“Shippai, a failure” – that is what my father had called me. His words resonated in my ears, like a Buddhist bonsho bell driving out evil spirits at New Year’s. Standing on
the road, that snaked up the mountain to Kegon Falls, Japan’s highest waterfall, I
contemplated what had brought me here.
Since childhood, my parents had sent me to juku, or cram classes, after school.
Even weekends and holidays had been focused on my education, leaving little time for
such frivolities as friends, television, or sports. “Work hard,” my mother always said, as
she handed me my daily cup of tea. The reward, for the financial and emotional
sacrifices, would be the social status my academic success would confer on us all.
But the pressure was
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The poignant words were written by a young student like me, before he
jumped to his death. Thousands of kindred spirits had followed in his footsteps. I pictured
myself spreading my arms out wide, and spiraling downwards, like a kamikaze pilot. My
death might bring my parents more honour than my miserable life had. As I neared the
top of the towering waterfall, I prepared for my destiny.
I heard a sharp screech and snapped to attention. A troop of grey-brown macaque,
or snow monkeys, stood frozen, facing in my direction. Fifty pairs of beady eyes stared
out from menacing pink faces and pinned me to the spot. Fear paralyzed me. My soul
seemed to float outside of my body, but my feet were riveted to the ground. I could not
breathe. Then, the monkeys began to move. Like a teaming river that had broken free
from its banks, they barreled down the tree-lined slope. I envisioned the flood of
shrieking fiends swarming and leaping on me, their sharp claws scratching and tearing at
my soft flesh. As their teeth punctured my skin, and blood spurted out, I would take my
last, agonized gasp. At least now, I would not have to jump.
But something deep inside of me shifted. An overwhelming urge to survive
terror. The thing was almost upon me, and I had no way to escape. Still I pushed myself up and
As I (Ofc.S.Diaz) was walking from store to store I (Ofc.S.Diaz) notice a person on the ground in front of Nando Peri Peri when I approached the person (Ms.Janet last name not given 65yrs old female) she was laying down on her face when she looked up I (Diaz) notice her nose was bleeding severe I ask another pedestrian to call 911 for Ms.Janet as the pedestrian was on the phone with 911 Ofc. P. Diddy and I (Diaz) kept talking to Ms.Janet. Ms.Janet had told us she was walking from carter store when she trip on her own foot and fell she believes it was her own shoes being loose that cause her to fall.Laurel Volunteer Rescue Squad came and took Ms.Janet to laurel hospital..
To break rank, to let myself slide to the side of the road… My father's presence was the only thing that stopped me. He was running next to me, out of breath, out of strength, desperate. I had no right to let myself die. What would he do without me?
"ME!" I fully came to consciousness with a scream and a realisation of the cold sweat that drowned my skin and the pain surging through my extremities. I loosed
As a child you never think that you would outlive your parents but it I could not change the cards I was dealt with. The world I thought I knew came crashing down around me because I lost the one person that meant everything to me. I was a daddy’s girl from the time I was born until now and
The fainted as usual, then I saw the creature walk near me. I felt a weird feeling, something I've never felt before. It was horrible, I couldn't breathe and I felt
Then a great force pushed me back into a tube like thing. I was squeezed and compressed, it was way too close for comfort
This text shows examples of how sacrificing your pain, health, well-being or life for your parents wants, needs, desires or happiness can make for a good death. A good example of a filial person
I had the terrifying sensation of knowing that all the bones inside my body were dissolving, as a hard, fingernail—like crust covered me all over.
Then something wispy light touched my foot and I lost it. I jerked and started twisting, kicking, and generally flailing about. The airy creature slid up my leg with ease while I screamed my head off.
I couldn’t bear to live. My father abandoned me, and his actions might take my mother away from me as well. I didn’t think
As the result of a blunt force impacting my head, most like due a rock, I slowly regained my consciousness. My vision was blurry. Hearing some indecipherable speech around me, I try to move around, only to feel a tight binding of rope on my wrists and ankles. Moving around was not an option. As my eyesight stabilized and senses regained, I realized that I had been hanging on a wooden cylinder upside down. As stiff as my body was, I moved my head around, trying to grasp my current location and situation.
They didn’t want this for me, they didn’t want me to go to dauntless. I had screwed over myself, and the day didn’t get any better. As the ceremony ended, I glance back to say goodbye to my parents. Their faces were meaningless with no excitement and life. Before I could do anything, they turned away and headed into the far distance. I knew it would be the last time I would see
As a first-generation American I knew that I was given opportunities not many others could so easily receive. I was surrounded by so much diversity and entertainment from around the world, Japan just so happened to be the one to capture my heart and interested first. From that crucial point of when my life began to unravel, it had become a goal of mine to study the language and go to the country, I just wasn’t sure how I would be able to achieve such a thing without having the proper tools readily available to me. Japanese entertainment, food and brochures had become my main source of education but I knew that it would not be enough.
Then on my feet I felt water going past my feet. Then I looked behind me and there