
Shiseido Financial Statement

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Introduction and History Shiseido Co. Ltd. is the largest Japanese company, that produces skin care and hair care products, cosmetics and fragrances, and the fifth biggest company in the world. It was founded in 1872 by Arinobu Fukuhara, who created “Japan’s first Western-style pharmacy” (Wikipedia) in Ginza, Tokyo. “The name Shiseido incorporates the founder’s desire to discover and create new values, a desire that has endured for more than 140 years and has built its unique heritage” (Shiseido group). A while after the opening of the pharmacy, Arinobu visited both the United States and some countries in Europe, and got the idea of adding to the store a soda fountain. Later began the first sales in Japan of sodas and ice creams. Shiseido …show more content…

Financial institutions hold the most number of shares and the three major holders are: The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. with 9.22% of shares held, Mizuho Bank, Ltd. with 5.31%, and Japan Trustee Services Bank, Ltd. (Trust Account) with 4.53% of them. In total Shiseido group has 42,155 number of shareholders. Ratio Analysis The graph shows Shiseido’s quick ratios from March 2013 to March 2017. Quick ratio calculates the company’s ability to use its liquid assets in order to be able to meet its short-term obligations. From September 2017, Shiseido Co Ltd. has had a quick ratio of 1.38 which has been increasing from march 2015 when the quick ratio was 1.16, the lowest for this 5-year time period. The increasing quick ratio shows that Shiseido group is in a good liquidity position and is able to complete its short-term responsibilities. The graph shows Shiseido’s debt to equity ratio from March 2013 to March 2017. Shiseido’s debt to equity ratio has had a decrease from 0.64 in 2013 to 0.36 in the quarter that ended in September 2017. If we compare the level of debt to its equity, it results that debt is less than 40% according to equity, which is quite satisfactory for the

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