
Shlomo Wiesel Analysis

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Shlomo Wiesel is the father to Elie, Beatrice, Hilda and Tzipora Wiesel, as well as the husband to Sarah Feig. At the beginning of the memoir, he is described as a “cultured man, rather unsentimental” and he “rarely displayed his feelings, not even with his family (Wiesel 4).” In the Jewish community of Sighet, Romania, Shlomo was well respected and admired by his peers who would often times seek his help regarding “public and even private matters (Wiesel 4).” When he and his son, Elie arrive in Birkenau, it is learned that he is 50 years old, however he is told by a fellow inmate to tell the SS officers he is only 40 years old. Upon entering the camp he is instantly changed and begins to weep alongside everybody, “his body shaking,” as he

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