from tales such as Geoffrey Chaucer “Canterbury Tales” and Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night”. This can not only been seen in society, but is also proven through modern media such as “she’s the man “directed by Andy Fickman, and also many other entertaining values. Many people today fawn and cherish over the comedy of today, although they fail to realize the said comedic values derive from the old days.
There is no doubt in the fact that society today loves watching people in drunken states. This can be seen on almost any social media platform and also on television as well. Though intoxication has been seen as comedic
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She does this to ensure herself employment and to protect herself due to the fact that she is in a new place all by herself. Once she achieves this and gets herself a job and ensures her safety, the story starts to unfold. During this many funny scene can be seen regarding the trick that viola plays on the rest of the characters. Another hilarious scene rom the story is when Maria, sir toby and another character decide to play a dangerous trick on a character named malvolio. This can be found in act 2 scene 5 of the tale and shows just how funny trickery could be. The scene begins with Maria toby and Andrew hiding, with the letter had been already placed for malvolio to find. Cheerful malvolio walk down impressed with his own shadow and caring on about the affections he thinks that have been expressed to him by Olivia once he stumbles upon a letter. Though this is not the case and the three mischievous characters find great joy in watching malvolio act like a fool. All of these examples of past stories with the same comedic values that we as a society find enjoyable today show that we inherited the stigmas of our comedy from the our past. A prime example that proves the twelfth night specifically had an impact on today’s comedy would be the movie she’s the man. In the film Amanda bines the protagonist has to deal with sexism in a rough way by not being allowed to join and play I n the boys soccer team. She finds herself with the perfect opportunity when her twin brother leaves off to London to follow hos dream of music and leads his mother to believe that he is going to college. Quick to act viola asks her friend to fully transform her into a more masculine figure to fool the college and the students attending there In thinking she is in fact a man. In doing so she then allowed to play soccer again and finds herself in many hilarious situations
Theodor Seuss Geisel also known as Dr.Seuss was of Bavarian ancestry part of modern day Germany. Seuss was Geisel’s mother’s maiden name and he joked that he was saving his last name for the day he writes his great American novel. Geisel attended Dartmouth College where his illustrations were first becoming recognized in the school humor magazine where Geisel drew cartoons for this was also the first place he used the name Seuss on his works. In 1925 Geisel attended Oxford studying literature where he met his first wife Helen Palmer who would encourage Geisel to follow his true passion of drawling. It was in advertising where Geisel would make his name first after the wife of an advertising executive saw one of his drawings and contracted him
Shakespeare's Twelfth Night examines patterns of love and courtship through a twisting of gender roles. The play centers on the lead female role and protagonist, Viola, who
Barbed wired barracks, portable potties, and partition-less showers. My grandfather reminisces his time spend at Manzanar Internment Camp. While my grandfather stood in the giant shadow of a 30-foot armed tower, 500-acres of Californian dessert enclosed nearly 12,000 Japanese Americans. In 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066 authorizing the removal and detainment of anyone in military territory. When “armed police went door to door rounding up Japanese Americans and ordering them straight to the camps” as my grandfather asserted, America’s national fear was exploited. My grandfather at the age of sixteen, lost his home, his family, and notably continued to face several obstacles postwar. Thousands of Japanese Americans during the 1940’s, including Ichiro in John Okada’s No-No Boy, have had their lives reshaped by new territories, boundaries and inner conflicts. The lost of family and friends was prevalent as racial prejudices intensified throughout the nation. While thousands of innocent families were victimized in the Japanese interment camps and imprisonments during WWII, the overwhelming distress led to corrupt relationships and inner turmoil.
On the Twelfth Night or, What You Will by William Shakespeare was written in the Elizabethan era and on the movie She’s The Man by Andy Fickman it was written in modern day. William Shakespeare’s original version has been passed down and changed from the original version and authors have made many key changes to help the new generation understand the story. Authors and directors have changed the original version to help modern day society learn about the Elizabethan era in a different and more interesting way for today’s society. There are many comparisons and differences between the original version and the modern day version mentioned above. In Shakespeare’s version Viola believes her brother Sebastian is dead so she dresses like a man and calls herself Cesario to work in Orsino’s home, but in She’s The Man Viola takes advantage of her twin brother being in
whom thou still hast send” (5.8.12-15) . Macduff completely threw Macbeth down, his over confidence and ambition was tricked. Macbeth believed that anyone not born of woman he should not fear but was proven wrong with Macduff’s statement saying he was ripped from the womb rather than born. Macbeth fell, he was stuck in this cycle of violent acts that were all led by his ambition.
In spite of the promise of three weddings to be celebrated, the play concludes on a sour note when Feste, the clown, depicts life as grim, "for the rain it raineth every day" (Act V Scene i). They play’s primary central theme is that of the comic relationships between men and women. Furthermore, it illustrates the traditional, societal notions of “interdependence, and the newly emerging attitudes towards individual choice and personal desire, or as the play puts it, ‘will’” (Malcolmson 163). Although Twelfth Night is a story of love and courtship, nevertheless, it is also a “comedy of gender,” because of its ability to override the traditional Elizabethan notions of the female role through the characters of Viola and Olivia.
movie varies greatly from the original play. The frivolous tone of this adaptation fails to epitomize the historical setting, depth of characters, and poetic magnificence of this comedic play. In She’s The Man the plot revolves around Viola, and her struggle to be recognized as a professional soccer player. When the girls’ team at her school is cancelled, she decides to disguise herself as her twin brother Sebastian (who coincidentally leaves for London to pursue his passion in music) in order to join the boys’ soccer team at his boarding school. However she is instantly captivated by her new roommate Duke Orsino, and he asks her to divulge his fervent and vehement love for their classmate Olivia. The movie essentially modernizes the play in order to remove the boring stigma associated with Shakespeare’s plays but with some futile additions that distort or are gross misrepresentations of the original play.
All throughout Illyria, there is romance, passion, royalty, and an immense amount of gender stereotypes. William Shakespeare imagines the kingdom of Illyria to have very traditional norms for both women and men in his play Twelfth Night. In Scene 2 of Act 1, Viola, recently rescued from a shipwreck, hears about a duke named Orsino and instantly comes up with a plan to get closer to him. Her plan is to disguise herself as a boy who she will name Cesario and become one of Orsino's’ attendants. Right off the bat, we begin to see gender stereotypes. Why must Viola become a man in order to work for the duke? Elizabethan society “molded women into the form of the dutiful wife and mother” (Elizabethan Women). Viola could not have served duke Orsino as a woman because as a woman she was expected to work at home and be either a “dutiful wife [or a] mother”. Scene two prepares the audience for the idea of gender throughout the rest of the play. Shakespeare's Twelfth Night is very traditional play due to its ideas of gender stereotypes in Elizabethan society.
In the film ‘Her’, directed by Spike Jonze, the main protagonist,Theodore Twombly conveys the idea of alienation via technology and its possible effects, due to his depression via his divorce and his easy going relationship with an artificial intelligence operating system named Samantha. The idea of alienation and technology and its possible effects on human relationships is conveyed via the quote, “Sometimes I think I have felt everything I'm ever gonna feel. And from here on out, I'm not gonna feel anything new. Just lesser versions of what I've already felt.” Theodore recently experienced is his divorce depression, and therefore becomes vulnerable, anti-social from society and isolated himself, by spending time with the artificial intelligence
In Twelfth Night, the protagonist of the story, Viola, is displayed as a rational, sacrificial, sincere, strong, witty woman, who disguises herself as a man, to become a faithful attendant of Orsino. Viola is one with sacrificial and patient love, willingly loving Orsino, and attending to his every need. Orsino, on the other hand, is shown as an emotional man, who has superficial and transient love for Olivia. This love is very abruptly shifted to Viola at the end of the play, when Viola reveals her true identity. Through this contrast of these two individuals, we can see that Shakespeare makes a distinct different between genders, and allows to draw a contrast between characters to think deeper into their characters and purpose in the story, beyond their surface appearances.
Cross-dressing in ‘Twelfth Night’ makes Viola 's gender identity ambiguous, Viola is both a man and a woman, possessing both masculinity and femininity, therefore cross-dressing helps to break down renaissance gender stereotypes and eventually, the patriarchy. The 'original practice ' of ‘Twelfth Night’ was reconstructed in a 2012 globe production which replicated the way in which the play would 've been enacted in the Elizabethan era, by having an all-male cast. This added to the madness of the
In William Shakespeare's comedic play, Twelfth Night, a recurring theme is deception. The characters in the play used deception for a variety of purposes. Viola's use of deception involves her disguising herself as a man in order to obtain a job with the Duke of Illyria, Orsino. On the other hand, Maria, Olivia's servant, writes a letter to Malvolio in Olivia's handwriting to make Malvolio act foolishly because of his love for Olivia. While some use deception as a means of survival, others use deception to trick others and make them act foolishly.
Viola Hastings, is the protagonist in the film She’s The Man. She is a female soccer player at Cornwall University, until the school cuts her soccer team off from the after school extracurricular activities program. After the sexist coach refuses her suggestion of joining the male soccer team, she impersonates her brother and tryouts for the soccer team at Illyria. She believes the only way to attest her capability is if she is unable to join the male soccer team at Cornwall is to beat them. Viola’s character would be a negative realistic representation of women, because she’s an athletic woman who remains attractive in the male gaze perspective. In the male gaze we would expect her to be fragile, delicate and helpless woman rather than goal-oriented and driven woman in order for her to remain attractive to the male audience and characters in the film.
This essay discusses Act II, scene III of the Twelfth Night concentrating on the thematic concerns, groups of characters, language, word choice, and other features. The main themes of the Twelfth Night include the folly of ambition, love as an agent of suffering, and gender uncertainty. Before analyzing the main issues in the selected scene, it is necessary to .provide a brief summary of the scene. In the scene, there are five main characters and they continue to demonstrate the main themes of the play. The scene opens with Sir Andrew and Sir Toby drinking late in the night; Feste accompanies them, and the two request him to sing a love song. While the two continue with drinking spree, making too much noise, and becoming a nuisance, they interfere with others like Malvolio and Maria. Maria enters and tries to silence them, but it is too late since the noise has awakened Malvolio who comes and rebukes them for upsetting the family. The moment Malvolio departs the room; Maria make-ups a strategy to berate him since her writings are like that of Olivia's, and decides to jot a love letter to Malvolio as if she Olivia. The team agrees to
With Shakespeare being born in the sixteenth century, there were still three centuries to go before women started the feminist’s movement. However, with his storyline in both The Merchant of the Venice and Twelfth night, the females leads disguised themselves as males to accomplish what needs to be done. Both plays, shows the heroine choices which challenges the characters they interact with. These endearing characters shows similar and different traits. The focus of these plays was based on Portia’s and Viola’s ambition which showed Shakespeare’s respect for women.