Shonquasia responded well to the intervention. Shonquasia continues to make progress towards her goals. Shonquasia stated getting her high school diploma. Shonquasia stated, that she would like to complete high school and then go to college or in the army. Shonquasia stated, she cares about herself, being in a god relationship and being successful in life. Shonquasia stated having unprotected sex with an older guy. Shonquasia stated that she did not know that the guy was living with his girlfriend. Shonquasia stated that she regrets having sex with the person. Shonquasia stated, to fit in, peer pressure, do not know any better, and fear. Shonquasia was able to complete the scenarios correctly. Shonquasia stated, getting her high school diploma, completing college, serving in the army and getting a good …show more content…
Shonquasia stated, attending school regularly, completing high school, having good grades, having good behavior, not using drugs, and completing services in the army. Shonquasia completed the worksheet. Shonquasia stated, getting her high school diploma, completing college, and joining the army. Shonquasia stated that she have always wanted to join the army since she was younger. Shonquasia stated that she decided on the goals she knows that she can achieve, the things she like to do and how it would lead to her being successful in her life. Shonquasia stated, that people in her family thinks her goals are unrealistic, and that they tell her she cannot achieve it due to her anger problems, behavior, and discipline problems. Shonquasia stated that she will prove them wrong by completing all of her goals. Shonquasia stated, attaining profit from something the person enjoys doing and gaining prosperity in career
Annika is the freshmen Student Council President. Furthermore, she is a part of a wide variety of extracurricular clubs and classes. She partakes in Health Occupations Students of America, also known as HOSA. A couple time a year, Annika and her school’s team compete in a wide range of Health Science and Biomedical Science related events. She
Shonquasia participated in the session. Shonquasia continue to make progress towards her goals. Shonquasia stated, her wanting to take part in sports, curfew, being treated like a stranger, school work, listening , respectful, not being suspended, being disrespectful, fighting with her siblings, and not wanting to do anything productive. Shonquasia stated that she only stay away from the house for two days. Shonquasia stated that she has moved back in the home. Shonquasia stated, that her mom does not allow her to go places, and participate on the school football team, mom refusing to do thing for her, mom not threating her fairly, mom not caring about her feeling and opinions, and being put down by her mom. Shonquasia stated, fighting, yelling
Shonquasia responded well to the intervention. Shonquasia continues to make progress towards her goals. Shonquasia stated, things not going her way, not being able to fit in whit her peers, not getting along with her mom, not doing well on tests and exams, and being suspended from school. Shonquasia stated, being alone, listening to music, smoking and exercising. Shonquasia stated that when she do weight lifting she feel better. Shonquasia stated, frustration, loneliness, sadness, and anxiety. Shonquasia stated, mood swings, irritability, sleeplessness, not having an appetite, isolation and crying. Shonquasia responded yes. Shonquasia stated, exercise, interact with others and eat healthy. Shonquasia stated,” I can never do things right, everyone
Shonquasia responded well to the intervention. Shonquasia appeared to be worried and depressed, this was evidence in her body language and demeanor. Shonquasia stated that she had a bad day at school because of a minor confrontation with another student which cause her to feel upset. Shonquasia stated, fear, anger, sadness, guilt excited, joy and bored. Shonquasia stated, heart diseases, chest pains, headaches, sleep problems, back pain and change in eating. Shonquasia stated, fatigue, depression, blowing up over minor incidents, stomach pain, feeling angry all the time and lack of motivation. Shonquasia stated, using drugs, drinking, over eating, exercising, and behavior problems. Shonquasia stated, screaming, punching pillow, exercising and
Shonquasia responded well to the intervention. Shonquasia continues to make progress towards her goals. Shonquasia stated, overwhelmed, despair, frustration, loneliness, hurt guilt and rejection. Shonquasia stated that she felt depressed a few days ago, when she having difficulty falling asleep, due to worrying about passing her math class. Shonquasia stated, that she did not want to have to repeat the class. Shonquasia stated, that she got a 65 on her final exam and felt better after receiving her report card. Shonquasia stated, that she felt. Shonquasia stated, that she got angry when her mom insulated her in front her friends. Shonquasia stated that she had an anger outburst, because she felt ashamed, embarrassed and humiliated. Shonquasia
Shonquasia continues to feelings of being depress and feels worthless, suicidal thoughts when angry, frustrated, and provoked, at home and school setting. Since last review there has been little improvement with shonquasia’s behavior in home and school setting. Shonquasia continues to have difficulty coping with her anger and aggressive outburst in all settings. IIH team will continue to provide skill building interventions geared towards coping skills, anger management techniques, improving self-image, changing thought process, expressing feelings and how to react differently to anger situations. Since last review Shonquasia has not had mention hearing voices or had any manic episode. Shonquasia is encouraged to use journaling, take her medications
She realizes that the person she was as she is growing up is not who she must become as a mature youth and adult. She envisions a good life for herself and accepts that she has every right to live that life she desires. Though the Walls parents have done many wrongs to Jeannette there is one life lesson that they have instilled into her. They have empowered Jeannette with the energy and hunger to have the best education that she can obtain. ” I’ve always believed in the value of a good education” (Walls 265).
Shonquasia responded well to intervention. Shonquasia continues to make progress towards her goals. Shonquasia stated, frustration, upset, hurt guilt fear, and rejected. Shonquasia stated, that people justify their anger response, when they belief there are right, treated unfairly, to give them power, or take control of their feelings. Shonquasia stated that she justify her anger responses, when someone else trigger her anger, such as teasing her or calling her out of her name. Shonquasia stated, when violence is use as a way of manipulating, in order to get something or attempt to control another person, retaliating against someone who has hurt or harm them and as means of expressing feelings. Shonquasia stated, walk away from the situation,
Shonquasia responded well to the intervention. Shonquasia continues to make progress towards her goals. Shonquasia stated, tired, weak, strained, and sweaty. Shonquasia stated, school stress, due to exams, relationship, and getting along with her mother. Shonquasia stated, that she was preparing for exams and having to take exams, which cause her to feel very stress out. Shonquasia stated that she felt stress out, with her relationship because she found out that her boyfriend has children and lives with his children’s mother. Shonquasia stated that she would like her and her mom to get along better, and her mom being very judgmental of her and putting her want and needs las cause her to feel stress out. Shonquasia stated, that she shut down,
girl has hopes and ambition that this (being her senior year) will be the year she will talk
Researchers conduct hypotheses that suicide could be contagious. Researchers had a total of 22,064 individuals ages 12 to 17. When conducting the study they met on cycles to monitor the exposure to suicide. All groups which were separated into age had an outcome of 95% of exposure to suicide. Researchers also questioned how often certain groups were or had feelings of depression or suicidal thoughts from stressful events during the cycles. In further research, 24.1% from the ages 16 and 17 responded that someone from school has committed suicide and which 20.1%
Kevin Briggs is a retired California Highway patrol officer, who spent much of his years “patrolling the southern end of Marin, county which includes the Golden Gate Bridge” (Briggs).As many may connote this bridge with much positivity such as, to have a great view of San Francisco, others may connote it as the bridge that took their loved one . This bridge has been used numerous times for a suicide attempt. Suicide according to Vernon J. Geberth, M.S., M.P.S., is defined as the intentional taking of one’s own life (Geberth.). At a recent Ted Convention, Kevin delivered his inspiring and courageous speech titled “The Bridge Between Suicide and Life”, which argues the many consequences of suicide and the lasting effects it has on their loved ones. One of the main topics Kevin mentions in his speech is the fact that suicide is preventable and it doesn’t necessarily need to happen. In the audience of Kevin’s TED Talk were women and men who may have faced suicidal thoughts and or currently suffering from the loss of a loved one due to suicide and even the general population that may not be experiencing none of the following but are simply just listening for future references.Rhetorically, Kevin conveys this argument through rhetorical approaches such as rhetorical questions, logical evidence and even personal experience.
Throughout the story there are several aspects of the Protagonist’s character that play a major role in the shaping of her future. During her childhood she
For some teens, striving for perfection has led to harming their own health and wellbeing such as living with depression and suicide. Teenagers today are relying on what they see in ads, T.V., magazines and on the internet for their input on appearances, the way they think not only comes from media sources, but from family and friends.
Someone, somewhere, commits suicide every 18 minutes. You might never be able to tell who it will be, it could be the person sitting right next . Statistics reveal that approximately three million youths, between 12-18, have either thought about or attempted suicide in the past year. More than 1/3, actually succeeded.