All of a sudden I am not on the ship anymore. I'm being haled away by two men in white. They throw me in a padded cell and lock the door behind them. I start screaming, but no one answers. I’m alone in the dark and no one is listening. Until Dean apperses next to me but somehow I know he's not real and it's back to me alone in the dark.
I’m ready to fight i tried telling myself, but I’m not until I turn on my music but now I think that it is distracting me. Let's do this, it’s now or never. “For Skyrim” I yell.
The narration and dialogue was complete and did fully support the visuals to learning how to make a new style airplane. The part I was missing for me you added a small story in the beginning and then ended it. There wasn’t a reason at the end to why now at an older age to find a new airplane to make that works better then what you were taught as a child, somewhere along that line/story. The first section of the video in the beginning there was a little bit of an echo then switched to something and back to it the second time there was no echo while you talked. Otherwise this is pretty engaging.
Mom, I just survived something I wish no man would ever have to go through. Dunkirk, ma. I survived Dunkirk. I didn’t think I would make it, but I did. I know it’s scary for you, not knowing if your son made it out alive or not, but I did.
I choke on laughter at her suggestion. How in hell could she possibly think that I would agree and go with her and Diego the Brazilian bull-dozer that ripped our family apart to live with in fucking Argentina?
The couple sits on their couch in the living room of their large two story home, they moved into early in the summer, newly built, beautifully decorated. Both staring at their flat screen T.V watching pictures of their son flash across the screen with tears in their eyes.
I became infatuated with them at an early age. Video games are what got me by. They’re portals to an incalculable magnitude of realities, universes, lives. Doors to worlds that can feel so legitimate to a player, that can sculpt who they become.
I’m currently a seagull, since I’m lazy, creative, and loud. I’m lazy because almost every weekend I barely move and I sleep almost the whole weekend. Not to mention I’m a pro at procrastinating, and waiting until the last second to do homework and projects. I’m creative because if you didn’t know I really like to draw and I have to be creative to do that. Lastly, I’m loud because when I’m around my friends I’m very, very loud. (teachers you wouldn’t know this.).
He pulled up in his red Corvette Salmon shorts and a white v-neck I said wow you know how to dress down for a city guy We headed out to a spot on the lake A couple zip codes and a cup full of bait I could tell pretty fast He had more than just bass on his mind Oh I was fishing he was wishing We were kissing I was getting Madder than a hornet in an old coke can Getting closer sliding over Crowding up my casting shoulder Reaching out and tryna hold my reeling hand
Narrator walks to table with handcuffs on and sits down. A small light hangs above him. Detective closes door and walks to table sitting down on the opposite side of Narrator.
So I’m a King, with a Queen, who is no mute at all. She speaks. Also, she’s a mermaid. Confused? So was I. However, after a long conversation with my newly wedded wife, everything is still perfect. It was destiny. We had to be together.
It’s very dark and I can only hear abeyance. I can’t see planet earth, since I’m on the moon I can’t see it rise or fall. Without my spacesuit I would have no oxygen to breath. If I took my helmet off I would slowly suffer by suffocating, also my eardrums would rupture or explode do to no air pressure in space. The spacesuit also provides warmth by my body heat, without it I would freeze to death in the dark vacuum of space. I can see Venus, I see the biggest star the sun, and I can see the Milky Way. I’m able to bounce because there is little to no gravity in space, since I’m far away from earth there is less gravitational force. No one could see me in space from earth. There isn’t a telescope powerful enough to zoom into a
We found Captain Curtis and he brought us to his ship “Orion” he’s helping us cross the sea right now. Only one person was on board right now all the others were capped but he assured us he was one of us though. We talk sometimes about what’s going to happen in the future and advice on what we should do. I’m getting kind of sea sick out here but at least we get really good breakfast in the morning, COURTESy of Curtis himself. He also gave us something called coffee, it was wonderful!
I am innocent. Why don’t you believe me? Is it because of Laci? Don’t believe that bitch, every word out of her mouth is a lie. So, if it’s not Laci, why don’t you believe me? Do you think I’m crazy? Maybe, if I explain my side of the story, I can change your mind.
I awoke to beams of a dozen spotlights, my vision gradually adjusted to the brilliant white light which illuminated everything around me. The realization that I had fallen asleep during rehearsal caused my eyes to widen in utter shock and confusion.
I went to the Amalfi coast for kayaking and it was amazing! Sunshine reflects over crystal blue sea beautifully. I’m so burned out and my arms will be sore tomorrow. It’s been three months since I last saw you and missed you already. I know I have not had a chance to email you back sooner. I have met passionate professors and they are wonderful! I always wish you were here, we can have fun together. I’ve traveled to Florence, Venice, Sardinia, Milan, Naples and now I’m going to Rome soon. I’m too excited to see the coliseum in person for the first time! People here are so friendly and we become good friends.